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Concise Advices Of Shaykh-Ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah


Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli | Authentic Statements Publications

Abul-Qasim as-Sabti-the scholar and the world explorer- regarded a then 36-year-old Ibn Taymiyyah to be the most knowledgeable person he had encountered in the East and the West. Thus, he wrote to him requesting advice concerning four matters. Explanation of the Concise Advises of Shaykh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah By Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli AUTHENTIC STATEMENTS PUBLICATIONS

Introduction To al-Fatwa al-Hamawiyyah – Ibn Taymiyyah


Sunnah Publishing | Shaykh al-Islam Taqi Al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyah

This treatise was written in the year 698H in response to a question  that was posed to Shaykh ul-Islam  from Hama, a town in Sham.   In it he was asked about the statements of the jurists and Imams of the religion concerning the verses and Ahadith of Allah’s Attributes.  He answered in a response of about eighty three pages and because of his tremendous and detailed response, clarifying the correct Aqeedah, he was put through many trials and tribulations.  May Allah reward him on behalf of Islam and the Muslims with the best reward.

AL-MASIL AL-‘AQADIYAH ALATI HAKA FIYHA IBN TAYMIYAH AL-IJMA’ – المسائل العقدية التي حكى فيها ابن تيمية الإجماع


المسائل العقدية التي حكى فيها ابن تيمية الإجماع جمعا ودراسة

أصل الكتاب رسالة جامعية لنيل درجة الماجستير من جامعة أم القرى مكة المكرمة 1421 هـ بإشراف الدكتور عبد الله بن عمر الدميجي

Kitab Al-Iman – Book Of Faith


SKU:  9781615842872
Pages: 483
Year of Publication: 2010
Size cm: 17×25
Binding: Soft Cover
Weight: 1035.0000 mg
Author: IBN Taymiyyah
Publisher: Iman Publishing House

Dhawabit Takfir Al Muayan ضوابط تكفير المعين عند شيخي الاسلام ابن تيمية و علماء الدعوة الإصلاحية



أبي العلاء راشد بن ابي العلا الراشد

صفحة 390

الناشر: مكتبة الرشد

Thalaatha kutub Fee Tarjamat Ibn Taimia-ثلاثة كتب في ترجمة شيخ الاسلام ابن تيمية


الكواكب الدرية في مناقب المجتهد ابن تيمية للإمام مرعي بن يوسف الكرمي

حباة شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية للأساذ محمد البيطار

باعث النهضة الإسلامية ابن تيمية السلفي للشيخ محمد خليل هراس

The Creed of Al-Wasitiyyah


The Creed of Al-Wasitiyyah:

A textbook on orthodox Sunni creed The Creed of Al-Wasitiyyah by Shaykuhl- Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (661-728 AH) being a translation of al-Aqidah al-Wasitiyyah Written in response to a request from a Shafi Judge from Wasit, Iraq, Ibn Taymiyyah penned this creed encapsulating the belief taught by the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him. In his words, ‘this is (an exposition of) the belief of the saved group, those who are aided until the establishment of the Hour: Ahlul’l-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah.’ The tract is relatively brief but comprehensive, marked by its terse and precise statements. As one would expect of the author, the work draws heavily on the Qur’an and authentic hadiths of the Messenger. It commences by listing articles of belief concerning Allah, in particular His Names and Attributes and the principles which must be applied to understand them. It then moves on to discuss topics such as the Qur’an, seeing Allah, the punishment of the grave, some of the descriptions of the Last day and the events that will occur therein, the divine decree, faith, the Companions and the Awliya. The author, Taqi ud-Din Abu’l-Abbas Ahmad Ibn al-Halim ibn Abd al-Salam Ibn Taymiyah al-Hanbali was born in , 661 AH (1263 AC) in Haran, which is now in Eastern Turkey, near the border of northern Iraq.. His family had long been renowned for its learning , among his teachers, was Shams ud-Din Al-Maqdisi, first Hanbali Chief Justice of Syria following the reform of the judiciary by Baibars. The number of Ibn Taimiyah’s teachers exceeds two hundred. Ibn Taimiyah was barely seventeen, when Qadi Al-Maqdisi authorized him to issue Fatwa (legal verdict). Qadi remembered with pride that it was he who had first permitted an intelligent and learned man like Ibn Taimiyah to give Fatwa. At the same age, he started delivering lectures. When he was thirty, he was offered the office of Chief Justice, but refused, as he could not persuade himself to follow the limitations imposed by the authorities.

By: Shaykhu’l -Islam Ahmed ibn taymiyyah

Publisher : Dar Us-Sunnah

Pages : 176 (paperback)