ALHIWAR FI SHARAH ALAJARUMIA – الحوار في شرح الآجرومية


تأليف: السيد بن حسن الديب
تقريظ: حمزة بن عبدالله النشرتي
د. عبدالرحمن بن محمد الفقيه الجكني الشنقيطي

عدد الصفحات: 976 صفحة
الناشر: الدار العالمية للنشر والتوزيع

العربية في الهواء- ARABIC ON AIR


سِلْسلَةُ تَعْلِيمِيَّةُ صَوْتِيَّةُ لِتَعْلِيمِ اللُّغَةَ الْعَرَبِيَّةَ لِغَيْرَ النَّاطِقِينَ بِهَا نسخة الْمُتَحَدِّثِينَ بالإنجليزية

Alarabia Bayn Yadeyk – Student’s Book – Level 3 – Part One & Two – العربية بين يديك – المستوى الثالث – الجزء الأول والثاني


وَحَداتُ المستوى وكتبه ودُروسُهُ
يتكون مستوى الطالب الثالث من جزأين (كتابين) يَضُمّان 16 وَحْدَةً – 8 وحدات لكل جزء، وتَتَألّفُ كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ مِنْ 7 دُروسٍ، وبِهذا يحتوي على (112) درساً أساسِيّا وَقَدْ جاءَ توزيع الدروس في الوَحْداتِ كَما يَلي
نَصٌّ قِرائيٌّ مُكَثَّفٌ وَتَدْرِيباتُ اسْتيعابٍ – 3 صَفَحاتٍ
– مفردات وتعبيرات 3 صَفَحاتٍ
3 صَفَحاتٍ – قَواعِدُ اللُّغَةِ (1) وَتَدْرِيباتـها
تَدْرِيباتُ فَهْمِ المَسْموع صفحتان –
صَفحتانِ – تَدْرِيباتُ التَّعْبيرِ الشَّفَهِيّ وَالكِتابيّ
صَفحتانِ – إملاء
قَواعِدُ اللُّغَةِ (2) وَتَدْرِيباتـها 3 صَفَحاتٍ
بما مجموعه 18 صفحة لكل وحدة
الاخْتِباراتُ وَالتَّقْويمُ
يَتَضَمّنُ مستوى الطّالِبِ الثالث بجزأيه خَمْسَةَ اخْتِباراتٍ
أولهُا اختبارُ تحَديدِ المستوى في بداية (الكتاب الأول من هذا المستوى)؛ لمعرفَة مستوى الطالب وقابليته للبدء بالمستوى الثالث
الثّاني: اخْتِبارٌ مُصَغَّرٌ بَعْدَ انْتِهاءِ منتصف – الكتاب الأول من هذا المستوى
الثّالِثُ: اخْتبارٌ نِصْفيٌّ, عِنْدَ نهاية – الكتاب الأول من هذا المستوىالرّابِعُ: اخْتِبارٌ مُصَغَّرٌ بَعْدَ انْتِهاءِ منتصف – الكتاب الثاني من هذا المستوى
الخامِسُ: اخْتِبارٌ نِهائيٌّ شامِلٌ للمستوى في آخرِ – الكتاب الثاني من هذا المستوى

Level units, books and lessons
The third student level consists of two parts (two books) consortium of 16 units – 8 units of each part, and each unit consists of seven lessons, and this contains(112) has a key lesson lessons in distribution units came as follows
Text reader’s intensive training and assimilation – 3 pages
– Words and expressions 3 pages
3 pages – grammar (1) and their training
Exercises understand the audio pages –
Two pages – exercises oral and written expression
Two pages – Dictation.
Grammar (2) and exercises 3 pages
A total of 18 pages per unit
Tests and Calendar
The third level includes student in both five tests
The first placement test at the beginning (the first book of this level); the student’s knowledge level and its ability to start the third level
II: miniature test after the end of the middle – the first book of this level
Third: Test halves, at the end – the first book of this fourth level: miniature test after the end of the middle – the second book of this level
V: final comprehensive test of the level in another – the second book of this level

Alarabia Bayin Yadiek – Level 4 – Part 1+ Part 2 – العربية بين يديك – المستوى الرابع – الجزء الأول والجزء الثاني


وَحَداتُ المستوى وكتبه ودُروسُهُ
يتكون مستوى الطالب الرابع من جزأين (كتابين) يَضُمّان 16 وَحْدَةً ( 8 وحدات لكل جزء ), و تَتَألّفُ كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ مِنْ 7 دُروسٍ، وبِهذا يحتوي على (112) درساً أساسِيّا وَقَدْ جاءَ توزيع الدروس في الوَحْداتِ كَما يَلي:
نَصٌّ قِرائيٌّ وَتَدْرِيباتُ اسْتيعابٍ وكِتابَة (تَلْخيص)
قَواعِدُ اللُّغَةِ (1) وَتَدْرِيباتٌ
تَدْرِيباتُ فَهْمِ المَسْموعِ
تعبير متقدم
قَواعِدُ اللُّغَةِ (2) وَتَدْرِيباتٌ
كِتابَةٌ وبَحْثٌ
قِراءَةٌ مُوَسَّعَةٌ
بمجموع 21 صفحة لكل وحدة
الاخْتِباراتُ وَالتَّقْويمُ:
يَتَضَمّنُ مستوى الطّالِبِ الرابع بجزأيه أرْبَعَةَ اخْتِباراتٍ (بَعْدَ كُلِّ أرْبَعِ وَحَداتٍ) :
الاختبار الأول, للوحدات (1-4) (في منتصف الكتاب الأول من هذا المستوى)
الاختبار الثاني, للوحدات (5-8) (في نهاية الكتاب الأول من هذا المستوى)
الاختبار الثالث, للوحدات (9-12) (في منتصف الكتاب الثاني من هذا المستوى)
الاختبار الرابع, للوحدات (13-16) (في نهاية الكتاب الثاني من هذا المستوى)

Unit’s level and his books and its lessons:
Fourth student level consists of two parts( two books ) consortium of 16 units ( 8 units each part ) , and each unit consists of seven lessons, and this contains ( 112 ) has a key lesson lessons in distribution units came as follows :
• Text of my readers and exercises absorb and writing (summarized)
• Grammar (1) and exercises
• Drills understand Audio
• Advanced expression
• Grammar (2) and exercises
• Write and Search
• extended reading

A total of 21 pages per unit
Tests and Calendar:
The fourth level of the student both four tests (after all four units):
1. The first test, of the units (1-4)-(in the middle of the first book of this level)
2. The second test, the units (5-8) (at the end of the first book of this level)
3. The third test, the units (9-12) (in the middle of the second book of this level)
4. The fourth test, the units ( 13-16 ) ( at the end of the second book of this level )

كتاب تعلم العربية – الصف الثاني عشر- الفصل الدراسي الثاني- كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn Arabic – Grade 12 – Semester 2 – Student & Activity Book


اختِيرتْ موضوعات هذه المراحل مع ما ينسجم وأهداف الوثيقة. ومِن الأُسس الَّتي روعيتْ في اختيار تلك الموضوعات ما يَلِي
فَمَعَ تعدُّد الموضوعات واشتمالها على مجالات مُختلفة من الفكر، والثَّقافة كالمعارف الطِّبِّيَّة، والمعلومات، والحقائق، والاكتشافات العلميَّة إلاَّ أنَّها ركَّزتْ على ما يربط الدَّارسين بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والتُّراث العربيِّ حضارةً وتاريخًا
فالنُّصوص الأولى في الكُتب قصيرة، ثُمَّ تزداد في فقراتها تدريجيًّا، كما أنَّها تحوي – في البداية – صيغًا مألوفةً لدى الدَّارسين، وأيضًا تبدو بعض الموضوعات قريبة من أصولها، شبيهة بمصادرها الأصليَّة، وبعضها يعتمد على تقديم نُصوص أدبيَّة راقية، حَيْثُ يُمثِّل ذلك نقلةً بالأسلوب من اللُّغة الوظيفيَّة إلى اللُّغة الإبداعيَّة الَّتي تُنمِّي خيال المتعلِّمين، وتطوِّر جوانب الإبداع لديهم.
المضمون الثقافي، والحس اللغوي:
ارتبط المحتوى اللُّغويُّ بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والحضارة العربيَّة، ويتمثَّل ذلكَ في:
أ- ورود الكثير من الآيات القرآنِيَّة والأحاديث النبَّويَّة.
ب- اشتمال بعض الوحدات على القصص القرآنيِّ، والسِّيرة النَّبويَّة، وسير أعلام بعض كبار الصحابة ممّا يقدِّم النَّموذج والقدوة
ولقد حَرَصْنا في اختيار النُّصوص على التَّنوُّع بالمصادر؛ فقد أُخِذَ بعضها من كتب التُّراث، ومنها ما أُخِذَ مِن الكُتب العلميَّة، والمجلّات العربيَّة وغيرها. إضافة إلى أننَّا حاوَلْنا أنْ ننوِّعَ بأشكالها؛ فمنها القَصصيُّ، والسَّرديُّ، والحواريُّ، وذلك لارتباط كلٍّ منها بنوعيَّة خاصَّة من اللُّغة والأساليب والألفاظ، كَما حاوَلْنا أنْ نغطِّيَ في هذه النُّصوص أهدافًا لغوِيَّة، وحضاريَّة، وثقافِيَّه، من خلال الحقول الدَّلاليَّة المُختلفة للُّغة

A selected topic of these phases is consistent with the objectives of the document. It bases that were taken into account in the selection of these topics are
With the multiplicity of topics and include the different fields of thought, culture and medical info. Information and facts, and scientific discoveries, but they focused on what connects scholars in Islamic culture and heritage of the Arab civilization and history.
The first texts in short books, then increasingly in paragraphs gradually, as it contains – in the beginning – formulas familiar to students, and also look like some of the topics close to their assets, similar to the original its sources, some of which depends on the submission of literary texts upscale, where represents a shift way from functional language to language that develop the creative imagination of learners, and the evolution of aspects of their creativity.
Cultural content, language and common sense:
Linguistic content linked to the Arab-Islamic civilization and culture, and it is in:
(A) The receipt of a lot of Quranic verses and prophetic traditions.
(B) The inclusion of some of the units on the Quranic stories, and Biography of the Prophet, and the conduct of the flags of some senior companions, which offers a model and example.
We have been keen in choosing texts on biological sources; it took some of the books of heritage, some of which was taken from the scientific books, magazines and other Arab. Well we tried to diversify forms ; the mismatch narrative , and the narrative , and dialogue , so as to link all of them especially the quality of the language , methods and words , as we tried to cover in these texts targets for linguistic , and cultural , and cultural , through fields Remember different language

تعلم العربية – الصف الثاني عشر – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn Arabic – Grade 12 – Semester 1 – student & activity Book


