Shaikh Al-Islaam As-Saabooni (d 449H) | Al-Imaam, Ash-Shaikh Ubaid Al-Jaabiri (d 1444H)
The Imaam, the Shaikh Ubaid ibn Abdillaah ibn Sulaimaan Al-Jaabiri expounds – in his famous point-based style – upon the tremendous treatises entitled ‘the Creed and Belief of the Salaf and the People of Hadeeth’ by the Shaikh-ul-Islaam Abi Uthman Isma’eel ibn Abdir-Rahmaan As-Saabooni (d 449H).
Imaam Al-Albaani said: “Some people may find it hard to accept the explanation of those scholars that the Victorious Group and the Saved Sect, are the People of Hadeeth, but that is not strange if we remember what follows:
That the People of Hadeeth are, due to their specilisation in studying the Sunnah and what is connected to it, likewise the knowledge of the biographies of the narrators and the defects in the narrations and also the knowledge of the different routes of narration, most definitely, they are the most knowledgeable of the people about the Prophet, (peace and blessings be upon him) and his guidance, manners, battles, and everything else connected to him.”