Showing 201–361 of 361 results

Arabic-English / English-Arabic Dictionary and Phrasebook (Paperback)

These language dictionaries and phrasebooks from Hippocrene target language and are designed with the needs of the student or traveller in mind.

Publisher: Hippocrene Books Inc.,U.S.
Number of pages: 224

mukhtar alsahah – مختار الصحاح

تأليف : محمد بن أبي بكر بن عبد القادر الرازي
عني بترتيبة: محمود خاطر
عدد الصفحات: 608 صفحة
الناشر: دار الفكر للطباعة

qamus aljayb al’asghar, ‘iinklizi – earabi – قاموس الجيب الأصغر، إنكليزي – عربي

الناشر: مكتبة لبنان ناشرون السلسلة: قواميس الجيب
النوع: ورقي غلاف عادي

،  عدد الصفحات: 360 صفحة

الطبعة: 1

اللغة: عربي-إنكليزي


Europe Speaks Arabic


Europe Speaks Arabic (Dr. V. Abdur Rahim)

Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodword Books (2009)
Pages: 194

Binding: Paperback

Description from the publisher: 

Arabic gave Europe cotton to wear, coffee to drink, chess to play, magazine to read, mattress to sleep on, and sugar to sweeten with. This book is a lucid exposition of these and a host of other Arabic words that have become part and parcel of English and other European languages. It is not a catalogue of words, but a lively discussion based on linguistic evidence, enriched with copious literary quotations and characterized by profound regard and respect for each other’s culture and views.

The book opens up new world of fascinating information in the domains of etymology, phonetic change and semantic development.

About the author(s): Dr. V. Abdur Rahim Professor Abdur Rahim is the Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

mukhtar alsahah – مختار الصحاح


مختار الصحاح كتبه محمد بن أبي بكر بن عبد القادر الرازي [2]، وكان قد اختصره عن تاج اللغة وصحاح العربية تاركاً ترتيب مداخله حسب الترتيب التقليدي، أي بدءاً بحروف أواخر الكلمات [1].

و قد امتاز معجم مختار الصحاح بإشارته في كثير من الأحيان في صدد الألفاظ الضعيفة والرديئة والمعربة وذكر الألفاظ الندرة والأضداد وعنايته بجوانب الصرف من اشتقاق وإبدال وإعلال.

صدر معجم مختار الصحاح أول مرة في مجلدين بمطبعة بولاق المصرية عام 1865 وصدرت الطبعة الثانية عام 1957 بتحقيق أحمد عبد الغفور عطار.

توالت طبعات مختار الصحاح وتزايد الإقبال عليه بشكل حفز وزارة المعارف المصرية في العقد الثاني من القرن العشرين إلى رعاية اصدار طبعة منه مرتبة أبجدياً ليسهل استعماله [3]. وانتشرت تلك الطبعة بأحجام متفاوتة وأعيد طبعها عدة مرات .

صدر تهذيب الصحاح لمحمود بن أحمد الزنجاني في طبعة جيدة عن دار المعارف المصرية بتحقيق عبد السلام هارون وأحمد عبد الغفور عطار وذلك سنة 1953 وكان مرتبا ترتيب الصحاح ثم قام محمود خاطر أحد موظفي مطبعة بولاق بترتيب الصحاح حسب ترتيب المعاجم الحديثة وطبع سنة 1907 بعد حذف منه بعض الألفاظ التي رأى أنها غير لائقة في السماع [4].

عدد الصفحات: 745 صفحة

الناشر: دار ابن كثير

Paradise Dictionary – معجم الفردوس


By Professor M A R Al-Fallouji PhD FRCS FRCSI (Author)

Hardcover: 1600 pages

Publisher: Obeikan; 1st edition (2012)

2 Volumes

marjieuk alddayim fi qawaeid allughat al’iinjlizia-مرجعك الدائم في قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية


ان معظم واضعى كتب قواعد اللغة الانجليزية يضعونها لمستوى معين من الطلاب
ولكن هذا الكتاب تجده دائما مرجعك الدائم فى قواعد اللغة من أول تعاملك معها إلى أعلى مراحل التعليم
ولذلك فسوف تجد الموضعات متكاملة غالبا
هذا الكتاب يتميز بسهولة الامثله وبساطتها حتى لايشتت جهد القارئ بين محاولة معرفة القاعدة

والبحث عن معانى الكلمات الصعبة .استمتع بقراءة وتحميل كتاب مرجعك الدائم فى قواعد اللغة الانجليزية

المؤلف: د. عز الدين محمد نجيب
الناشر :  مكتبة ابن سينا
عدد الصفحات : 342




تأليف: صديق آدم عثمان

تحرير: العميد م.  عبدالله محمد أحمد بلال

عدد الصفحات: 347 صفحة

QAMUS ALASMA ALEARABIA ALMUSA – قاموس الأسماء العربية الموسع


كتاب: قاموس الأسماء العربية الموسع – دراسة شاملة للأسماء العربية ومعانيها ودليل الأبوين في تسمية الأبناء
المؤلف: شفيق الأرناؤوط

معجم يشتمل على أكثر من ثلاثة آلاف اسم استُقيت من أمّهات الكتب والصحف وجداول تسجيل الطلاب في المدارس والجامعات. وقد شرح المؤلّف كلّ اسم منها شرحاً موجزاً، مبيّناً دوافع التسمية وأهدافها ومعانيها، ومثبتاً أسماء من اشتُهر بها. وخليق بهذا الكتاب أن يكون مرجعا
الناشر: دار العلم للملايين – بيروت
سنة النشر: 1989
عدد المجلدات: 1
رقم الطبعة: 2
عدد الصفحات: 191

mukhtar alqamws – مختار القاموس


مرتب على طريقة مختار الصحاح والمصباح المنير

إعداد: الطاهر أحم الزاوي

الناشر: دار عالم الكتب

maejam eabd alnuwr alhadyth: earabi – faransi – معجم عبد النور الحديث: عربي – فرنسي