اختِيرتْ موضوعات هذه المراحل مع ما ينسجم وأهداف الوثيقة. ومِن الأُسس الَّتي روعيتْ في اختيار تلك الموضوعات ما يَلِي
فَمَعَ تعدُّد الموضوعات واشتمالها على مجالات مُختلفة من الفكر، والثَّقافة كالمعارف الطِّبِّيَّة، والمعلومات، والحقائق، والاكتشافات العلميَّة إلاَّ أنَّها ركَّزتْ على ما يربط الدَّارسين بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والتُّراث العربيِّ حضارةً وتاريخًا
فالنُّصوص الأولى في الكُتب قصيرة، ثُمَّ تزداد في فقراتها تدريجيًّا، كما أنَّها تحوي – في البداية – صيغًا مألوفةً لدى الدَّارسين، وأيضًا تبدو بعض الموضوعات قريبة من أصولها، شبيهة بمصادرها الأصليَّة، وبعضها يعتمد على تقديم نُصوص أدبيَّة راقية، حَيْثُ يُمثِّل ذلك نقلةً بالأسلوب من اللُّغة الوظيفيَّة إلى اللُّغة الإبداعيَّة الَّتي تُنمِّي خيال المتعلِّمين، وتطوِّر جوانب الإبداع لديهم
المضمون الثقافي، والحس اللغوي
ارتبط المحتوى اللُّغويُّ بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والحضارة العربيَّة، ويتمثَّل ذلكَ في
أ- ورود الكثير من الآيات القرآنِيَّة والأحاديث النبَّويَّة
ب- اشتمال بعض الوحدات على القصص القرآنيِّ، والسِّيرة النَّبويَّة، وسير أعلام بعض كبار الصحابة ممّا يقدِّم النَّموذج والقدوة
ولقد حَرَصْنا في اختيار النُّصوص على التَّنوُّع بالمصادر؛ فقد أُخِذَ بعضها من كتب التُّراث، ومنها ما أُخِذَ مِن الكُتب العلميَّة، والمجلّات العربيَّة وغيرها. إضافة إلى أننَّا حاوَلْنا أنْ ننوِّعَ بأشكالها؛ فمنها القَصصيُّ، والسَّرديُّ، والحواريُّ، وذلك لارتباط كلٍّ منها بنوعيَّة خاصَّة من اللُّغة والأساليب والألفاظ، كَما حاوَلْنا أنْ نغطِّيَ في هذه النُّصوص أهدافًا لغوِيَّة، وحضاريَّة، وثقافِيَّه، من خلال الحقول الدَّلاليَّة المُختلفة للُّغة

A selected topic of these phases is consistent with the objectives of the document. It bases that were taken into account in the selection of these topics areDiversity:With the multiplicity of topics and include the different fields of thought, culture and medical info. Information and facts, and scientific discoveries, but they focused on what connects scholars in Islamic culture and heritage of the Arab civilization and history.Gradient:The first texts in short books, then increasingly in paragraphs gradually, as it contains – in the beginning – formulas familiar to students, and also look like some of the topics close to their assets, similar to the original its sources, some of which depends on the submission of literary texts upscale, where represents a shift way from functional language to language that develop the creative imagination of learners, and the evolution of aspects of their creativity.Cultural content, language and common sense:Linguistic content linked to the Arab-Islamic civilization and culture, and it is in:(A) The receipt of a lot of Quranic verses and prophetic traditions.(B) The inclusion of some of the units on the Quranic stories, and Biography of the Prophet, and the conduct of the flags of some senior companions, which offers a model and example.We have been keen in choosing texts on biological sources; it took some of the books of heritage, some of which was taken from the scientific books, magazines and other Arab. Well we tried to diversify forms ; the mismatch narrative , and the narrative , and dialogue , so as to link all of them especially the quality of the language , methods and words , as we tried to cover in these texts targets for linguistic , and cultural , and cultural , through fields Remember different language.

تعلم العربية – الصف الحادي عشر- الفصل الدراسي الثاني – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn the Arabic language Book – Grade 11 – semester 2 – Student’s & activity Book


اختِيرتْ موضوعات هذه المراحل مع ما ينسجم وأهداف الوثيقة. ومِن الأُسس الَّتي روعيتْ في اختيار تلك الموضوعات ما يَلِي
فَمَعَ تعدُّد الموضوعات واشتمالها على مجالات مُختلفة من الفكر، والثَّقافة كالمعارف الطِّبِّيَّة، والمعلومات، والحقائق، والاكتشافات العلميَّة إلاَّ أنَّها ركَّزتْ على ما يربط الدَّارسين بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والتُّراث العربيِّ حضارةً وتاريخًا.
فالنُّصوص الأولى في الكُتب قصيرة، ثُمَّ تزداد في فقراتها تدريجيًّا، كما أنَّها تحوي – في البداية – صيغًا مألوفةً لدى الدَّارسين، وأيضًا تبدو بعض الموضوعات قريبة من أصولها، شبيهة بمصادرها الأصليَّة، وبعضها يعتمد على تقديم نُصوص أدبيَّة راقية، حَيْثُ يُمثِّل ذلك نقلةً بالأسلوب من اللُّغة الوظيفيَّة إلى اللُّغة الإبداعيَّة الَّتي تُنمِّي خيال المتعلِّمين، وتطوِّر جوانب الإبداع لديهم.
المضمون الثقافي، والحس اللغوي
ارتبط المحتوى اللُّغويُّ بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والحضارة العربيَّة، ويتمثَّل ذلكَ في:
أ- ورود الكثير من الآيات القرآنِيَّة والأحاديث النبَّويَّة
ب- اشتمال بعض الوحدات على القصص القرآنيِّ، والسِّيرة النَّبويَّة، وسير أعلام بعض كبار الصحابة ممّا يقدِّم النَّموذج والقدوة
ولقد حَرَصْنا في اختيار النُّصوص على التَّنوُّع بالمصادر؛ فقد أُخِذَ بعضها من كتب التُّراث، ومنها ما أُخِذَ مِن الكُتب العلميَّة، والمجلّات العربيَّة وغيرها. إضافة إلى أننَّا حاوَلْنا أنْ ننوِّعَ بأشكالها؛ فمنها القَصصيُّ، والسَّرديُّ، والحواريُّ، وذلك لارتباط كلٍّ منها بنوعيَّة خاصَّة من اللُّغة والأساليب والألفاظ، كَما حاوَلْنا أنْ نغطِّيَ في هذه النُّصوص أهدافًا لغوِيَّة، وحضاريَّة، وثقافِيَّه، من خلال الحقول الدَّلاليَّة المُختلفة للُّغة

A selected topic of these phases is consistent with the objectives of the document. It bases that were taken into account in the selection of these topics are
With the multiplicity of topics and include the different fields of thought, culture and medical, information and facts, and scientific discoveries, but they focused on what connects scholars in Islamic culture and heritage of the Arab civilization and history
The first texts in short books, then increasingly in paragraphs gradually, as it contains – in the beginning – formulas familiar to students, and also look like some of the topics close to their assets, similar to the original its sources, some of which depends on the submission of literary texts upscale, where represents a shift way from functional language to language that develop the creative imagination of learners, and the evolution of aspects of their creativity

Cultural content, language and common sense
Linguistic content linked to the Arab-Islamic civilization and culture, and it is in:
(A) The receipt of a lot of Quranic verses and hadith
(B) The inclusion of some of the units on the Quranic stories, and Biography of the Prophet, and the conduct of the flags of some senior companions, which offers a model and example.
We have been keen in choosing texts on biological sources; it took some of the books of heritage, some of which was taken from the scientific books, magazines and other Arab. Well we tried to diversify forms ; the mismatch narrative , and the narrative , and dialogue , so as to link all of them especially the quality of the language , methods and words , as we tried to cover in these texts targets for linguistic , and cultural , and cultural , through fields Remember different language

تعلم العربية – الصف الحادي عشر – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn the Arabic language Book- Grade 11- Semester 1 – Student’s & Activity Book


اختِيرتْ موضوعات هذه المراحل مع ما ينسجم وأهداف الوثيقة. ومِن الأُسس الَّتي روعيتْ في اختيار تلك الموضوعات ما يَلِي
فَمَعَ تعدُّد الموضوعات واشتمالها على مجالات مُختلفة من الفكر، والثَّقافة كالمعارف الطِّبِّيَّة، والمعلومات، والحقائق، والاكتشافات العلميَّة إلاَّ أنَّها ركَّزتْ على ما يربط الدَّارسين بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والتُّراث العربيِّ حضارةً وتاريخًا.
فالنُّصوص الأولى في الكُتب قصيرة، ثُمَّ تزداد في فقراتها تدريجيًّا، كما أنَّها تحوي – في البداية – صيغًا مألوفةً لدى الدَّارسين، وأيضًا تبدو بعض الموضوعات قريبة من أصولها، شبيهة بمصادرها الأصليَّة، وبعضها يعتمد على تقديم نُصوص أدبيَّة راقية، حَيْثُ يُمثِّل ذلك نقلةً بالأسلوب من اللُّغة الوظيفيَّة إلى اللُّغة الإبداعيَّة الَّتي تُنمِّي خيال المتعلِّمين، وتطوِّر جوانب الإبداع لديهم.
المضمون الثقافي، والحس اللغوي
ارتبط المحتوى اللُّغويُّ بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والحضارة العربيَّة، ويتمثَّل ذلكَ في:
أ- ورود الكثير من الآيات القرآنِيَّة والأحاديث النبَّويَّة
ب- اشتمال بعض الوحدات على القصص القرآنيِّ، والسِّيرة النَّبويَّة، وسير أعلام بعض كبار الصحابة ممّا يقدِّم النَّموذج والقدوة
ولقد حَرَصْنا في اختيار النُّصوص على التَّنوُّع بالمصادر؛ فقد أُخِذَ بعضها من كتب التُّراث، ومنها ما أُخِذَ مِن الكُتب العلميَّة، والمجلّات العربيَّة وغيرها. إضافة إلى أننَّا حاوَلْنا أنْ ننوِّعَ بأشكالها؛ فمنها القَصصيُّ، والسَّرديُّ، والحواريُّ، وذلك لارتباط كلٍّ منها بنوعيَّة خاصَّة من اللُّغة والأساليب والألفاظ، كَما حاوَلْنا أنْ نغطِّيَ في هذه النُّصوص أهدافًا لغوِيَّة، وحضاريَّة، وثقافِيَّه، من خلال الحقول الدَّلاليَّة المُختلفة للُّغة

A selected topic of these phases is consistent with the objectives of the document. It bases that were taken into account in the selection of these topics are


With the multiplicity of topics and include the different fields of thought, culture and medical, information and facts, and scientific discoveries, but they focused on what connects scholars in Islamic culture and heritage of the Arab civilization and history

