The Future of Islam in Occident and Orient – Murad Wilfried Hofmann
The topic of this book preoccupies the minds of many reasearchers and educationists: is knowing the future of Islam a matter of the unseen that Allah alone knows about? Or it is one of the phenomena that are subject to an objective study and scientific analysis? Or i is, moreover, a treatise which is based on Sayings the Prophet (pbuh) narrated about the spread of his religion and its advanced and retreat?
After all, the personal element intervenes and the subjective views impact proofs for or against the topic!
Accordingly, let’s have a stop and acquaint ourselves with two contrasting options presented in this book. Afterwards, we have to return to our own selves and give judgement. This is because the topic is highly dellicate and highly significant.
On the is basis of that judgement we probably should ask ourselves: ” How far are we from it?” and ” What should we do?”
Towards Understanding Tauheed Reflection on Islamic Monotheism – Shaykh Muhammad Ahmad Bashmeel
It is a sad fact that the masses of ignorant Muslims do not know the real meaning of ‘Ibadah (worship); they address their worship (unknowingly) to other that Allah, thereby committing a kind of Shirk (associating partners with Allah), which would drive a perosn right out of the fold of Islam.
The Pillars of Islam & Iman – Shaykh Muhammad bin Jamil Zino
Shaikh Muhammad bin Jamil Zeno
Besides being a great scholar, Sheikh Muhammad bin Jamil Zino is also the author and compiler of many books directly related to the fundamentals of Islam. He holds the honor to have a place in the rank of those authors of present time whose works have been widely accepted & attributed.This is his first ranking work. In this Book, the learned writer discussed the fundamental constituents of Islam: Salat (prayer), Saum (fasting), Hajj and Zakat etc., in a lucid and impressive manner. The discussion regarding Faith and Belief in the first part is and added value to the book.The distinctive feature of this book is its simplicity. Anyone can learn & practice Islam easily through the guidance of this book.
The Book of Major Sins by Imam at Tamimi
The Book of Major Sins ( HARD BACK )
The major tribulations that we face in our lives are the consequences of our sins and the evil spreading round the world. The Imam talks about the sins that we commit in our everyday lives, some obvious and others not so obvious and the evil of these sins with evidences from the Quran and Sunnah
PAGES : 116
Book Of Emaan
Book Of Emaan:
According To The Classical Works Of Shaikhul-Islam ( Ibn Taymiyah )
According the most noble knowledge a man can learn and teach to others is the bases of belief (emaan) and its requirements. The Best precautionary measures he can protect himself with is the knowledge of the characteristics of disbelief (Kufr), its causes and exigencies. If man has insight into these two important things, he will know the way of his happiness and follow it, and avoid the way of his misery.
In this book, we hope to elucidate the pillars of emaan and the characteristics of kufr and its causes. Allah is the one who guides us to truth. If we do right, it is only from Allah, the truth. If we err, its only from ourselves and from satan. We ask Allah to forgive us.
By: Dr: Muhammad Naim Yasin
Publisher: Al-Firdous Ltd. London
Pages: 495 (Paperback)
the islamic creed and its history
The islamic creed and its history :
If the Muslim was to read this book ‘The Islamic Creed and Its History’ by the noble Shaykh Dr. Muḥammad ibn ‘Alī al-Jāmī with patience and deliberation, he would never become tired of reading it, and he would learn from it the reality of Islamic monotheism (tawḥīd), and the ideologies of the sects that have falsely ascribed themselves to Islam as well as their dangers and evil effects upon confused intellects and diseased hearts. If the Muslim knew this he would renounce these sects and fight against their ideologies and those who embrace them, and he would know the path of truth and would traverse upon it without oppressing anyone from the Muslims, or other than them because the oppressor’s wrongdoing will only return back to him. In fact, if the Muslim reads this book carefully he will attain much good since it strives to correct the Muslim’s creed and it sincerely attempts to ensure that it will remain correct for the sake of ALLAH. It rectifies what is between him and ALLAH regarding his worship just as it also rectifies what is between him and the people regarding their worldly dealings. It rectifies what is between him and his own soul so he will not oppress it by exposing it to ALLAH’s punishment in the worldly life as well as the hereafter.
About the Author: The noble Shaykh, Dr. Ṣāliḥ ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān said “The Shaykh, Muḥammad Amān as I know him is as follows; the people who are educated and who carry various degrees of higher studies are many. However, very few of them benefit from their own knowledge and benefit others with it. Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī is from those rare examples of scholars who downplays his own level of knowledge, and efforts to benefit the Muslims and direct them through calling to Allah upon foresight throughout his time as a teacher at the University of Medinah, and during his time in the venerated Prophet’s masjid. Additionally he has travelled throughout the Muslim lands abroad as well as the various trips throughout the different regions of the Kingdom to give lessons and lectures, calling to monotheism, spreading the correct creed and directing the youth of this nation towards the methodology of the Pious Predecessors, while also warning them regarding destructive principles and deviant calls. So ALLAH reward him generously for what he knew and acted upon.
By : Shaykh muhammad aman ibn ali al-jami
Publisher : Dusunnah publications
Pages : 218 (paperback)