تأليف الدكتور جبور عبد النور أحد مؤلفي معجم المنهل الشهير.أحدث معجم صدر حتى الآن. عدد صفحاته 1128 صفحة تشتمل على حوالى 50000 كلمة عربية ومرادفاتها بالفرنسية. مستلٌّ من معجم عبد النور المفصّل، ومتقيّد بمنهجيته، مع توخّي الاقتصاد في المفردات البائدة والغريب

 نشر سنة 20081128عدد الصفحات:  صفحة

qamus almuetamad almadrasii – قاموس المعتمد المدرسي


إعداد: جرجي شاهين عطية

الناشر: دار صادر

Modern Students’ Dictionary English-Arabic and Arabic-English معجم الطلاب الحديث


Author: Abdel-Hafiz Beydoun

Publisher: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah

Format: Paperback

Ages: Teen & Young Adult

Language: Arabic and English

201 Arabic Verbs (201 Verbs Series)


Fully conjuugated in all the forms

By: Raymond Sceindlin

Arabic Verbs in alphabetical arrangement

Published By: Barrons Eductional Series Inc.

Pages: 209

learning english dictionary – قاموس اللغة الإنجليزية


Easy and simple dictionary for beginners.

Published By: El-Yamama

Pages: 96

School Verb Conjugation Dictionary معجم تصريف الأفعال المدرسي


Author: Baheej Ghazzawi

Publisher: Dar El-Ilm Lilmaliyeen

Format: Paperback

Ages: Middle School

Language: Arabic

Arabic On The Move( 3CDs + Guide) (LANGUAGE ON THE MOVE) 1st Edition


Arabic On the Move features an engaging, natural approach to language learning ideally suited for today’s hurry-up world. A lively narrator guides listeners through the course, meeting up with two native Arabic speakers who take part in an unfolding story line that encompasses an array of everyday subjects, from meeting people, eating, dining, and shopping to getting around town, relating events, and describing family relationships.

The package features three 60-minute audio CDs, a 32-page listening guide, sound effects, language games, an engaging story line, and dozens of unscripted conversations that introduce key words and phrases in Arabic as they’re really spoken.

Easy Arabic Reader: A Three-Part Text for Beginning Students


The bestselling Easy Reader series, with its distinctive three-part structure that leads beginners to intermediate-level comprehension, now offers Arabic – and aids learners with audio recordings of selected readings from the book freely accessible online. About the Book
The highly successful Easy Reader series is based on the distinctive approach that the best way to build language skills is to start reading it. Suitable for beginners to intermediate-level learners, this book features engaging readings of progressive difficulty that allow readers to rapidly build comprehension. Review sections and comprehension questions are integrated throughout the text to reinforce what is learned through the readings.
This book, divided into three parts, begins with a series of stories about an Arab-American as he takes a tour of the Middle East as a graduation present. In the second part, readers are introduced to key figures of Arab History, from Saladin, who fought the Crusades, to Said Ouita, the Moroccan Olympic runner. Finally, learners encounter adapted stories from tradition sources like the 1001 Arabian Nights, with a humorous modern slant.
Complementing this bestselling series is an online component that provides a tremendous new dimension for beginning learners. A free-access website provides recordings of many of the readings contained in the book – providing learners with a perfect way to recognize unknown words and improve their pronunciation.

by Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar

Pages: 224

Essential Arabic: A Learner’s Practical Guide

by Rafi’el-imad Faynan
Publisher: goodwword books
Pages: 182

MUEJAM ABD ALNUWR ALTHUNAYIYA ALWAJIZ FARANSI -ARABI /ARABI-FARNSI – معجم عبد النور الثنائي الوجيز فرنسي -عربي /عربي -فرنسي

تأليف: جبور عبد النور
الموضوع: المعاجم والقواميس اللغات
الناشر: دار العلم للملايين
عدد الصفحات: 412 صفحة

alqamus alnnatiq – القاموس الناطق


عدد الصفحات:47 صفحة

الناشر: دار القلم



This dictionary takes children on a magical journey while at the same time developing early dictionary skills. BLGrammar and language tips – word origins, rhyming words, synonyms and opposites, spelling help BLExample sentences taken from children’s reading – well-known nursery rhymes, fairy tales and songs BLUnique combination of picture book illustrations and text from well-known nursery rhymes, fairy tales and songs, such as Aladdin, Cinderella, Jack and Jill and Winnie the Pooh. BLHelp with language information – word origins, rhyming words, synonyms and opposites, spelling, grammar and language tips BLRiddles, jokes and amazing language facts BLBeautifully illustrated section of thematic pages BLFull support on how to use the dictionary Andrew Delahunty’s experience as a lexicographer goes across the age range of the Oxford Children’s Dictionary list – he is the author of the Oxford First Thesaurus and compiles and consults on the Primary and Student’s dictionaries. IN 1988 Emma Chichester-Clark won the Mother Goose Award as the best newcomer to children’s book illustration for Listen to This! compiled by Laura Cecil. Since then she has become internationally known for her illustrations, which include books by Margaret Mahy, Roald Dahl, Peter Dickinson, James Reeves and Anne Fine. She was shortlisted for the Kurt Maschler Award for Illustration in 1992 and again in 1998 for The Adventures of Robin Hood (written by Adrian Mitchell). Emma has also written and illustrated her own books, including the immensely popular I Love You, Blue Kangaroo (1998) which was nominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal along with it’s recent follow-up Where Are You Blue Kangaroo?