GradientThe first texts in short books, then increasingly in paragraphs gradually, as it contains – in the beginning – formulas familiar to students, and also look like some of the topics close to their assets, similar to the original its sources, some of which depends on the submission of literary texts upscale, where represents a shift way from functional language to language that develop the creative imagination of learners, and the evolution of aspects of their creativity


Cultural content, language and common senseLinguistic content linked to the Arab-Islamic civilization and culture, and it is in:(A) The receipt of a lot of Quranic verses and hadith(B) The inclusion of some of the units on the Quranic stories, and Biography of the Prophet, and the conduct of the flags of some senior companions, which offers a model and example.We have been keen in choosing texts on biological sources; it took some of the books of heritage, some of which was taken from the scientific books, magazines and other Arab. Well we tried to diversify forms ; the mismatch narrative , and the narrative , and dialogue , so as to link all of them especially the quality of the language , methods and words , as we tried to cover in these texts targets for linguistic , and cultural , and cultural , through fields Remember different language

تعلم العربية – الصف العاشر- الفصل الدراسي الثاني – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn the Arabic language Book – Grade 10 semester 2 – Student’s & Activity Book


اختِيرتْ موضوعات هذه المراحل مع ما ينسجم وأهداف الوثيقة. ومِن الأُسس الَّتي روعيتْ في اختيار تلك الموضوعات ما يَلِي
فَمَعَ تعدُّد الموضوعات واشتمالها على مجالات مُختلفة من الفكر، والثَّقافة كالمعارف الطِّبِّيَّة، والمعلومات، والحقائق، والاكتشافات العلميَّة إلاَّ أنَّها ركَّزتْ على ما يربط الدَّارسين بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والتُّراث العربيِّ حضارةً وتاريخًا
فالنُّصوص الأولى في الكُتب قصيرة، ثُمَّ تزداد في فقراتها تدريجيًّا، كما أنَّها تحوي – في البداية – صيغًا مألوفةً لدى الدَّارسين، وأيضًا تبدو بعض الموضوعات قريبة من أصولها، شبيهة بمصادرها الأصليَّة، وبعضها يعتمد على تقديم نُصوص أدبيَّة راقية، حَيْثُ يُمثِّل ذلك نقلةً بالأسلوب من اللُّغة الوظيفيَّة إلى اللُّغة الإبداعيَّة الَّتي تُنمِّي خيال المتعلِّمين، وتطوِّر جوانب الإبداع لديهم.
المضمون الثقافي، والحس اللغوي
ارتبط المحتوى اللُّغويُّ بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والحضارة العربيَّة، ويتمثَّل ذلكَ في:
أ- ورود الكثير من الآيات القرآنِيَّة والأحاديث النبَّويَّة.
ب- اشتمال بعض الوحدات على القصص القرآنيِّ، والسِّيرة النَّبويَّة، وسير أعلام بعض كبار الصحابة ممّا يقدِّم النَّموذج والقدوة.
ولقد حَرَصْنا في اختيار النُّصوص على التَّنوُّع بالمصادر؛ فقد أُخِذَ بعضها من كتب التُّراث، ومنها ما أُخِذَ مِن الكُتب العلميَّة، والمجلّات العربيَّة وغيرها. إضافة إلى أننَّا حاوَلْنا أنْ ننوِّعَ بأشكالها؛ فمنها القَصصيُّ، والسَّرديُّ، والحواريُّ، وذلك لارتباط كلٍّ منها بنوعيَّة خاصَّة من اللُّغة والأساليب والألفاظ، كَما حاوَلْنا أنْ نغطِّيَ في هذه النُّصوص أهدافًا لغوِيَّة، وحضاريَّة، وثقافِيَّه، من خلال الحقول الدَّلاليَّة المُختلفة للُّغة

Selected topics of these phases is consistent with the objectives of the document . It bases that were taken into account in the selection of these topics are
With the multiplicity of topics and include the different fields of thought, culture and medical Kalmaref , information and facts , and scientific discoveries, but they focused on what connects scholars in Islamic culture and heritage of the Arab civilization and history
The first texts in short books, then increasingly in paragraphs gradually, as it contains - in the beginning - formulas familiar to students, and also look like some of the topics close to their assets, similar to the original its sources, some of which depends on the submission of literary texts upscale, where represents a shift way from functional language to language that develop the creative imagination of learners, and the evolution of aspects of their creativity.
Cultural content, language and common sense
Linguistic content linked to the Arab-Islamic civilization and culture, and it is in:
(A) the receipt of a lot of Quranic verses and prophetic traditions.
(B) the inclusion of some of the units on the Quranic stories, and Biography of the Prophet, and the conduct of the flags of some senior companions, which offers a model and example
We have been keen in choosing texts on biological sources ; it took some of the books of heritage , some of which was taken from the scientific books , magazines and other Arab . Well we tried to diversify forms ; the mismatch narrative , and the narrative , and dialogue , so as to link all of them especially the quality of the language , methods and words , as we tried to cover in these texts targets for linguistic , and cultural , and cultural , through fields Remember different language

Learn Arabic – Grade 10 – semester 1 – Student’s & Activity Book – تعلم العربية – الصف العاشر – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


اختِيرتْ موضوعات هذه المراحل مع ما ينسجم وأهداف الوثيقة. ومِن الأُسس الَّتي روعيتْ في اختيار تلك الموضوعات ما يَلِي
فَمَعَ تعدُّد الموضوعات واشتمالها على مجالات مُختلفة من الفكر، والثَّقافة كالمعارف الطِّبِّيَّة، والمعلومات، والحقائق، والاكتشافات العلميَّة إلاَّ أنَّها ركَّزتْ على ما يربط الدَّارسين بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والتُّراث العربيِّ حضارةً وتاريخًا
فالنُّصوص الأولى في الكُتب قصيرة، ثُمَّ تزداد في فقراتها تدريجيًّا، كما أنَّها تحوي – في البداية – صيغًا مألوفةً لدى الدَّارسين، وأيضًا تبدو بعض الموضوعات قريبة من أصولها، شبيهة بمصادرها الأصليَّة، وبعضها يعتمد على تقديم نُصوص أدبيَّة راقية، حَيْثُ يُمثِّل ذلك نقلةً بالأسلوب من اللُّغة الوظيفيَّة إلى اللُّغة الإبداعيَّة الَّتي تُنمِّي خيال المتعلِّمين، وتطوِّر جوانب الإبداع لديهم.
المضمون الثقافي، والحس اللغوي
ارتبط المحتوى اللُّغويُّ بالثَّقافة الإسلاميَّة والحضارة العربيَّة، ويتمثَّل ذلكَ في:
أ- ورود الكثير من الآيات القرآنِيَّة والأحاديث النبَّويَّة.
ب- اشتمال بعض الوحدات على القصص القرآنيِّ، والسِّيرة النَّبويَّة، وسير أعلام بعض كبار الصحابة ممّا يقدِّم النَّموذج والقدوة.
ولقد حَرَصْنا في اختيار النُّصوص على التَّنوُّع بالمصادر؛ فقد أُخِذَ بعضها من كتب التُّراث، ومنها ما أُخِذَ مِن الكُتب العلميَّة، والمجلّات العربيَّة وغيرها. إضافة إلى أننَّا حاوَلْنا أنْ ننوِّعَ بأشكالها؛ فمنها القَصصيُّ، والسَّرديُّ، والحواريُّ، وذلك لارتباط كلٍّ منها بنوعيَّة خاصَّة من اللُّغة والأساليب والألفاظ، كَما حاوَلْنا أنْ نغطِّيَ في هذه النُّصوص أهدافًا لغوِيَّة، وحضاريَّة، وثقافِيَّه، من خلال الحقول الدَّلاليَّة المُختلفة للُّغة

Selected topics of these phases is consistent with the objectives of the document . It bases that were taken into account in the selection of these topics are
With the multiplicity of topics and include the different fields of thought, culture and medical Kalmaref , information and facts , and scientific discoveries, but they focused on what connects scholars in Islamic culture and heritage of the Arab civilization and history
The first texts in short books, then increasingly in paragraphs gradually, as it contains - in the beginning - formulas familiar to students, and also look like some of the topics close to their assets, similar to the original its sources, some of which depends on the submission of literary texts upscale, where represents a shift way from functional language to language that develop the creative imagination of learners, and the evolution of aspects of their creativity.
Cultural content, language and common sense
Linguistic content linked to the Arab-Islamic civilization and culture, and it is in:
(A) the receipt of a lot of Quranic verses and prophetic traditions.
(B) the inclusion of some of the units on the Quranic stories, and Biography of the Prophet, and the conduct of the flags of some senior companions, which offers a model and example
We have been keen in choosing texts on biological sources ; it took some of the books of heritage , some of which was taken from the scientific books , magazines and other Arab . Well we tried to diversify forms ; the mismatch narrative , and the narrative , and dialogue , so as to link all of them especially the quality of the language , methods and words , as we tried to cover in these texts targets for linguistic , and cultural , and cultural , through fields Remember different language

Learn Arabic – Grade 9 – semester 2 Student & Activity Book -تعلم العربية – الصف التاسع – الفصل الدراسي الثاني – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


تتكوَّنُ كتبُ هذه السلسلة مِنْ ستَّ عشرة وحدةً، منها أربعُ وحداتٍ للمراجعةِ؛ تُدرَّس ثمانٍ مِنْها في الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الأوَّل، ويكون نصيبُ الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الثَّاني ثماني وحداتٍ مكمِّلة أخرى
يحتاج تنفيذ الوحدة الواحدة ثماني حصصٍ موزَّعة على النّحو الآتي
حصَّتين للاستماع والمُحادثة، وتكونان مدخلاً وتهيئة لدرس القراءة
ثلاث حصصٍ للقراءة والمحفوظات، حَيْثُ يُعدُّ مَوْضوعُ القراءةِ هو المِحْوُر الأساس في الوحدة، يستمدُّ الطَّالب منها رصيد المفردات والتَّراكيب، وتُستنبط منه الأفكارُ والأهدافُ التَّربويَّةُ، والثَّروة الفكريَّةُ
ثلاث حصصٍ للكتابةِ والتَّعبيرِ والقواعد النَّحويَّةِ، حَيْثُ يُخصَّصُ لِكُلٍّ مِنها حصَّة واحدة، ويُؤكَّـد فيها على الجانبين؛ النَّظريِّ والوظيفيِّ للُّغة العربيَّـة في المواقف الحياتيَّة والعمليَّة
أمَّا وحدة المُراجَعَة، والَّتي تلي كلَّ ثلاثِ وحداتٍ فَتحتاجُ إلى أربع حصصٍ، وتكون تعزيزًا للمهارات والقيم والاتِّجاهاتِ الواردة في تلك الوحدات
وهكذا، فإنَّ كتابَ الطّالب يُعنَى بتنميةِ مهارات: المُحادَثَة، والاستماعِ، والقراءة، والمَحْفوظات، والكِتابة، والتَّعبير، والقواعِد النَّحويَّة، بحيث يُعين على تنمية المُعْجمِ اللُّغويِّ للطُّـلاَّب، والتَّمكُّن مِن التَّعبيرِ الشَّفويِّ والكِتابيِّ، وجودة الحفظ والإلقاء، وبراعة القراءة، وتوظيف المفردات والتَّراكيب
وقد جاء كتابُ النَّشاطِ مُستكملًا الجوانب الأخرى في تنميةِ المَهاراتِ والعناصر الـلُّغويَّةِ الَّتي تتكاملُ بها حصيلة الطَّالب اللُّغويَّة، وصولًا إلى توظيفها في حياتهِ اليَوْمِيَّة

