Two Lectures On The Quran: Allaahs Outstretched Rope & His Character Was The Quran

£12.00 £10.20

Weight 0.185 kg
Dimensions 22 × 14 cm











Year of Publication


SKU: 9781634433518 Category:

“His character was that of the Quran.” Meaning, every time there was a mention in the Quran of worship, character, etiquette, dealings and so forth our Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would adorn himself with that quality in a complete and perfect manner. Hence, he was the most devote worshipper to Allaah from mankind: the most abundant in having fear of Allaah; the greatest in Taqwaa; most complete in character; most excellent in etiquette; most wholesome in dealings. Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullah) said in his book ‘a clarification of the oaths mentioned in the Quran’ : “These are the characteristics of Allaah’s messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) adopted from the niche of the Quran. So his speech conforms to the Quran with detail and elucidation; his knowledge is (from) the knowledge of the Quran; His wants, his deeds—what was obligatory and superogatory upon him was the Quran; his rejecting and abandoning what the Quran prohibits; His desire was what the Quran makes desirous; His asceticism was what the Quran aroused a dislike of the Dunya’; his distain was what the Quran disliked; he loved what the Quran loved; his endeavors to execute its (commands) and his conveyance (of the message) and diligence in its establishment. So the mother of the believers interpreted from the perfect understanding of the Quran and the Messenger; and her excellent assertion of all of this with her statement, ‘His character was that of the Quran’.” The Quran is the provision of the believers; the soul (essence) of their hearts; the sufficiency for their souls. Rather the true existence of mankind does not come about except by the Noble Quran