Hardcover – 11 Nov 2003

Pages: 192
Published By: Academia

alkafi fi taelim allughat al’iinklizia – الكافي في تعليم اللغة الإنكليزية


يتضمن الكتاب: مساعدة عامة لكافة أقسام البرامج

إرشادات لكيفية من الربنامج وتخصيص الوقت مع شرح تفصيلي عن ربط الكتاب بالأقراص

إختبار لتحديد المستوى باللغة الإنجليزية

عدد الصفحات:ة 208 صفحة

الناشر: دار العريس للنشر

alearabiat alsuhlat almustawaa al’awal – العربية السهلة المستوى الأول


سلسلة وضعت لطالبي العربية سواء منهم الأجانب،إلى أي بلد انتموا، أم أبناء العرب ممن نشأوا في بلاد الاغتراب سواء عادوا إلى الوطن أم لم يعودوا.أسلوبها واضح متدرج.ولغتها وسط بين المحكية والفصحى، وقد أرفق كل كتاب بشريط مسجل يساعد الطالب في غياب

الناشر: دار العلم للملايين

عدد الصفحات: 120 صفحة

المرجع في تعليم اللغة العربية – أساليب واتجاهات حديثة


 إعداد: جمعان القحطاني و صالح السحيباني و محمد البشري

عدد الصفحات: 154 صفحة

الناشر:مناهج العالمية

Introducing Arabic


 Introducing Arabic, caters to a huge readers’ network. Our books, manuals and guides serve as handy and useful tool in the hands of many beginners, teachers and students in their advanced stages of learning. Further, our publications are aimed to eliminate the complex terminologies involved in the learning of Arabic scripts, important theories and laws. Also, our books incorporate some of the basic and advanced laws of Arabic presented in simple and easy to grasp methods of understanding. Our books are based on three celebrated classical sources; the Sharh Ibn Aqil by Ibn Aqil (698-769 A.H.), Awdah al-Masalik by Ibn Hisham an-Nahwi, and the Muqaddimah al-Ajrnmiyyah by Ibn Ajrum (672-723 A.H.). In addition, some of the world’s greatest civilizations and glorious histories have been documented in Arabic, which serves as the key to understanding our past, besides being used as Islamic text. Also, several classical documents on philosophy and medicine are available in Arabic. Moreover, Arabic has been widely accepted recently as one of the international languages by the United Nations and other global agencies. In addition, our books and publications benefit many young readers attracted to learning Arabic language with its scripts and laws.

Author : Michael Mumisa

Publisher : Goodword Books

Page : 163

Binding : Paperback

alearabiat alsuhlat almustawaa alththalith walrrabie – العربية السهلة المستوى الثالث والرابع

تأليف: فرحة سمعان البيطار
الموضوع: اللغة العربية وعلومها
التجليد: غلاف
سنة الإصدار: 2000
الناشر: دار العلم للملايين – بيروت – لبنان

GCSE Arabic Essential Vocabulary List: An Arabic-English Vocabulary List


 Arranged by Topics and Required for the GCSE ExaminationPaperback – 4 Nov 2004

Pages: 87
Published By: Arab Scientific Publishers

Let’s Speak Arabic

Brand New: A new, unread, unused book in perfect condition with no missing or damaged pages. See the seller’s listing for full details.

Author: S.A. Rahman
Format: Paperback
Product Type: Textbook
Educational Level: All Ages

Dictionary – Scientific Linguistic Dictionary [Arabic / English] القاموس – معجم لغوي علمي] – [عربي/إنكليزي


الناشر: دار الكتب العلمية

عدد الصفحات: 952 صفحة

قاموس جديد يضاف الى قواميس قديمة سابقة الا انه امتاز بأنه اشتمل على ما جاء بها من مواد واضاف موادا ومصطلحات كثيرة لم ترد فيها فقد اشتمل على مصطلحات علمية رياضية فيزيائية معلوماتية وهندسية وفنية وغيرها وكذلك اشتمل القاموس على كثير من الصور التوضيحية التي تيسر فهم المعنى مما يجعله ذو فائدة كبيرة للمعلمين والمتعلمين

AL-MOU’JAM AL-WASÎT-المعجم الوسيط


وضع هذا المعجم على خير صورة حديثة بحيث إنه محكم الترتيب، واضح الأساليب مشتمل على رسوم لكل ما يحتاج شرحه إلى رسمه، و على مصطلحات العلوم و الفنون. استعانت اللجنة في شرحها للألفاظ بالنصوص و المعاجم التي يعتمد عليها ، و عززته بالإستشهاد بالآيات القرآنية، و الأحاديث النبوية، و الأمثال العربية، و التراكيب البلاغية لفصحاء الكتاب و الشعراء. تم تصوير ما يحتاج شرحه إلى التصوير : من حيوان، أو نبات، أو آلة،أو نحو ذلك. و تم إدخال ما دعت الضرورة إلى إدخاله من الألفاظ المولدة أو المحدثة، أو المعربة، أو الدخيلة التي أقرها المجتمع

Numéro d’article
1,5 kg
الإشراف: تنفيذا لتعليمات الأستاذ شوقي ضيف، أشرف على إخراج هذه الطبعة: شعبان عبد العاطي عطية، أحمد حامد حسين
Arabe – العربــــــــية
مكتبة الشروق الدولية (MAKTABAT AL CHURUK AL DAWLIYYA)
معجم عربي (Dictionnaire Arabe)
Nombre de Pages : –

mejm almustalahat waltarakib wal’amthal almutadawala – معجم المصطلحات والتراكيب والأمثال المتداولة

 التصنيف :   معاجم

المؤلف : الدكتور محمد موسى الشريف

الناشر: دار ابن كثير

تاريخ النشر : 2010

الورق : أبيض

ألوان الطباعة : لون واحد

التجليد : غلاف

عدد الصفحات : 174

mejm alrumuz al’iislamiati, shaeayir – tasawuf – hadara – معجم الرموز الإسلامية، شعائر – تصوف – حضارة