Wrote this series consists of sixteen units, of which four units for review ; considering eight of them in the first semester , and the share of the second semester eight other complementary units
Implementation of per unit needs eight shares distributed as follows:
Two portions to listen and conversation, input and the creation of a reading lesson
Three servings of reading and archives, which is the subject of reading is the foundation axis in the unit, the balance of which derives student vocabulary and structures, and are derived from ideas and educational goals, and intellectual wealth
Three servings of writing and expression and grammatical rules, where each of them is allocated one share, and confirming the two sides; the theoretical and functional Arabic language in the process of life and attitudes
Thus, the student's book means the development of skills : speaking, listening, reading, and archives , and writing , and expression , and grammatical rules , so that helps in the lexicon of language for students development , and mastery of oral and written expression , and the quality of conservation and dumping , and craftsmanship reading , employing vocabulary and structures
The activity book was updated in the other aspects of language skills and elements that integrate the student's language development proceeds , all the way to employ them in their daily lives
The review unit, which after all three units would need to be four servings, and be in furtherance of the skills, values ​​and attitudes contained in those units

Learn Arabic – Grade 9 – Student Book & activity – تعلم العربية – الصف التاسع – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


تتكوَّنُ كتبُ هذه السلسلة مِنْ ستَّ عشرة وحدةً، منها أربعُ وحداتٍ للمراجعةِ؛ تُدرَّس ثمانٍ مِنْها في الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الأوَّل، ويكون نصيبُ الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الثَّاني ثماني وحداتٍ مكمِّلة أخرى
يحتاج تنفيذ الوحدة الواحدة ثماني حصصٍ موزَّعة على النّحو الآتي
حصَّتين للاستماع والمُحادثة، وتكونان مدخلاً وتهيئة لدرس القراءة
ثلاث حصصٍ للقراءة والمحفوظات، حَيْثُ يُعدُّ مَوْضوعُ القراءةِ هو المِحْوُر الأساس في الوحدة، يستمدُّ الطَّالب منها رصيد المفردات والتَّراكيب، وتُستنبط منه الأفكارُ والأهدافُ التَّربويَّةُ، والثَّروة الفكريَّةُ
ثلاث حصصٍ للكتابةِ والتَّعبيرِ والقواعد النَّحويَّةِ، حَيْثُ يُخصَّصُ لِكُلٍّ مِنها حصَّة واحدة، ويُؤكَّـد فيها على الجانبين؛ النَّظريِّ والوظيفيِّ للُّغة العربيَّـة في المواقف الحياتيَّة والعمليَّة
أمَّا وحدة المُراجَعَة، والَّتي تلي كلَّ ثلاثِ وحداتٍ فَتحتاجُ إلى أربع حصصٍ، وتكون تعزيزًا للمهارات والقيم والاتِّجاهاتِ الواردة في تلك الوحدات
وهكذا، فإنَّ كتابَ الطّالب يُعنَى بتنميةِ مهارات: المُحادَثَة، والاستماعِ، والقراءة، والمَحْفوظات، والكِتابة، والتَّعبير، والقواعِد النَّحويَّة، بحيث يُعين على تنمية المُعْجمِ اللُّغويِّ للطُّـلاَّب، والتَّمكُّن مِن التَّعبيرِ الشَّفويِّ والكِتابيِّ، وجودة الحفظ والإلقاء، وبراعة القراءة، وتوظيف المفردات والتَّراكيب
وقد جاء كتابُ النَّشاطِ مُستكملًا الجوانب الأخرى في تنميةِ المَهاراتِ والعناصر الـلُّغويَّةِ الَّتي تتكاملُ بها حصيلة الطَّالب اللُّغويَّة، وصولًا إلى توظيفها في حياتهِ اليَوْمِيَّة

Wrote this series consists of sixteen units, of which four units for review ; considering eight of them in the first semester , and the share of the second semester eight other complementary units
Implementation of per unit needs eight shares distributed as follows:
Two portions to listen and conversation, input and the creation of a reading lesson
Three servings of reading and archives, which is the subject of reading is the foundation axis in the unit, the balance of which derives student vocabulary and structures, and are derived from ideas and educational goals, and intellectual wealth
Three servings of writing and expression and grammatical rules, where each of them is allocated one share, and confirming the two sides; the theoretical and functional Arabic language in the process of life and attitudes
Thus, the student's book means the development of skills : speaking, listening, reading, and archives , and writing , and expression , and grammatical rules , so that helps in the lexicon of language for students development , and mastery of oral and written expression , and the quality of conservation and dumping , and craftsmanship reading , employing vocabulary and structures
The activity book was updated in the other aspects of language skills and elements that integrate the student's language development proceeds , all the way to employ them in their daily lives
The review unit, which after all three units would need to be four servings, and be in furtherance of the skills, values ​​and attitudes contained in those units

تعلم العربية – الصف الثامن – الفصل الدراسي الثاني- كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn Arabic – Grade 8 semester 2 Student’s + Activity Book


تتكوَّنُ كتبُ هذه السلسلة مِنْ ستَّ عشرة وحدةً، منها أربعُ وحداتٍ للمراجعةِ؛ تُدرَّس ثمانٍ مِنْها في الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الأوَّل، ويكون نصيبُ الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الثَّاني ثماني وحداتٍ مكمِّلة أخرى

يحتاج تنفيذ الوحدة الواحدة ثماني حصصٍ موزَّعة على النّحو الآتي
حصَّتين للاستماع والمُحادثة، وتكونان مدخلاً وتهيئة لدرس القراءة
ثلاث حصصٍ للقراءة والمحفوظات، حَيْثُ يُعدُّ مَوْضوعُ القراءةِ هو المِحْوُر الأساس في الوحدة، يستمدُّ الطَّالب منها رصيد المفردات والتَّراكيب، وتُستنبط منه الأفكارُ والأهدافُ التَّربويَّةُ، والثَّروة الفكريَّةُ
ثلاث حصصٍ للكتابةِ والتَّعبيرِ والقواعد النَّحويَّةِ، حَيْثُ يُخصَّصُ لِكُلٍّ مِنها حصَّة واحدة، ويُؤكَّـد فيها على الجانبين؛ النَّظريِّ والوظيفيِّ للُّغة العربيَّـة في المواقف الحياتيَّة والعمليَّة
أمَّا وحدة المُراجَعَة، والَّتي تلي كلَّ ثلاثِ وحداتٍ فَتحتاجُ إلى أربع حصصٍ، وتكون تعزيزًا للمهارات والقيم والاتِّجاهاتِ الواردة في تلك الوحدات
وهكذا، فإنَّ كتابَ الطّالب يُعنَى بتنميةِ مهارات: المُحادَثَة، والاستماعِ، والقراءة، والمَحْفوظات، والكِتابة، والتَّعبير، والقواعِد النَّحويَّة، بحيث يُعين على تنمية المُعْجمِ اللُّغويِّ للطُّـلاَّب، والتَّمكُّن مِن التَّعبيرِ الشَّفويِّ والكِتابيِّ، وجودة الحفظ والإلقاء، وبراعة القراءة، وتوظيف المفردات والتَّراكيب
وقد جاء كتابُ النَّشاطِ مُستكملًا الجوانب الأخرى في تنميةِ المَهاراتِ والعناصر الـلُّغويَّةِ الَّتي تتكاملُ بها حصيلة الطَّالب اللُّغويَّة، وصولًا إلى توظيفها في حياتهِ اليَوْمِيَّة


Wrote this series consists of sixteen units, of which four units for review ; considering eight of them in the first semester , and the share of the second semester eight other complementary units

Implementation of per unit needs eight shares distributed as follows

Two portions to listen and conversation , input and the creation of a reading lesson

Three servings of reading and archives , which is the subject of reading is the foundation axis in the unit , the balance of which derives student vocabulary and structures , and are derived from ideas and educational goals, and intellectual wealth
Three servings of writing and expression and grammatical rules, where each of them is allocated one share, and confirming the two sides; the theoretical and functional Arabic language in the process of life and attitudes

The review unit, which after all three units would need to be four servings, and be in furtherance of the skills, values ​​and attitudes contained in those units

Thus, the student's book means the development of skills: speaking, listening, reading, and archives, and writing, and expression, and grammatical rules, so that helps in the lexicon of language for students development, and mastery of oral and written expression, and the quality of conservation and dumping, and craftsmanship reading, employing vocabulary and structures
The activity book was updated in the other aspects of language skills and elements that integrate the student's language development proceeds , all the way to employ them in their daily lives

كتاب تعلم العربية – الصف السابع – الفصل الدراسي الثاني- كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn Arabic – Grade 7 semester grade 2 Student’s & Activity Book


تتكوَّنُ كتبُ هذه السلسلة مِنْ ستَّ عشرة وحدةً، منها أربعُ وحداتٍ للمراجعةِ؛ تُدرَّس ثمانٍ مِنْها في الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الأوَّل، ويكون نصيبُ الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الثَّاني ثماني وحداتٍ مكمِّلة أخرى
يحتاج تنفيذ الوحدة الواحدة ثماني حصصٍ موزَّعة على النّحو الآتي
حصَّتين للاستماع والمُحادثة، وتكونان مدخلاً وتهيئة لدرس القراءة
ثلاث حصصٍ للقراءة والمحفوظات، حَيْثُ يُعدُّ مَوْضوعُ القراءةِ هو المِحْوُر الأساس في الوحدة، يستمدُّ الطَّالب منها رصيد المفردات والتَّراكيب، وتُستنبط منه الأفكارُ والأهدافُ التَّربويَّةُ، والثَّروة الفكريَّةُ
ثلاث حصصٍ للكتابةِ والتَّعبيرِ والقواعد النَّحويَّةِ، حَيْثُ يُخصَّصُ لِكُلٍّ مِنها حصَّة واحدة، ويُؤكَّـد فيها على الجانبين؛ النَّظريِّ والوظيفيِّ للُّغة العربيَّـة في المواقف الحياتيَّة والعمليَّة
أمَّا وحدة المُراجَعَة، والَّتي تلي كلَّ ثلاثِ وحداتٍ فَتحتاجُ إلى أربع حصصٍ، وتكون تعزيزًا للمهارات والقيم والاتِّجاهاتِ الواردة في تلك الوحدات
وهكذا، فإنَّ كتابَ الطّالب يُعنَى بتنميةِ مهارات: المُحادَثَة، والاستماعِ، والقراءة، والمَحْفوظات، والكِتابة، والتَّعبير، والقواعِد النَّحويَّة، بحيث يُعين على تنمية المُعْجمِ اللُّغويِّ للطُّـلاَّب، والتَّمكُّن مِن التَّعبيرِ الشَّفويِّ والكِتابيِّ، وجودة الحفظ والإلقاء، وبراعة القراءة، وتوظيف المفردات والتَّراكيب
وقد جاء كتابُ النَّشاطِ مُستكملًا الجوانب الأخرى في تنميةِ المَهاراتِ والعناصر الـلُّغويَّةِ الَّتي تتكاملُ بها حصيلة الطَّالب اللُّغويَّة، وصولًا إلى توظيفها في حياتهِ اليَوْمِيَّة


