Jehovah’s Witness: 1874 to Judgement Day by Rasheed Barbee
Original price was: £0.00.£0.00Current price is: £0.00.The Belief of the Muslim Sects, Jews, Christians, Philosophers and Idolaters Regarding the Angels
And From these Fundamental Principles which are obligatory upon the muslims to believe in and in which the servant will not have complete faith except by it is the believe in the angels ( Peace be upon them ) . The book , the sunnah and the consensus of the muslim point out the obligation of the believing in them. Not believing in them is to disbelieve in Allah , the glorified , the Most high…
Explanation of The Poem Manhaj Al-Haqq Concerning Aqidah & Islamic Moral Conduct
ISBN: 9781649705051
AUTHOR: Sheikh Abdur Rahman Bin Nasir Saadi
BINDING: Paperback
PAGES: 269
SIZE: 6 x 9 inch
Concise Advices Of Shaykh-Ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli | Authentic Statements Publications
Abul-Qasim as-Sabti-the scholar and the world explorer- regarded a then 36-year-old Ibn Taymiyyah to be the most knowledgeable person he had encountered in the East and the West. Thus, he wrote to him requesting advice concerning four matters. Explanation of the Concise Advises of Shaykh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah By Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli AUTHENTIC STATEMENTS PUBLICATIONS
Fear The Temptations Of This Dunya This Worldly Life
Explanation Of A Poem On The Abstinence Of The Worldly Life, Enticement To Good And The Deterrent From Evil.
Shaykh Hafiz al-Hakami | Shaykh Abd al-Razzaq Ibn Abd al-Muhsin Al-Badr | Hikmah Publications
This book covers an aspect of knowledge that is both noble and important in that it discusses abstinence of the worldly life and carries a warning from ever being infatuated with it, competing for it or allowing it to become the main concern of oneself or an ultimate objective. Whoever finds themselves as such will be significantly harmed by it, and it will be the reason for his demise and a prevention from all that is good.
The scholars have written numerous valuable works and beneficial authorship’s on this subject, from them is al-Imam Ahmad, Ibn al-Mubārak, Waki’, Hannad Ibn al-Sari and others. Furthermore, the student of knowledge is in need of reading what the people of knowledge have penned down in this subject matter, so that the soul becomes refined and disciplined, his heart becomes steadfast and to avoid being charmed by the worldly life.
The Condition of the Salaf in Worship – Shaykh Muhammd Baazmool
Shaykh Dr.Muhammad Ibn Umar Bazmool
The best salaf for uswhom we take as an example is our Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). For withn his worshiplies an example fr us and lighthouses of guidance for us to follow and learn.
Questions Relating to the Jinn, Magic and Conjuring – Shaykh Saaleh al-Fawzaan
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan answers the most frequently asked question related to conjuration spirits, love potions, palm reading, magic tricks, spells, jinn possession, epilepsy, envy, protecting the newborn, and much more.
The Disease and the Cure – الداء والدواء
Also known as: The Sufficient Answers for the One Who Asked About the Remedial Cure
By: Ibn Al-Qayyim
Publisher: Hikmah Publications
This book was a response to a question posed by an individual who was afflicted by a calamity, finding himself in a dire and needy state. He acknowledged to himself that if he failed to rid himself of this ailment it would destroy him in this life and the next. He had endeavoured to relieve himself of this affliction, but its severity and intensity grew. Consequently, Ibn al-Qayyim diagnosed his condition and understood the request within the question, providing an answer that was detailed and appropriate. Thus, this classical work is suitable for all places and times.
Explanation of Al-Qasidah Al-Lamiyah by Allamah Ahmad b. Yahya Al-Najmi
Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmi | Hikmah Publications
This is a translation of Shaykh Aḥmad al-Najmī’s explanation of al-Qāṣīdah al-Lāmīyah, which is ascribed to Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymīyah. It comprises of only 16 verses of poetry, clarifying a number of core beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jamāʿah.