تكمن أهمية هذا المعجم في أنه
– معجم مرتب أبجدياً يحتوي على 1600 مدخل وآلاف المراجع فضلاً عن عوده الدائم إلى القرآن الكريم والسنة الشريفة
– موسوعة ثمينة تتناول تاريخ الإسلام وتنوّعه وعلماءه ومدارسه وجغرافيته وثقافته
– مرجع شامل يعالج الرمز في الإسلام حضارة وديانة وتاريخاً كما يتبدى لنا في الحياة اليومية وفي العقيدة
أداة ضرورية لكل من يرغب في سبر غور الفكر الإسلامي والتعمق في مخيلته الواسعة على مدى الأربعة عشر قرناً من التاريخ الهجري

491 صفحة

دار الجيل – بيروت

almaejam fi al’iierab – المعجم في الإعراب


وضح وتصميم: عمر توفيق سفر آغا

ومعه إضافات من إعداد: محمد بنيس

عدد الصفحات 224 صفحة

الناشر: دار المعرفة

English Phonetics and Phonology


By: Dr. Muhammad Ali Alkhuli

Pages: 245

Let’s Begin To Read Arabic : A Beginner’s Guide To Learning The Arabic Language And The Qur’an


It does not follow the conventional approach to teach the Arabic alphabet. This unconventional approach is based on the following factors:

  • To benefit from the sounds common to Arabic and English.
  • The letters are presented along with the vowel-signs from the very beginning.
  • Each lesson contains only one new element a consonant, a vowel, a phonetic rule or a spelling rule.
  • The student is made to read real words from the Quran.
  • The student is advised to learn every lesson thoroughly before passing on to the next.
  • This method is successfully being used in certain parts of the world and has considerably shortened the learning time.

Dr V Abdur Rahim obtained his doctorate in the Arabic language from Al-Azhar University and has taught it for more than four decades. He was, for a long time, a principle lecturer of Arabic language to foreign students at Madinah Islamic University. He has combined the modern way of learning with the classical system. He is also the author of the popular book series “The Arabic Course for English Speaking Students”

taelim allughat al’iinkliziat lilearab – تعليم اللغة الإنكليزية للعرب


كتاب تعليم لغة سهل معد للاستعمال السياحي والتجاري يهم كل مسافر حيث يجد بسهولة الكلمات التي يحتاجها مع طريقة لفظها باللغة المستخدمة كما تم تقسيم الكتاب الى ابواب مثل الارقام وايام الاسبوع والاشهر وفي المطار والفندق والمطعم وغيره

نشر سنة 2010

158 صفحة

دار الكتب العلمية – بيروت

taelim allughat alearabiat lilnnatiqin bial’iinklizia – تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بالإنكليزية



كتاب تعليم اللغة العربية لغير العرب معد للاستعمال السياحي والتجاري يهم كل زائر للوطن العربي حيث يجد بسهولة الكلمات التي يحتاجها مع طريقة لفظها باللغة العربية كما تم تقسيم الكتاب الى ابواب مثل الارقام وايام الاسبوع والاشهر وفي المطار والفندق والمطعم وغيره

نشر سنة 2012

112 صفحة

دار الكتب العلمية – بيروت

marjie altullab fi tasrif al’afeal – مرجع الطلاب في تصريف الأفعال


إعداد: إبراهيم شمس الدين

عدد الصفحات 198 صفحة

الناشر: دار الكتب العالمية

marjie altullab fi al’iierab – مرجع الطلاب في الإعراب


مرجع الطلاب في الإعراب
المؤلف : إبراهيم شمس الدين
الناشر : دار الكتب العلمية
الطبعة : الخامسة سنة 2009م
عدد الصفحات : 240

I Love The Arabic Language Textbook: Level 3 أحب اللغة العربية كتاب التلميذ


Code: 9782355400117

Author: Dr. Al Habeeb Al Affass

Age: Elementary School

Pages: 64

Format: Paperback

Language: Arabic

The I Love Arabic Series comes to you from expert language teachers living in over 41 European countries. It focuses on teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers, especially benefiting those who have little time to commit to Arabic throughout the weekdays, and makes learning easy by covering several educational levels: Kindergarten level for ages 3-5 years old and levels 1-6 for ages 6-11 years old. Three systematic divisions (sounds, words and syntactical structure, and conversational practices) enable the learner to generate language accurately in a variety of highly successful modern techniques. These focus sections present the Arabic language clearly and inclusively to meet the needs of Western learners. This curriculum develops fluency by communication, discovery, realization, and then application. It helps Arabic learners to deal confidently with Arabic culture, plus different types of reading and listening passages:

  1. Reading techniques are developed through the study of a wide selection of authentic reading passages, including classic Arabic without concentration on spoken dialect. Regular vocabulary exercises examine word building techniques.
  2. Careful balances of authentic and scripted listening materials build confidence whilst offering the ability to communicate with native Arabic speakers.
  3. A presentation of Arabic culture patterns help Western children to connect with their Arabic speaking peers in other parts of the world.

1. Student Text The student text is the first step of I Love Arabic Series (from 8 years old) and is supported by a comprehensive workbook, handwriting book, and teacher case. The text is comprised of 16 units discussing critical issues of a child’s world. Each unit is divided accordingly:

  • Reading Dialogue: Simple and short passages comprising linguistic structures of sounds, vocabulary, expressions, and syntax structures, aim to facilitate learning by teaching the language process and communication.
  • Vocabulary: Vocabulary words are taken directly from reading dialogue. They are combined with graphics to further student understanding and sensory perception.
  • Conversation: Conversational exercises encourage students to participate in classroom activities, apply reading material within dialogue, and ultimately become fluent speakers.
  • Illustrated Dictionary: An illustrated dictionary appears at the end of the workbook and includes word sets found throughout the lessons making memorization easy.