Wrote this series consists of sixteen units, of which four units for review ; considering eight of them in the first semester , and the share of the second semester eight other complementary units

Implementation of per unit needs eight shares distributed as follows

 Two portions to listen and conversation , and  input and the creation of a reading lesson

Three servings of reading and archives , which is the subject of reading is the foundation axis in the unit , the balance of which derives student vocabulary and structures , and are derived from ideas and educational goals, and intellectual wealth
Three servings of writing and expression and grammatical rules , where each of them is allocated one share , and confirming the two sides ; the theoretical and functional Arabic language in the process of life and attitudes
The review unit, which after all three units would need to be four servings, and be in furtherance of the skills, values ​​and attitudes contained in those units

Thus, the student's book means the development of skills: speaking, listening, reading, and archives, and writing, and expression, and grammatical rules, so that helps in the lexicon of language for students development, and mastery of oral and written expression, and the quality of conservation and dumping, and craftsmanship reading, employing vocabulary and structures

The activity book was updated in the other aspects of language skills and elements that integrate the student's language development proceeds, all the way to employ them in their daily lives

Learn Arabic – Grade 8- semester 1- Student Book & activity Book – تعلم العربية – الصف الثامن – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


تتكوَّنُ كتبُ هذه السلسلة مِنْ ستَّ عشرة وحدةً، منها أربعُ وحداتٍ للمراجعةِ؛ تُدرَّس ثمانٍ مِنْها في الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الأوَّل، ويكون نصيبُ الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الثَّاني ثماني وحداتٍ مكمِّلة أخرى

يحتاج تنفيذ الوحدة الواحدة ثماني حصصٍ موزَّعة على النّحو الآتي

حصَّتين للاستماع والمُحادثة، وتكونان مدخلاً وتهيئة لدرس القراءة

ثلاث حصصٍ للقراءة والمحفوظات، حَيْثُ يُعدُّ مَوْضوعُ القراءةِ هو المِحْوُر الأساس في الوحدة، يستمدُّ الطَّالب منها رصيد المفردات والتَّراكيب، وتُستنبط منه الأفكارُ والأهدافُ التَّربويَّةُ، والثَّروة الفكريَّةُ

ثلاث حصصٍ للكتابةِ والتَّعبيرِ والقواعد النَّحويَّةِ، حَيْثُ يُخصَّصُ لِكُلٍّ مِنها حصَّة واحدة،  ويُؤكَّـد فيها على الجانبين؛ النَّظريِّ والوظيفيِّ للُّغة العربيَّـة في المواقف الحياتيَّة والعمليَّة

أمَّا وحدة المُراجَعَة، والَّتي تلي كلَّ ثلاثِ وحداتٍ فَتحتاجُ إلى أربع حصصٍ، وتكون تعزيزًا للمهارات والقيم والاتِّجاهاتِ الواردة في تلك الوحدات

وهكذا، فإنَّ كتابَ الطّالب يُعنَى بتنميةِ مهارات: المُحادَثَة، والاستماعِ، والقراءة، والمَحْفوظات، والكِتابة، والتَّعبير، والقواعِد النَّحويَّة، بحيث يُعين على تنمية المُعْجمِ اللُّغويِّ للطُّـلاَّب، والتَّمكُّن مِن التَّعبيرِ الشَّفويِّ والكِتابيِّ، وجودة الحفظ والإلقاء، وبراعة القراءة، وتوظيف المفردات والتَّراكيب

وقد جاء كتابُ النَّشاطِ مُستكملًا الجوانب الأخرى في تنميةِ المَهاراتِ والعناصر الـلُّغويَّةِ الَّتي تتكاملُ بها حصيلة الطَّالب اللُّغويَّة، وصولًا إلى توظيفها في حياتهِ اليَوْمِيَّة

Wrote this series consists of sixteen units, of which four units for review ; considering eight of them in the first semester , and the share of the second semester eight other complementary units

Implementation of per unit needs eight shares distributed as follows

Two portions to listen and conversation , input and the creation of a reading lesson

Three servings of reading and archives , which is the subject of reading is the foundation axis in the unit , the balance of which derives student vocabulary and structures , and are derived from ideas and educational goals, and intellectual wealth
Three servings of writing and expression and grammatical rules, where each of them is allocated one share, and confirming the two sides; the theoretical and functional Arabic language in the process of life and attitudes

The review unit, which after all three units would need to be four servings, and be in furtherance of the skills, values ​​and attitudes contained in those units

Thus, the student's book means the development of skills: speaking, listening, reading, and archives, and writing, and expression, and grammatical rules, so that helps in the lexicon of language for students development, and mastery of oral and written expression, and the quality of conservation and dumping, and craftsmanship reading, employing vocabulary and structures
The activity book was updated in the other aspects of language skills and elements that integrate the student's language development proceeds , all the way to employ them in their daily lives

Learn Arabic – Grade 7 semester 1. Student & activity Book – تعلم العربية – الصف السابع – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


تتكوَّنُ كتبُ هذه السلسلة مِنْ ستَّ عشرة وحدةً، منها أربعُ وحداتٍ للمراجعةِ؛ تُدرَّس ثمانٍ مِنْها في الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الأوَّل، ويكون نصيبُ الفصل الدِّراسيِّ الثَّاني ثماني وحداتٍ مكمِّلة أخرى

يحتاج تنفيذ الوحدة الواحدة ثماني حصصٍ موزَّعة على النّحو الآتي

 حصَّتين للاستماع والمُحادثة، وتكونان مدخلاً وتهيئة لدرس القراءة

ثلاث حصصٍ للقراءة والمحفوظات، حَيْثُ يُعدُّ مَوْضوعُ القراءةِ هو المِحْوُر الأساس في الوحدة، يستمدُّ الطَّالب منها رصيد المفردات والتَّراكيب، وتُستنبط منه الأفكارُ والأهدافُ التَّربويَّةُ، والثَّروة الفكريَّةُ

ثلاث حصصٍ للكتابةِ والتَّعبيرِ والقواعد النَّحويَّةِ، حَيْثُ يُخصَّصُ لِكُلٍّ مِنها حصَّة واحدة،  ويُؤكَّـد فيها على الجانبين؛ النَّظريِّ والوظيفيِّ للُّغة العربيَّـة في المواقف الحياتيَّة والعمليَّة

أمَّا وحدة المُراجَعَة، والَّتي تلي كلَّ ثلاثِ وحداتٍ فَتحتاجُ إلى أربع حصصٍ، وتكون تعزيزًا للمهارات والقيم والاتِّجاهاتِ الواردة في تلك الوحدات

وهكذا، فإنَّ كتابَ الطّالب يُعنَى بتنميةِ مهارات: المُحادَثَة، والاستماعِ، والقراءة، والمَحْفوظات، والكِتابة، والتَّعبير، والقواعِد النَّحويَّة، بحيث يُعين على تنمية المُعْجمِ اللُّغويِّ للطُّـلاَّب، والتَّمكُّن مِن التَّعبيرِ الشَّفويِّ والكِتابيِّ، وجودة الحفظ والإلقاء، وبراعة القراءة، وتوظيف المفردات والتَّراكيب

وقد جاء كتابُ النَّشاطِ مُستكملًا الجوانب الأخرى في تنميةِ المَهاراتِ والعناصر الـلُّغويَّةِ الَّتي تتكاملُ بها حصيلة الطَّالب اللُّغويَّة، وصولًا إلى توظيفها في حياتهِ اليَوْمِيَّة

Wrote this series consists of sixteen units, of which four units for review ; considering eight of them in the first semester , and the share of the second semester eight other complementary units

Implementation of per unit needs eight shares distributed as follows

 Two portions to listen and conversation , and  input and the creation of a reading lesson

Three servings of reading and archives , which is the subject of reading is the foundation axis in the unit , the balance of which derives student vocabulary and structures , and are derived from ideas and educational goals, and intellectual wealth
Three servings of writing and expression and grammatical rules , where each of them is allocated one share , and confirming the two sides ; the theoretical and functional Arabic language in the process of life and attitudes
The review unit, which after all three units would need to be four servings, and be in furtherance of the skills, values ​​and attitudes contained in those units

Thus, the student's book means the development of skills: speaking, listening, reading, and archives, and writing, and expression, and grammatical rules, so that helps in the lexicon of language for students development, and mastery of oral and written expression, and the quality of conservation and dumping, and craftsmanship reading, employing vocabulary and structures

The activity book was updated in the other aspects of language skills and elements that integrate the student's language development proceeds, all the way to employ them in their daily lives

Learn Arabic – Grade 1 – Semester 1 Student’s & Activity Book – تعلم العربية – الصف الأول – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط



وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections. Considering the first three sections of the first semester, and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student’s book is based on the text of a narrative, or story, or dialogue; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities, which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit, consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil – written Activity (1-6) – Teacher’s Guide.