Explanation of The introduction to Sahih Muslim
SKU: 9782987465355
Author: Imam an Nawawi
Publisher: Creed Publishing Company
Upright Moral Character
WEIGHT | 185.0 g |
AUTHOR(S) | Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Salih Al-Uthaimin |
COVER TYPE | Papercover |
NO. OF PAGES | 94 |
PUBLISHER(S) | Troid Publications |
TRANSLATOR(S) | Abul-Abbaas Musa Richardson |
The Perfume-Seller & The Blacksmith (P/B)
WEIGHT 100.0 g
DIMENSIONS 21.5 x 14 x 0.6 cm
Shaikh Abdur-Rahman As-Sa’di, Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhali, Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan, Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhali
Salafi Publications
21.5 cm (l) x 14 cm (w)
Prophetic Ahadith In Condemnation Of Racism (P/B)
Year of Publication:2012
Size cm: 15×21
Binding: Soft Cover
Weight: 125.0000 mg
Author: Dr Abd al-Salam Ibn Burjis
Publisher: Sunnah Publications
ibnul-qayyims the path to guidance (P/B)
Pages: 79
Year of Publication: 2000
Size cm: 15×21
Binding: Soft Cover
Weight: 130.0000 mg
Author: Saalim ibn Saalih al-Marfadee
Publisher: Message Of Islam
The Aqeedah Of Imaam Al-Bukhari (P/B)
SKU: 9782987467212
Pages: 147
Year of Publication: 2014
Size cm: 15×21 Cm
Binding: Soft Cover
Weight: 250.0000 mg
Author: Abu Iyaad Amjad ibn Muhammad Rafiq
Publisher: Salafi Publication
Translator: Abu Iyaad Amjad ibn Muhammad Rafiq
An Explanation of The Four Fundamental Principles (P/B)
Year of Publication:2015
Size cm: 16×22
Binding: soft cover
Weight: 100.0000 mg
Author: Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab
Publisher: Salafi Publications
Essential Arabic: A Learner’s Practical Guide
£2.15Access to Qur’anic Arabic (Textbook, Workbook, Selections) Paperback
Inheritors Of The Prophets By Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (PB)
Pages: 144
Publisher: Dar As-Sunnah
Binding: Paperback
Author: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali
The Life of Muhammad ﷺ by Imam Yahya bin Sharaf al-Nawawi
The Life Of Muhammad By Imam Yahya Bin Sharaf Al-Nawawi (PB)
Published by Dar As-Sunnah
It is vital for every single human being to study the life of the greatest man to have ever walked this earth, a man who changed the course of human history forever. No other individual has had such a lasting influence or impact in any sphere of human endeavour, be it history, culture, economics, social welfare, politics, diplomatic realtions or warfare.
Today’s modern society owes a huge debt to Muhammed peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, the great Prophet of Islam. A short but poignant book on the life of the Prophet. Authentic information is given regarding many different aspects from his life, as well as a mention of the legal rulings that were specific to the Messenger of Allah.
Characteristics of the Hypocrites
Pages: 80
Publisher: Dar As-Sunnah
Binding: Paperback
Author: Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jaziyyah
At Their Feet Piety Towards Parents
Pages: 96
Publisher: Dar As-Sunnah
Binding: Paperback
Author: Ibn Al-Jawzi
Preventative Measures Against Shaytan by Mustafa Ibn Al-Adawi (PB)
Pages: 96
Publisher: Dar As-Sunnah
Binding: Paperback
Author: Mustafa Ibn Al-Adawi
The Heavenly Dispute
Pages: 160
Publisher: Dar As-Sunnah
Binding: Paperback
Author: Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali
The Death of the Best of Mankind (Authentic Statements)
And the death of our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) – O beloved – is great information containing great admonitions, and noble lessons for the one who hears, understands, looks, and ponders. And that is because our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) is a man who dies as all men die. Allah did not grant any human immortality.
Thus the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) was human. He died as humans die, and he was shrouded just as other Muslims are. And he was buried and dirt was placed over him (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).