2. Workbook: The patterns of exercises include:

  • Listening Comprehension: Exercises aimed at determining the level of children’s comprehension for new vocabularies and expressions.
  • Reading Comprehension: Exercises aimed at determining the level of children’s comprehension for the meaning of dialogue expressions.
  • Vocabulary: New vocabulary is listed to help with student memorization.
  • New Phrases: More exercises to support the student text.
  • Writing Composition: This section focuses on word expressions and sentences to reinforce more complete writing skills.
  • Grammar: A special concentration of theory and practice make learning grammar easier to understand.

3. Handwriting Book: Students practice writing Arabic letters, words, and then expressions.
4. Teacher Case: Consists of:

  • Teacher Guide: Tips on efficient teaching practices.
  • Posters to be used as classroom visual aids.
  • Audio tapes.

Arabic in Kindergarten Textbook: Level Pre-K 1 (From 3 Years) العربية في الروضة كتاب التلميذ


Author: Dr. Al Habeeb Al Affass

Publisher: JSF Editions (Jeunesse Sans Frontiere)

Format: Paperback

Ages: Pre-K – 2nd Level

Code: 9782355400575

Language: Arabic

This series provides a new, integrated approach for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers and covers these educational levels:

  • Pre-K 1 level, starting from 3 years old
  • Pre-K 2 level for 4-5 year-old
  • and KG 3 level for 5-6 year-old.

This series presents the Arabic language clearly and inclusively to meet the needs of Western learners.

The curriculum sees language as both a general skill and a set of specific actions a child should to learn through communication, discovery, realization, and then application. It takes a systematic, three-part approach. Each part has certain objectives, enabling the learner to generate language accurately in a variety of modern ways.
The system takes into account these three elements:

  • Linguistic competence: this includes the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; and the three elements of language: phonetic sounds, vocabulary and grammatical structures.
  • Communicative competence: the ability to communicate with the people of language and writing words.
  • Cultural competence: looks at patterns of the Arab culture in an engaging and exciting manner for children in this age-level, helping Western children connect with their Arabic speaking peers in other parts of the world.

This series concentrates on classic Arabic, without using spoken dialects. The curriculum uses guided-art methods and techniques (recommended by experts in foreign-language instruction), and takes into account the unique nature of the Arabic language and its distinct characteristics.
Supplemental audio CD is sold separately.

هي سلسلة في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها، وتغطي مستويات الروضة (بداية من 3 الى 5 سنوات). وهي منهج تعليمي متطور، يعرض العربية عرضا تربويا شيقا ويلبي حاجات الأطفال غير الناطقين بالعربية والمقيمين في الغرب. وتتميز بالشمول والتكامل. وهي تنظر الى اللغة على أنها مجموعة من المهارات العامة والأنشطة الخاصة، يسعى المعلم إلى إكسابها الطفل عن طريق التواصل معه، وإشراكه في اكتشافها ثم إدراكها ثم معالجتها وتوظيفها، لا عن طريق فرضها عليه ليتلقّاها بالتلقين
وتهدف السلسلة الى تحقيق تعليم العربية للأطفال بأفضل الوسائل وأحدثها من خلال تمكينهم من الكفايات التالية: الكفاية اللغوية (التي تضم المهارات اللغوية الأربع: الاستماع والكلام والقراءة والكتابة – والعناصر اللغوية الثلاثة: الأصوات والمفردات والتراكيب النحوية) والكفاية الاتصالية (القدرة على الاتصال بأهل اللغة كلاما وكتابة) والكفاية الثقافية (عرض أنماط الثقافة العربية الاسلامية بأسلوب جذاب ومشوق للطفل في هذه السن، وإمداده بألوان من الثقافة العامة المشتركة بين الأطفال في الغرب في هذه المرحلة)
تعتمد السلسلة على اللغة العربية الفصحى، ولا تستخدم أي لهجة من اللهجات العربية العامة ولا تستعين بلغة وسيطة. وتهتدي بأحدث الطرائق والأساليب التي توصل إليها علم تعليم اللغات الأجنبية، مع مراعاة طبيعة اللغة العربية.
القرص الصوتي يباع على حده

I Love The Arabic Language Textbook: Level 1 أحب اللغة العربية كتاب التلميذ


Author: Dr. Al Habeeb Al Affass

Age: Elementary School

ISBN-13: 2355400059

Pages: 64

This series provides a new, integrated approach to teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers and is the first European curriculum to equip students with the skills needed to start speaking Arabic almost immediately. The curriculum uses guide-art methods and techniques recommended by experts in foreign-language instruction and takes into account the unique nature of the Arabic language and its distinct characteristics.


  1. Focuses on the communicative approach
  2. Develops thinking skills
  3. Discusses the culture of the language in an attractive and objective way
  4. Presents real-life situation lessons
  5. Islamic themes

Format: Paperback

Language: Arabic

This series provides a new, integrated approach to teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers and is the first European curriculum to equip students with the skills needed to start speaking Arabic almost immediately. The curriculum uses guide-art methods and techniques recommended by experts in foreign-language instruction and takes into account the unique nature of the Arabic language and its distinct characteristics.