Learn Arabic – Grade 5 Student & activity – تعلم العربية – الصف الخامس – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني

يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester

Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

Learn Arabic – Grade 6 Student & Activity Book تعلم العربية – الصف السادس – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

And units of the book and its lessons
This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

Learn Arabic – Grade 4 Student & Activity Book تعلم العربية – الصف الرابع – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه

تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ.
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in six pages .
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

Learning the Arabic language Book- Grade 2 – semester 2 – Student & Activity Book – تعلم العربية – الصف الثاني – الفصل الدراسي الثاني – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

تعلم العربية – الصف الثالث – الفصل الدراسي الثاني – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط Learning the Arabic language Book- Grade 3 – semester 2 – Student & Activity Book


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا

تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

Learning the Arabic language Book – Year 03 I semester – Student + Activity Book -كتاب تعلم العربية – الصف الثالث – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا

تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

Learn Arabic – Grade 2 – semester 1 – Student & Activity Book – تعلم العربية – الصف الثاني – الفصل الدراسي الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

Learn Arabic – Grade 1- Semester 1 – Student’s & Activity Book – تعلم العربية – الصف الأول –الفصل الأول – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

Learn Arabic – Graden1 – Semester 2- Student & Activity Book – تعلم العربية – الصف الأول – الفصل الدراسي الثاني – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


وحدات الكتاب ودروسه
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم

This series consists of six sections . Considering the first three sections of the first semester , and the remaining three sections in the second semester
Each section includes four units , the fourth unit of which dedicated to the review , each unit on the three lessons , and the units of the six audited Vthtoa each of them two lessons ; and this book includes 24 educational unit ( including 6 for review) , and ( 66) a lesson
Module design
Each unit of the student's book is based on the text of a narrative , or story , or dialogue ; longer axis that emanate from it all language activities , which consists of three classes in the six-page
The special audit unit , consists of two lessons in the four first lesson pages and deals with topics as
Each level contains: a written pupil - written Activity ( 1-6 ) - Teacher's Guide

Learn The Arabic Language – Preparatory – Teacher’s Book تعلم العربية -مستوى التمهيدي – كتاب المعلم


لتحقيق أهداف تعليم اللغة العربية لطلاب هذه المرحلة عملت مناهج العالمية على استخدام أحدث الأساليب العلمية والتربوية في إعداد مناهج متخصصة يمكنها بناء جيل قادر على تعلم لغة القرآن الكريم
تشتمل كتب هذه المرحلة على كتاب التلميذ مع CD، الجزئين الأول والثاني
كتاب النشاط الجزئين الأول والثاني
دليل المعلم الجزئين الأول والثاني
تتألف السلسلة من 6 كتب، وقرصين مدمجين

To achieve the objectives of the Arabic language education for students of this stage worked global curriculum on the use of the latest scientific and educational methods in the preparation of specialized curricula can build a generation capable of learning the language of the Koran
Wrote a book on this stage the student with CD include , first and second parts
Book Parts I and II activity
The teacher first and second parts guide
Series consists of six books, two CDs

Learn The Arabic Language – kindergarten – Teacher’s Book تعلم العربية – مستوى الروضة – كتاب المعلم


تتكون هذه السلسلة من ثلاثة كتب لكل مرحلة: كتاب التلميذ، كتاب النشاط ودليل للمعلم
صممت هذه الكتب الثلاثة لتتكامل فيما بينها بحيث تخدم بناء دروس كل مرحلة
يحتوي كتاب التلميذ على 8 وحدات تعليمية، تشمل كل وحدة عدة دروس، كل منها يعرض حرفاً واحداً
لقد حرصت مؤسسة مناهج العالمية على أن تكون كتب هاتين المرحلتين صديقة للعائلة قدر الإمكان، لتمكن الأطفال من التفاعل وتحقيق الأهداف التعليمية التي تضمنتها الكتب. ولتحقيق ذلك أظهرت في الكتب شخصيتين طفوليتين مبهجتين تعيشان مع أفراد الأسرة بشكل حقيقي: شخصية (بلبل) في كتب مرحلة التمهيدي و(كتكوت) في كتب الروضة، وكلاهما يساعد في جعل المواد التعليمية أقرب إلى قلوب وعقول الأطفال.
كتب رياض الأطفال تهيء الطفل لدخول المرحلة الابتدائية من خلال اشتمالها على مجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة الكتابية، التي تمكن الأطفال من إتقان المهارات الأساسية للغة: القراءة، الاستماع، التحدث والكتابة

This series consists of three books for each stage : the student book , activity book and a teacher's guide
These three books are designed to integrate with each other to serve building lessons every stage
Student Book on 8 educational units contain , each unit includes several lessons , each of which displays a single letter
Global Curriculum Foundation was keen to be written these family-friendly phases as much as possible, to enable children to interact and achieve the educational objectives contained in the books. To achieve that showed two characters in the books Tefolitin Mpehjtin living with family members is real: personal (Bulbul) in the books of the preliminary stage and (chick) in the books of the kindergarten, both of which help in making educational materials closer to the hearts and minds of children.
Wrote kindergarten predispose a child to enter primary school through they contain a variety of writing activities, which enable children to master the basic skills of the language: reading, listening, speaking and writing

Learn The Arabic Language – kindergarten – Student & activity Book – تعلم العربية – مستوى الروضة – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط


تتكون هذه السلسلة من ثلاثة كتب لكل مرحلة: كتاب التلميذ، كتاب النشاط ودليل للمعلم
صممت هذه الكتب الثلاثة لتتكامل فيما بينها بحيث تخدم بناء دروس كل مرحلة
يحتوي كتاب التلميذ على 8 وحدات تعليمية، تشمل كل وحدة عدة دروس، كل منها يعرض حرفاً واحداً
لقد حرصت مؤسسة مناهج العالمية على أن تكون كتب هاتين المرحلتين صديقة للعائلة قدر الإمكان، لتمكن الأطفال من التفاعل وتحقيق الأهداف التعليمية التي تضمنتها الكتب. ولتحقيق ذلك أظهرت في الكتب شخصيتين طفوليتين مبهجتين تعيشان مع أفراد الأسرة بشكل حقيقي: شخصية (بلبل) في كتب مرحلة التمهيدي و(كتكوت) في كتب الروضة، وكلاهما يساعد في جعل المواد التعليمية أقرب إلى قلوب وعقول الأطفال
كتب رياض الأطفال تهيء الطفل لدخول المرحلة الابتدائية من خلال اشتمالها على مجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة الكتابية، التي تمكن الأطفال من إتقان المهارات الأساسية للغة: القراءة، الاستماع، التحدث والكتابة

This series consists of three books for each stage : the student book , activity book and a teacher's guide
These three books are designed to integrate with each other to serve building lessons every stage
Student Book on 8 educational units contain , each unit includes several lessons , each of which displays a single letter
Global Curriculum Foundation was keen to be written these family-friendly phases as much as possible, to enable children to interact and achieve the educational objectives contained in the books. To achieve that showed two characters in the books Tefolitin Mpehjtin living with family members is real: personal (Bulbul) in the books of the preliminary stage and (chick) in the books of the kindergarten, both of which help in making educational materials closer to the hearts and minds of children
Wrote kindergarten predispose a child to enter primary school through they contain a variety of writing activities, which enable children to master the basic skills of the language: reading, listening, speaking and writing

ِArabic Course For English Speaking Students Part 3 -دروس اللغة العربية المستوى 3


The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegeses, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature. It is concise (consisting of only three books, reasonably short) but extensive in their coverage. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It Helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry.
Pages: 500
Size cm: 17×24 Cm
Binding:Hard Back
Author: DR .V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Darussalam

Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students 2 – دروس اللغة العربية رقم 2 (UKIA)


The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegesis, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature. It is concise (consisting of only three books, reasonably short) but extensive in their coverage. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. The author presents Arabic as a living and vibrant language and takes examples from Arabic in everyday use, as also from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, so that student learns the language. He also acquires an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. In this way, ethical teachings are infused into the whole, and the student becomes directly involved in the study of the Qu’ran and the Sunnah while simultaneously acquiring a sound understanding of the Arabic language.
Binding: Soft Cover
Author: Dr V Abdur Rahim
Publisher: UK Islamic Academy

أساس اللغة العربية لتعليم غير الناطقين بها – 3


أساس اللغة العربية لتعليم غير الناطقين بها – 3

أ. محمد واضح رشيد الحسني الندوي
أ. محمد نعمان الدين الندوي
د. محسن العثماني الندوي
سيد عبد الماجد الغوري الندوي

أساس اللغة العربية لتعليم غير الناطقين بها -2


أساس اللغة العربية لتعليم غير الناطقين بها -1
أ. محمد واضح رشيد الحسني الندوي
أ. محمد نعمان الدين الندوي
د. محسن العثماني الندوي
سيد عبد الماجد الغوري الندوي

Children’s Arabic Alphabet Workbook 1


This is the first workbook in the series aimed at helping children to learn the Arabic Alphabet letters in an active and enjoyable way. Each letter is presented individually to encourage recognition. Various letter Dot exercises follow to emphasise recognition. This workbook focuses specifically on the original Alphabet shapes. Each page now includes a box at the bottom for marking the exercise. Marks can then be transferred to the assessment table at the back where teachers can add up all the marks to calculate a final percentage. Notes for teachers are also included.
Paperback: 40 pages
Publisher: Ilm Foundation; 1st edition (2012)

Children’s Arabic Alphabet Workbooks) (Arabic)


Thisn is the second in a series of three workbooks desigend to help children in reception or year one (5 – 8 yr olds) to learn the Arabic alphabet. Due to unforseen circumstances the second workbook is available and the first will be published shortly – the third is planned to be published shortly after that. Currently, there are few workbooks available to provide resources to make the learning of the arabic alphabet interesting for children. This series is also focused on providing educational emphasis and is the result of a few years of tried and tested worksheets by a Masjid Ustaadh (teacher) who has upto 20 years experience in teaching children. Wholesale orders welcome – please contact seller.
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Ilm Foundation; 1 edition (2012)
Language: Arabic

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 6


Description from the publisher :
Professor Abdur Rahim, Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, has authored texts designed to impart a knowledge of classical Arabic through applied grammar. Each lesson, based on a conversation, illustrates distinctive language patterns. These patterns are elucidated by a variety of helpful exercises. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to modern Arabic.

This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.

About the author(s):
Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Professor Abdur Rahim is the Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Pages: 108
Year of Publication: 2013
Size cm: 22×28
Binding: Softback
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 5


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.
A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 108
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: A3
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 4


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.
A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 91
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: A3
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 3


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.
A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 104
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: 21×27
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodword

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 2


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.

A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 87
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: A3
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 1


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Center of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.
A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: 21×30
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Gateway to Arabic Book 7 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic Book Seven adds to the student’s knowledge of the derived forms of Arabic verbs by teaching Forms Five to Ten inclusive, supported by written exercises. The key theme running through the book is overseas travel, and dialogues include dealing with lost luggage at the airport, calling a taxi, booking a hotel room and exchanging money.
Pages: 68
Binding: paper back
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Gateway to Arabic Book 6 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises.
Book Six concentrates on teaching Form Two, Three and Four Verbs in a comprehensive manner, covering regular and irregular verbs in various moods and tenses. It introduces the subjunctive and jussive moods and the particles that govern them. The key theme running through the book is the weather and seasons and the student will learn to talk about the temperature and climate in various parts of the world at different times of the year. As usual, passages of dialogue and extensive exercises enable the student to put into practice the knowledge he/she has acquired.
Size cm: 22×27
Binding: Paper back
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Gateway to Arabic Book 4 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises.