The Explanation Of The Three Fundamental Principles by Saalih Bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan (PB)
Pages: 384
Publsiher: Authentic Statements
Binding: Paperback
The Authentic Musnad Of Reasons For The Descending Of Revelation Abridged Version
SKU: 9781467518215
Year of Publication:2012
Size cm: 16×23
Binding: Soft Cover
Weight: 550.0000 mg
Author: Ash-Sheikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi Al-Waadi’ee
Publisher: Authentic Statements
Islam in Africa Throughout History by Muhammad Aman al-Jami
SKU: 9781532330865
Pages: 73
Year of Publication: 2017
Size cm: 15×23
Binding: soft cover
Weight: 150.0000 mg
Author: Shaikh Muhammad Aman Al-Jami
Publisher: Authentic Statements
this is a simplified explanation of Al-Qawl Al-Mufîd (The Beneficial Speech) by ash-Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahaab al-Wasaabee—may Allâh preserve him. We have previously compiled an extensive explanation as well as another more summarized version. Then, I took to all of these explanations and other (works), and I extracted from them a more simplified explanation suitable for the beginning students of knowledge and others, because most often this great book is taught to beginners. So it is Allâh Alone Who I ask to make this effort sincerely for His Noble Face and (that it may be) a benefit to al-Islâm and the Muslims. (Likewise, I ask Allâh) to make for this book a good reception, as He made the reception for the original book. There is no might and no power except with Allâh—The Great.”
Essential Questions and Answers on the Salafee Methodology
In this time of political turmoil and social upheavals, many sects claim to follow the way of the Salaf, yet their actions and what they call to are contrary to what the Salaf were upon. They entice the people with rhetoric, calling them to misguidance, leading them to the Hellfire. Thus it is imperative that the Muslim arms himself with knowledge, knowledge of what Salafiyyah is and the ability to recognise who the true Salafees really are. Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan clarifies this subject by answering 64 questions, some dealing with contemporary issues that affect the Muslims today and others emphasizing the distinguishing traits of Salafiyyah. Although many of the questions deal with contemporary matters, the Shaykh answers them by referring back to the Book, the Sunnah and the way of the Salaf, reminding the reader of the statement of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam): “Upon you is to keep to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided Caliphs, hold tightly to that, and clamp down on that tightly with your back molar teeth.
Fundamentals of the Salafee Methodology
Fundamentals of the Salafee Methodology
This treatise is taken from a lecture delivered by the great muhaddith of our times explaining the most basic fundamentals of the noble Salafee call. The lecture itself propounds Salafiyyah in a way that can be understood by the layman. A beginner?s tool such as this is currently not available in print in the English language. In addition to being an introductory guide for the beginner, the book also serves as an intermediate manual in terms of the many explanatory notes and additional appendices included within it.
The book begins by giving an overview of the importance and role of at-tasfiyah wat-tarbiyah (purification and education), which sets the stage for the reader to comprehend of the validity of that which is to follow. The author begins by explaining what is ?Salafiyyah? in conventional usage, its well known position towards the bigoted following of madhaahib and the difference between merely affiliating oneself to the Book and the Sunnah; as opposed to actually acting upon that. The author goes onto discuss the obligation of taking the Salaf as an example, categories of the Sunnah and the reality of Salafiyyah. Then this is compared to the present condition of the Muslims along with giving an explanation as to why so much differing and splitting has occurred. Lastly, there occurs a detailed discussion about some of the most prevalent doubts upon Ahlus-Sunnah today, such as those from amongst the Mu?tazilah who deny the khabrul-aahaad (singular narration) and the Ashaa?irah and their likes who attribute tashbeeh (resembling Allaah to His creation) to Ahlus-Sunnah, whilst themselves performing ta?weel (figurative interpretation) and ta?teel (denial) of the Attributes of Allaah. The later part of the book is devoted to a biography of Imaam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee, his discussion with the head of al- Azhar concerning the issues of taqleed and the madhaahib and an exposition of standard Ash?aree doubts upon Ahlus-Sunnah and their creed. In a time of severe confusion and corruption, this treatise is sure to be a beacon of enlightenment and a pure spring from which all those desiring true guidance can drink.
The Status of the People of Hadeeth (the Ahlul-Hadeeth) : Their Feats and Praiseworthy Effects in the Religion
ISBN: 1902727169
Author: Shaikh Rabee’ ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee
Publisher: Salafi Publications (UK)
Pages: 69 Binding: Paperback