  1. Focuses on the communicative approach
  2. Develops thinking skills
  3. Discusses the culture of the language in an attractive and objective way
  4. Presents real-life situation lessons
  5. Islamic themes

Access to Qur’anic Arabic (Textbook, Workbook, Selections) Paperback

Author: Abdul Wahid Hamid
Publisher: Muslim Education & Literacy Services – MELS
Language : English, Arabic
-Size: A4 (30 x 21 x 1cm)
– Access to Quranic Arabic Textbook and 4 Access CDs for Textbook and Selections.
– Access to Qur’anic Arabic (Textbook, Workbook, Selections)
– Access to Qur’anic Arabic – Textbook
– The Textbook covers the basic grammar and structure of Arabic using Qur’anic words, phrases and sentences throughout. It is also based on the principle of word frequency in the Qur’an. It uses three Word Lists – with words occurring over 100 times, between 50 and 100 times and between 25 and 49 times in the Qur’an. This approach has two benefits. Users will not be burdened with a very large vocabulary from the outset, and with non-Qur’anic vocabulary. By mastering the select vocabulary, they will be able to understand much and quickly. The page layout and design of the book should make it easy to follow.
– Access to Qur’anic Arabic – Workbook
– This Workbook has stimulating exercises for each of the 40 Units of the Textbook and gives much-needed practice in grammar, structure and meaning. Again, only vocabulary and actual sentences from the Qur’an are used in the Workbook. At an early stage, students are also introduced to unvowelled Arabic text which can only be read accurately with a good knowlege of Arabic grammar and structure.
– Access to Qur’anic Arabic – Selections
– This book of annotated Selections from the Qur’an has passages that feature the select vocabulary and illusrate points of grammar, structure and style covered in the Textbook with some additional material included.
– The 110 selections are presented with parallel translations, notes and vocabulary in an attractive and easy to use format.A special feature of the Selections book is the combined Vocabulary List of words occurring over 25 times in the Qur’an.

First Steps & Second Steps in Arabic Grammar

Author: Yasien Mohamed
Author: Muhammed Haron
Publisher: IQRA International Educational Foundation
Size/Vol.: A4_LONG (21×34.8 cm – 8.27×13.70 in)
ISBN : 9781563160165
Language : English, Arabic
-Binding: Paperback
– Pages: book 1 = 257, book 2 =144
– weight (both volumes together): 1180g
– Book 1 ISBN= 9781563160165
– Book 2 ISBN= 9781563160257
– This book is part of IQRA’s Program of Arabic Studies that can be used in conjunction with IQRA’ Arabic Reader series, levels 4 through 6, for further explanation, examples and drilling. However, it can be used as an independent textbook on Arabic grammar for junior high, high school, college students and adults. For the students who have studied IQRA’ Arabic Reader series, this volume provides a natural transition to a formal introduction to Arabic grammar. Generally speaking, the language of this book is simple and the rules of grammar are gradually explained in a lucid language and explained the rules of Arabic grammar for junior and senior level students as well as for adults. Each lesson is well planned, explaining one simple rule of grammar and providing explanation for the rules, examples, new vocabulary and various exercises that both youngsters and adults can understand without much difficulty.

IQRA’ Arabic Reader Text+WORKbook Level 5

Author: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
Publisher: IQRA
Theme: School
Ages: Elementary School
Language: Arabic and English

A Textbook of Arabic Language for those who are learning Arabic as a Second Language. This is the 5th level Text book in this series of IQRA’ Arabic Readers. Especially written for classrooms in Public schools and in Full time Islamic schools.

IQRA’ Arabic Reader Text+workbook Level 6

Author: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
Publisher: IQRA
Theme: School
Ages: Elementary School
Language: Arabic and English

This Level 6 Book of IQRA’ Arabic Reader graded series is designed to systematically continue teaching Arabic as a second language to English speaking youth who are in their senior years of schooling. This book is suitable for upper senior level students or for those who have completed the study of Level 5 Book of IQRA’ series.



By: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
Paperback, 124 pages

IQRA Arabic Reader 1 Textbook


This is the 1st level within the IQRA’ Arabic Readers series. This textbook is suited for  junior level students and introduces aspects of theoretical grammar besides applied linguistics. Based on a format of 6 fields of activities and 15 lessons, it carries the learners to a gradually higher level of linguistic skills. It teaches, for the first time, theoretical grammatical concepts and terminology such as demonstrative and relative nouns and pronouns, definite articles, the nominative case, verb tenses, and more. Reading selections are more comprehensive than those of the previous textbooks and the topics are aimed at teens growing up in the west. This textbook takes the students to a higher level of language proficiency in reading and writing Arabic and understanding its structure.

AUTHOR:Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah


silsilat taelim maharat allughat alearabia – سلسلة تعليم مهارات اللغة العربية


منهج متكامل في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير العرب

تأليف: الدكتور/ محمد محي الدين أحمد

الأستاذة/ فردوس أحمد جاد

مراجعة: ألستاذ كمال عبدالعزيز إبراهيم

الأستاذ محمد بخاري لوبيس

عدد الصفحات 216 صفحة

dalil almuelim ‘iilaa aistikhdam alsuwar walbitaqat fi taelim allughat alearabia – دليل المعلم إلى استخدام الصور والبطاقات في تعليم اللغة العربية


تاليف: د. محمود إسماعيل صيني

ناصف مصطفى عبدالعزيز

مختار الطاهر حسين

عدد الصفحات 250 صفحة

الناشر: مكتب التربية العربي لدول الخليج

We Are Muslims Text + student book Grade 3


AUTHOR:Abdullah Ghazi and Tasneema Khatoon



Description from the publisher: “We are Muslims” is a textbook written as part of the ‘Aqidah, Fiqh and Akhlaq syllabus for Grade Two pupils. As part of IQRA’ International Educational Foundation’s comprehensive program of Islamic Studies, this textbook imparts the fundamental beliefs of Islam as well as the key components of the Salah, Halal and Haram, social responsibilities and much more. These lessons have been arranged in a sequential manner that is designed to facilitate the students’ understanding of their obligations as young Muslims.

Our Prophet Muhammad(s) Text+ Student book Grade 2 (Life in Makkah, New Edition)


AUTHOR:Abidullah Ghazi and Saba Ameen



Our Prophet (s): Life in Makkah is a textbook written as part of the Sirah and Haddith Syllabus for Grade Two pupils. This is new completely revised and redesigned version of IQRA’s popular publication Our Prophet, Part1. The textbook introduces the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad in a simple and charming manner. The lessons on the life of the Prophet have been arranged in a sequential manner that will help pupils to comprehend and think about the important events of the Sirah of our dear Prophet. The textbook is written in simple English with many suitable and colorful illustrations, which make learning interesting for the students. We hope that the textbook will be the beginning of the lasting love and reverence for Muhammad Rasulullah in the hearts and minds of the young believers, Insha’Allah.