Gateway to Arabic Book Four focuses on family relationships and life in the home. It builds upon the student’s knowledge of past, present and imperative verbs by introducing some hollow, doubled root letter and ‘hamzated’ verb forms. Each topic is reinforced through the provision of realistic dialogues to enable the student to gain greater confidence and fluency in using Arabic.
Pages: 68
Binding: S/C
Paper back
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Gateway to Arabic Book 3 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises.

Book Three offers a step-by-step approach to learning past and present tense verbs, with plenty of opportunity for practice. Each point of grammar is reinforced through sample conversations that offer the student the chance to use the language in a meaningful context and develop confidence in self-expression.
Pages: 68
Size cm: 17×24
Binding: paperback
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Gateway to Arabic Book 1- مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises.

With its wealth of practice materials, Gateway to Arabic Book One teaches the skills necessary for reading and writing the language.

This book covers.
– Recognition of Arabic letters in their isolate form
– Formulation of letters in their written isolate form, with clear arrows to indicate the correct writing direction.
– The three short vowels: fatha, kasra and damma
– The recognition and formulation of letters in their joined forms
– Nunation (al-tanween)
– The three long vowels (al-madd)
– Al-sukun
– Al-shadda
– The sun and moon letters (al-huruf al-shamsiyyah wa’l-qamariyyah), and their associated rules
– Al-alif al-maqsura
– Al-hamza
Pages: 68
Size:22×27 CM
Binding: Paperback
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Arabic without Tears: Bk. 2: A First Book for Younger Learners


Arabic Without Tears: The Second Book for Younger Learners Book-2 Arabic Without Tears is a colorful new series designed to teach Arabic in a lively interactive manner to younger learners. It is intended for use by parents or teachers working closely with their children or pupils. This second volume builds upon the letter recognition skill taught in the first book of the series by introducing the child to the joined forms of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, together with the various vowel signs, in a gradual assimilative manner. The book follows a ‘key words’ approach, whereby the child is progressively introduced to a range of basic Arabic vocabulary. There is a thorough analysis of the phonic components making up each word, opportunity for copying and writing practice, as well as the chance to use each new word in a variety of meaningful contexts through a range of activities. Mini flashcards at the end of the book are provided to help test the child’s recognition and understanding of the key words.


Arabic without Tears: Bk. 1: A First Book for Younger Learners


“Arabic Without Tears” is a colourful new series designed to teach Arabic in a lively interactive manner to younger learners. It is intended for use by parents or teachers working closely with their children or pupils. This first book aims to teach the Arabic alphabet in its basic form through simple written exercises supported by the clear, arrowed diagrams over which the child can trace, thus encouraging him or her to develop confidence and independence in writing the isolate letters. Numerous exercises are included to reinforce letter recognition, alphabetical sequencing and writing practice. In addition, the book aims to teach children the Arabic numbers from one to ten as well as a wide range of colours and other useful vocabulary. Various fun activities are included to enable the child to use the words he or she has learnt in a meaningful context. Mini flashcards at the end of the book are provided to help test the child’s recognition of numbers and colours.


Goodword Arabic Writing Book 1 – 4


This series is perfect for your children to practice their Arabic writing skills. These books will bring out the latent calligraphers in them.
This is perfect book for children to help them learn to write Arabic. Every letter is shown brightly and on every page children have the opportunity to trace the letter they have just learned.
Pages: 4 Books Set
Size cm: 21×28
Binding: Softback
Author: M Harun Rashid

EASY ARABIC COURSE PART 2 – دروس اللغة العربية


Easy Arabic Course (Durus al-Lughat al-Arabiyah) – For English-Speaking Students. As per the curricula and norms pescribed by the Islamic University of Madinah.
Combines Modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur’an and hadith.

Assists in learning Arabic grammar and essential language skills

Uses a conversational approach to help understand grammatical usages in its perfect form.

Contains Multi-skil exercises to improve vocabulary and language
Cover: Paperback
Author: Professor V Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Islamic Book Service
Pages: 176

EASY ARABIC COURSE PART 1 – دروس اللغة العربية


Easy Arabic Course (Durus al-Lughat al-Arabiyah) – For English-Speaking Students. As per the curricula and norms pescribed by the Islamic University of Madinah.
Combines Modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur’an and hadith.

Assists in learning Arabic grammar and essential language skills

Uses a conversational approach to help understand grammatical usages in its perfect form.

Contains Multi-skil exercises to improve vocabulary and language
Cover: Paperback
Author: Professor V Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Islamic Book Service
Pages: 176


Madinah Arabic Reader Book 7


Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns. A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic. This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.

Mastering Arabic 1 (Book with 2 Audio CDs)


SKU: 9781137380449
Pages: 367
Year of Publication: 2015
Size cm: 16×23
Binding: soft cover
Weight: 595.0000 mg
Author: Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar
Publisher: Palgrave

Gateway to Arabic Extension Book1-مفتاح العربية ملحق تطبيقي (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic Extension Book One addresses the needs of students who have completed Book Two of the Gateway series and wish to have the opportunity to practice further the skills they have acquired. This book aims to engage the student in a variety of language games, exercises and dialogue activities that will serve to reinforce the vocabulary, grammar and skills they have already learned in Book Two. In addition, it introduces additional extensive vocabulary, new sentence structures and conversational skills in a lively, interactive manner, and it is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
This book covers:

Personal details: talking about oneself.
Likes and dislikes.
Moving house: rooms, furniture and household items.
Talking about countries, nationalities and languages.
Everyday activities and hobbies.
Shopping: shops and their merchandise.
Comprehensive colors and their usage.
Animals: pets, zoo and farm animals.
Prepositions: asking and describing where things are.
Introduction to simple forms of past and present verbs.
Extensive classroom language games and activities.
Reference list of nouns and their plural
Pages: 68
Binding: Paperback
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Goodword Arabic Writing Book 4


This series is perfect for your children to practice their Arabic writing skills. These books will bring out the latent calligraphers in them. This is perfect book for children to help them learn to write Arabic. Every letter is shown brightly and on every page children have the opportunity to trace the letter they have just learned.
Pages: 48
Binding: S/C
Author: M Harun Rashid
Publisher: Goodwords

Goodword Arabic Writing Book 3


This series is perfect for your children to practice their Arabic writing skills. These books will bring out the latest calligraphers in them.
This is perfect book for children to help them learn to write Arabic. Every letter is shown brightly and on every page children have the opportunity to trace the letter they have just learned.
Pages: 40
Size cm: 21×28
Binding: S/C
Weight: 180.0000
Author: M Harun Rashid
Publisher: Goodword

Goodword Arabic Writing Book 2


This series is perfect for your children to practice their Arabic writing skills. These books will bring out the latent calligraphers in them.This is perfect book for children to help them learn to write Arabic. Every letter is shown brightly and on every page children have the opportunity to trace the letter they have just learned.
Pages: 40
Binding: S/C
Author: M Harun Rashid
Publisher: Goodword

Goodword Arabic Writing Book 1


This series is perfect for your children to practice their Arabic writing skills. These books will bring out the latent calligraphers in them.
This is perfect book for children to help them learn to write Arabic. Every letter is shown brightly and on every page children have the opportunity to trace the letter they have just learned.
Pages: 43
Binding: S/C
Author: Muhammad Imran Erfani
Publisher: Goodword

TEACHER BOOK – الكتاب المدرس


Designed to accompany the Teacher’s Book provides detailed lesson plans for teaching spelling and grammar to children in the 4th year of Jolly Phonics. Children are able to work through the Pupil Book and complete a variety of activities which develop key spelling and grammar skills. The teacher is able to support and guide the children through the book with the lesson plans provided in the Teacher’s Book.
Teacher’s Book providing daily structured lesson plans, which correspond to the daily activities in the Pupil Book. The book contains 36 spelling and 36 grammar lessons covering the following areas: new spelling patterns; syllables; collective nouns; possessive pronouns; contractions; present participle; conjugating verbs; irregular plurals; prefixes and suffixes; nouns acting as adjectives; simple and continuous verb tenses; punctuation; dictionary work; writing in paragraphs and further sentence development.

Madinah Arabic Reader 7 Books Set


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

Professor Dr.Abdur Rahim’s texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.

A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.

This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCSE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 6 Books Set
Size cm: 21×30
Binding: Softback
Author: Dr.V.Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Muhammad Rasulullah : The Last Prophet : Grade One (1) : Textbook


The textbook, Muhammad Rasulullah, is written for Grade One students as part of IQRA’s comprehensive program of Islamic Studies. The book introduces the biography of the Prophet to the first grade children at their reading level. Some lessons introducing the Shama’il of Rasulullah and some Ahadith are also included to bring the personality and teachings of our prophet closer to the children.
Reading level: Grade One
Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
Edition: Paperback 105 pages
Language: English
Author: Dr. Abidullah Ghazi, Dr. Tasneema Ghazi
Publisher: Iqra’ International Education Foundation (2006)
Pages: 105
Binding: Paperback

Mercy to Mankind Elementary Grade Five


Mercy to Mankind is a textbook to be used in conjunction with IQRA’s Sirah & Hadith syllabus for Grade Five. This workbook is a part of IQRA’ International Educational Foundation’s comprehensive program of Islamic studies. This textbook acquaints students with the blessed life and character of the Prophet Muhammad (s) in order that they develop a deeper appreciation of his mission and message to humankind. The lessons contained within have been prearranged in a sequential manner designed to facilitate the students’ comprehension of the course of studies. It’s a completely revised and expanded edition of IQRA’s popular textbook Mercy to Mankind Part I. It includes the following distinctive features:
Twelve new lessons dealing with the noble personality of Rasulullah (s) and some of his ahadith are added.
A focal point now introduces each lesson under the heading “Looking Ahead.”
Students are challenged to use critical thinking skills during their study of the text.
Qur’anic teachings are integrated into each lesson.
Geography skills are incorporated into the text by means of attractive and topographically accurate maps of the many places of historical importance in the siurah.
The book has been attractively designed and printed in color.