We Are Muslims Textbook Grade 2 TEXT BOOK + STUDENT


AUTHOR:Abdullah Ghazi and Tasneema Khatoon



Description from the publisher: “We are Muslims” is a textbook written as part of the ‘Aqidah, Fiqh and Akhlaq syllabus for Grade Two pupils. As part of IQRA’ International Educational Foundation’s comprehensive program of Islamic Studies, this textbook imparts the fundamental beliefs of Islam as well as the key components of the Salah, Halal and Haram, social responsibilities and much more. These lessons have been arranged in a sequential manner that is designed to facilitate the students’ understanding of their obligations as young Muslims.

asdiqa’ alearabiat j 4 (alerbyt lilnnatiqin bghyrha) – (أصدقاء العربية ج4 (العربية للناطقين بغيرها


تأليف زينات عبد الهادي الكرمي

“أصدقاء العربية” سلسلة تعليمية موجّهة إلى الناطقين بغير العربية تشمل ستة مستويات (1-6) متتابعة. يتكون كل مستوى من ثلاث مواد تعليمية رئيسة هي: كتاب الطالب، وكتاب النشاط وكتاب المعلم بالإضافة إلى وسائل تعليمية داعمة “قرص مدمج، بطاقات تعليمية، بوسترات، قصص…”. وقد روعي أن تلائم حاجة المتعلم إلى إتقان المهارات الأساسية في تعلم اللغة العربية وهي: الاستماع، والمحادثة والقراءة والكتابة، ويتضمن كتابا الطالب والنشاط تدريبات وأنشطة تحفز المتعلم إلى استخدام العمليات الذهنية المساندة للتعلم بعيد المدى كالفهم والملاحظة والتمييز والتصنيف والاستنتاج بأساليب متنوعة تمكنه من المفردات التي تعلمها

دار المنهل ناشرون وموزعون

asdiqa’ alearabiat j 3 (alerbyt lilnnatiqin bghyrha) – (أصدقاء العربية ج3 (العربية للناطقين بغيرها


“أصدقاء العربية” سلسلة تعليمية موجّهة إلى الناطقين بغير العربية تشمل ستة مستويات (1-6) متتابعة. يتكون كل مستوى من ثلاث مواد تعليمية رئيسة هي: كتاب الطالب، وكتاب النشاط وكتاب المعلم بالإضافة إلى وسائل تعليمية داعمة “قرص مدمج، بطاقات تعليمية، بوسترات، قصص…”. وقد روعي أن تلائم حاجة المتعلم إلى إتقان المهارات الأساسية في تعلم اللغة العربية وهي: الاستماع، والمحادثة والقراءة والكتابة، ويتضمن كتابا الطالب والنشاط تدريبات وأنشطة تحفز المتعلم إلى استخدام العمليات الذهنية المساندة للتعلم بعيد المدى كالفهم والملاحظة والتمييز والتصنيف والاستنتاج بأساليب متنوعة تمكنه من المفردات التي تعلمها

كتاب الطالب + كتاب النشاط

دار المنهل ناشرون وموزعون


asdiqa’ alearabiat j 2 (alerbyt lilnnatiqin bghyrha) – (أصدقاء العربية ج2 (العربية للناطقين بغيرها


تأليف زينات عبد الهادي الكرمي

“أصدقاء العربية” سلسلة تعليمية موجّهة إلى الناطقين بغير العربية تشمل ستة مستويات (1-6) متتابعة. يتكون كل مستوى من ثلاث مواد تعليمية رئيسة هي: كتاب الطالب، وكتاب النشاط وكتاب المعلم بالإضافة إلى وسائل تعليمية داعمة “قرص مدمج، بطاقات تعليمية، بوسترات، قصص…”. وقد روعي أن تلائم حاجة المتعلم إلى إتقان المهارات الأساسية في تعلم اللغة العربية وهي: الاستماع، والمحادثة والقراءة والكتابة، ويتضمن كتابا الطالب والنشاط تدريبات وأنشطة تحفز المتعلم إلى استخدام العمليات الذهنية المساندة للتعلم بعيد المدى كالفهم والملاحظة والتمييز والتصنيف والاستنتاج بأساليب متنوعة تمكنه من المفردات التي تعلمها

كتاب + كتاب النشاط

دار المنهل ناشرون وموزعون

asdiqa’ alearabiat j 1 (alerbyt lilnnatiqin bghyrha) – (أصدقاء العربية ج1 (العربية للناطقين بغيرها


“أصدقاء العربية” سلسلة تعليمية موجّهة إلى الناطقين بغير العربية تشمل ستة مستويات (1-6) متتابعة. يتكون كل مستوى من ثلاث مواد تعليمية رئيسة هي: كتاب الطالب، وكتاب النشاط وكتاب المعلم بالإضافة إلى وسائل تعليمية داعمة “قرص مدمج، بطاقات تعليمية، بوسترات، قصص…”. وقد روعي أن تلائم حاجة المتعلم إلى إتقان المهارات الأساسية في تعلم اللغة العربية وهي: الاستماع، والمحادثة والقراءة والكتابة، ويتضمن كتابا الطالب والنشاط تدريبات وأنشطة تحفز المتعلم إلى استخدام العمليات الذهنية المساندة للتعلم بعيد المدى كالفهم والملاحظة والتمييز والتصنيف والاستنتاج بأساليب متنوعة تمكنه من المفردات التي تعلمها