We Are Muslims: Grade 05


This Fifth-Grade level Workbook is part of IQRA’s completely revised and revitalized ‘Aqidah, Fiqh and Akhlaq. This textbook conveys in a clear and comprehensive manner the universal moral principles of Islam, especially those relating to personal and social ethics.
Author/Translator/Orator Dr.Abidullah Ghazi.
Dr.Tasneema Ghazi
Publisher/Manufacturer IQRA’ International Educational Foundation

We Are Muslims Grade 6


This Sixth-Grade level textbook is part of IQRA’s completely revised and revitalized ‘Aqidah, Fiqh and Akhlaq. This textbook conveys in a clear and comprehensive manner the universal moral principles of Islam, especially those relating to personal and social ethics.
Dr.Tasneema Ghazi. Huseyin Abiva
Publisher/Manufacturer IQRA’ International Educational Foundation

We Are Muslims Grade 3


This Third-Grade Level textbook is part of IQRA’s completely revised and revitalized ‘Aqidah, Fiqh and Akhlaq program. This textbook conveys in a clear and comprehensible manner the universal moral principles of Islam, especially those relating to personal and social ethics. For we at IQRA’ believe such values to be the building-blocks of a better world and a blissful afterlife. The We Are Muslim series of textbooks cover five themes, each imperative in the holistic development of a young Muslim’s spiritual life. These are: Muslim Identity, Belief, Practice, Physical and Environmental Health, and Social Etiquette. We at IQRA’ hope that these books will spark a lifetime of interest in Islam and a desire to set out on the road to Iman and Ihsan.
Author: Dr. Abidullah Ghazi, Dr. Tasneema Ghazi, Huseyin Abiva)
Publisher: Iqra International Educational Foundation (2011)
Pages: 159
Binding: Paperback 8.5 x 11 x 0.5″

We Are Muslims Elementary Grade 04


We are Muslim:This Fourth-Grade level textbook is part of IQRA’s completely revised and revitalized  ‘Aqidah, Fiqh and Akhlaq. This textbook conveys in a clear and comprehensive manner the universal moral principles of Islam, especially those relating to personal and social ethics. For we at IQRA’ believe such values to be the building-blocks of a better world and a blissful afterlife.
Authors: Dr Abidullah GHazi, Dr Tasneema Ghazi, Br Huseyin Abiva
Soft cover, 156 pages.
Size: 9 x 11
Publisher/Manufacturer IQRA.International

We Are Muslims : Grade Two (2)


“We are Muslims” is a textbook written as part of the ‘Aqidah, Fiqh and Akhlaq syllabus for Grade Two pupils. As part of IQRA’ International Educational Foundation’s comprehensive program of Islamic Studies, this textbook imparts the fundamental beliefs of Islam as well as the key components of the Salah, Halal and Haram, social responsibilities and much more. These lessons have been arranged in a sequential manner that is designed to facilitate the students’ understanding of their obligations as young Muslims.
Author: Dr. Abidullah Ghazi, Dr. Tasneema Ghazi
Publisher: Iqra International Educational Foundation (2006)
Pages: 113
Binding: Paperback

We Are Muslims: Elementary Grade 1


This workbook has been designed to be used in conjunction with the We Are Muslims textbook. Both are a part of the Aqidah, Fiqh, and Akhlaq syllabus for Grade One pupils as a part of IQRA’ International Educational Foundation’s comprehensive program of Islamic Studies. This workbook provides interesting and motivating activities intended to augment the information enclosed in the textbook.

Product Details:

Reading level: Lower Elementary
Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
Edition: Hardcover 76 pages
Language: English
Author: Dr. Abidullah Ghazi, Dr. Tasneema Ghazi
Publisher: Iqra’ International Education Foundation (2005)
Pages: 78
Binding: Paperback

Iqra’ Arabic Reader Level 6


This is Book Level of IQRA’ Arabic Reader graded series, designed to systematically continue teaching Arabic, as a second language, to English speaking youth who are in their senior years of schooling. This book is suitable for upper senior level students or for those who have completed the study of Level 5 Book of IQRA’ series.
Reading level: Senior/General
Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
Edition: Paperback 262 pages
Language: Arabic / English
Author: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
Publisher: Iqra’ International Education Foundation (2005)
Pages: 272
Binding: Paperback

Iqra Arabic Reader Level 5


This release is a continuation of the Arabic learning series (for English speaking students) started by Iqra’ International Educational Foundation. Utilizing attractive layout, illustrations, diagrams, the author attempts to impart Arabic grammar essentials.

This is the 5th level Textbook within IQRA’ Arabic Readers series. Suitable for lower senior level students of Arabic, it takes the learners to yet a higher level of language learning. Consisting of 15 units, each unit starts with a basic text for reading and comprehension, followed by a section for vocabulary and linguistic structures, then there is a section for theoretical grammar, followed by a section for drilling, and ending with reference lists, verb conjugation charts, examples of Arabic proverbs; examples from the Qur’an for linguistic study and analysis.

Product Details:

Reading level: Junior Level
Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
Edition: Paperback 314 pages
Language: Arabic / English
Author: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah; Martin A Martinez (illustrator)
Publisher: Iqra’ International Educational Foundation (2004)
Pages: 307
Binding: Paperback

Iqra’ Arabic Reader: Level 4 Workbook


Based on the 15 unit-lessons of the textbook, this workbook complements and supplements the material covered in the textbook above by providing further written and oral exercises and linguistic activities related to the subject matter covered in the Textbook. Besides, it teaches the learners the skills of summarizing, synthesizing, analysis and critical thinking skills.

Product Details:

Reading level: Junior Level
Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
Edition: Paperback 64 pages
Language: Arabic / English
Author: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
Publisher: Iqra’ International Educational Foundation
Pages: 99 Binding: Paperback

Islamic Studies Levels 11-12 Weekend Learning


Islamic Studies Level 11-12 is a combined book for 15-17 year old students who have completed Level 9 and Level 10 books from Weekend Learning series or students who have acquired similar advanced Islamic knowledge. Students in this age-group are mature, intelligent and and have ability to comprehend complex issues. Several thought-provoking, moral building lessons are covered with greater depth, for example, Controlling Your Thoughts, Lower Your Gaze, Maintaining A Relationship, Overcoming Temptation, Power of Forgiveness and so forth. Other adult focused topics, such as debate on “beating” wife in Surah An-Nas, ‘A’ishah (ra)-the Child Bride, Purpose of Life and many such topics are covered.
Binding: Paperback
Published By: Week End Learning Publishers

IQRA’ Arabic Reader 3 TEXT & WORK BOOK – القراءة العربية


The new textbooks have been designed resting on the concept of Mahawir or “field of activities”, under which fall two or three interrelated units dealing with topics related to the daily life and intrests of students. Within each unit are seven to eight ‘to the point’ lessos dealing with conversational Arabic, reading, vocabulary and linguistic structures, applied grammer, spelling and dictation, reviem and reinforcement and finally cultural enrichment. In addition each of textbook contains a supplement of 4 to 5 units focusing on Islamic themes.
Reading level: Lower Elementary
Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
Edition: Paperback 180 pages
Size: 9 x 11
Language: English/Arabic
Item Code: 319N
Model: 9781563160110
Shop by Publishers IQRA’ Int’l Educational Foundation
Shop by Categories 5-IQRA’ Arabic Program
Author/Translator/Orator Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
Publisher/Manufacturer IQRA’ International

IQRA’ Arabic Reader 2 TEXT & WORK BOOK –


This Workbook is designed to be a companion to the Second Generation Textbook IQRA Arabic Reader, Grade 1. It must be considered an extension to the Textbook and an integral part of it, without which the learning process will be incomplete. It is designed to be an exercise and activity book which complements and reinforces what the student learns from the textbook.
Product Details:
Reading level: Lower Elementary
Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
Edition: Paperback 166 pages
Size: 9 x 11
Language: Arabic / English



IQRA’ Second Generation of Arabic comprehensive program for teaching Arabic as a second language. This second generation is designed to be in twelve graded levels, to provide instructional books and related materials to learners from 1st through 12th grades.
Puplished By: Iqra Bookstore Ltd






Mastering Arabic 1 is the most lively, accessible and carefully-paced Arabic course on the market. It is aimed at beginners with little or no previous knowledge of the language who want to understand, speak and read Arabic confidently. – bestselling course suitable for study at home or in the classroom – teaches Modern Standard Arabic, the universal language of the Arab world and understood by all Arabic speakers – covers a useful variety of situations you will encounter in the Arab world – offers a gradual introduction to the language, script and structures with thorough explanations and instructions – hundreds of lively exercises help you practise what you’ve learnt You can purchase the CDs to accompany this book separately (ask for ISBN 978-0-230-01311-7) or you can purchase the book and CDs together in a pack

Concise Twentieth Century Dictionary Urdu into English and Urdu


Hardcover: 715 pages
Publisher: Educational Publishing House, India (December 12, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8186232516
ISBN-13: 978-8186232514
Product Dimensions: 4.9 x 1.4 x 7.5 inches



Michel Thomas Vocabulary Course: Arabic (Michel Thomas Series) Audio CD – Audiobook, CD,
Learn another language the way you learn your own language naturally and enjoyably: now you can learn Arabic in the same way.

You’ll stick with it because you’ll love it

· Use the unique method perfected over fifty years by the celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas.

· This method works with your brain, helping you to build up your Arabic in manageable, enjoyable steps by thinking out the answers for yourself.

· You learn through listening and speaking – without the pressure of writing or memorizing.

· You pick up the language naturally and unforgettably.

This much-anticipated Vocabulary Course carries forward the Michel Thomas teaching tradition and faithfully follows his unique approach to foreign language learning.

The essential format is the same all-audio, building-block approach. The teacher teaches two students in the recording studio in real time and the student at home becomes the third member of the class. The native-speaker assistant teacher concentrates on helping get the pronunciation of sounds and words which are difficult for English-speakers just right.

Learning vocabulary is notoriously difficult if attempted in the traditional way – with long lists and hours of memorization. However, with the Michel Thomas Method, new words and phrases are presented in such a way that they cannot be forgotten. They are interwoven with what has gone before so they are imprinted in your knowledge bank for ever.

The vocabulary in the courses is carefully chosen from the relatively small number of ‘power words’ which open up an amazing range of expression and comprehension.

Building and expanding on the language structures taught in the Foundation and Advanced Courses, these new Vocabulary Courses give you all you need to enjoy traveling in the Arabic-speaking world, be it for business or pleasure.

تعلم العربية – مستوى التمهيدي – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn The Arabic Language – Preparatory – Student Book & activity


لتحقيق أهداف تعليم اللغة العربية لطلاب هذه المرحلة عملت مناهج العالمية على استخدام أحدث الأساليب العلمية والتربوية في إعداد مناهج متخصصة يمكنها بناء جيل قادر على تعلم لغة القرآن الكريم
تشتمل كتب هذه المرحلة على
كتاب التلميذ مع CD الجزئين الأول والثاني
كتاب النشاط الجزئين الأول والثاني
دليل المعلم الجزئين الأول والثاني
تتألف السلسلة من 6 كتب، وقرصين مدمجين

To achieve the objectives of the Arabic language education for students of this stage worked global curriculum on the use of the latest scientific and educational methods in the preparation of specialized curricula can build a generation capable of learning the language of the Koran
These include books on stage
Student Book with CD Parts I, II
Book Parts I and II activity
The teacher first and second parts guide
Series consists of six books, two CDs