كتاب الطالب + كتاب النشاط

دار المنهل ناشرون وموزعون


Learning Arabic Alphabet – تعلم اللغة العربية

Author / Translator:
Mateenuddin Ahmad
Page: 32
Binding: Paperback

Learning Arabic Alphabet – تعلم الحروف العربية

Author / Translator:
Mateenuddin Ahmad
Page: 32
Binding: Paperback

fi hadiqat allughat alearabiat -rqmi 3- kitab altaalib + altamarin – في حديقة اللغة العربية -رقم 3- كتاب الطالب + التمارين


الكتاب الأساس + التمارين التكميلية

الناشر: المركز العربي للخدمات التربوية

fi hadiqat allughat alearabiat -rqmi 1- kitab altaalib + altamarin – في حديقة اللغة العربية -رقم 1- كتاب الطالب + التمارين


الكتاب الأساس + التمارين التكميلية

الناشر: المركز العربي للخدمات التربوية

fi allughat alearabiat – altahdiri- kitab altaalib + altamarin – في حديقة اللغة العربية – التحضيري- كتاب الطالب + التمارين


المستوى التحضيري

اكتساب القدرة على التّعرف والتّفريق بين الحروف الهجائية قراءة وكتابة بشكلها المجرد ومع جميع أشكالها في أول الكلمة ووسطها وآخرها

التّمييز بين أصوات الحروف مع الفتحة، الضّمّة والكسرة، وبين أصواتها ممدودة: بالألف، بالواو وبالياء، الوصول إلى إتقان مهارة النّطق والتّلفظ والكتابة

القدره على التّمييز بين الحروف المتشابهة في النّطق والمتشابهة في الرّسم

تنمية مهاراتي التّحليل والتّركيب الحرفي تمهيدًا للقراءة، من خلال التّدرج في التّعرف على الحرف فالمقطع ثمّ الكلمة

التعّرف على مجموعة كبيرة من الأسماء والأفعال المتعلقة بمحيط التّلميذ بالاعتماد على ربط الكلمة بالصّورة

لتقويم هذه المهارات أتبعت مجموعة من التّطبيقات المستفادة من الرّياضيات، اللّسانيات، الحسّيات والسّمعيات

الكتاب الأساس + التمارين التكميلية

الناشر: المركز العربي للخدمات التربوية

nur albayan fi muealam alqir’at bialquran – نور البيان في معلم القرءة بالقرآن


للحضانات – ودور التحفيظ – ومحو الأمية

جمع وترتيب: محمد حسن محمد

عدد الصفحات 80 صفحة

rawdat alban limuhafazi alquran – روضة البيان لمحفظي القرآن


فوائد تربوية وإدارية لنجاح حلقات التحفيظ تعليميآ

جمع وترتيب: محمد حسن محمد

عدد الصفحات160 صفحة


ARABIC LETTERS – الحروف العربية


إعداد: محمد رابح

عدد الصفحات 14 صفحة

ِArabic Course For English Speaking Students Part 3 -دروس اللغة العربية المستوى 3


The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegeses, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature. It is concise (consisting of only three books, reasonably short) but extensive in their coverage. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It Helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry.
Pages: 500
Size cm: 17×24 Cm
Binding:Hard Back
Author: DR .V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Darussalam

Arabic Course (for English-Speaking Students ) Volume 1 – دروس اللغة العربية المستوى 1

The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegeses, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature. It is concise ( consisting of only three books, reasonably short ) but extensive in their coverage. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It Helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry.

Arabic Course (for English -Speaking Students) Vol 2 – دروس العربية المستوى 2


Author: Dr V Abdur Rahim

The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegeses, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature. It is concise ( consisting of only three books, reasonably short ) but extensive in their coverage. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It Helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry.

Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students 2 – دروس اللغة العربية رقم 2 (UKIA)


The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegesis, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature. It is concise (consisting of only three books, reasonably short) but extensive in their coverage. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. The author presents Arabic as a living and vibrant language and takes examples from Arabic in everyday use, as also from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, so that student learns the language. He also acquires an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. In this way, ethical teachings are infused into the whole, and the student becomes directly involved in the study of the Qu’ran and the Sunnah while simultaneously acquiring a sound understanding of the Arabic language.
Binding: Soft Cover
Author: Dr V Abdur Rahim
Publisher: UK Islamic Academy

Arabic Course for English Speaking Students دروس اللغة العربية المستوى1 – 1 (UKIA)


The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegesis, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature. It is concise (consisting of only three books, reasonably short) but extensive in their coverage. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. The author presents Arabic as a living and vibrant language and takes examples from Arabic in everyday use, as also from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, so that student learns the language. He also acquires an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. In this way, ethical teachings are infused into the whole, and the student becomes directly involved in the study of the Qu’ran and the Sunnah while simultaneously acquiring a sound understanding of the Arabic language.
Size cm: 15×21 Cm
Binding: Soft Cover
Author: Dr V Abdur Rahim
Publisher: UK Islamic Academy

Arabic For Buds : KG2 Level (5 -6 Years) for kids + activity books – العربية للبراعم للأطفال للطالب+النشاط


منهج متكامل لتعليم الصغار

مرحلة الروضة 6-5 سنوات

كتاب المعلمة

تأليف: د. محمود إسماعيل صالح

ناصف مصطفى عبدالعزيز

د. محتار الطاهر حسين

Arabic For Buds : KG2 Level (5 -6 Years) for TEACHER – العربية للبراعم للأطفال


منهج متكامل لتعليم الصغار

مرحلة الروضة 6-5 سنوات

كتاب المعلمة

تأليف: د. محمود إسماعيل صالح

ناصف مصطفى عبدالعزيز

د. محتار الطاهر حسين

Arabic For Buds : KG2 Level (4 – 5 Years) for KIDS – العربية للبراعم للأطفال


Arabic For Buds : KG2 Level (4 – 5 Years) for KIDS – العربية للبراعم للأطفال

منهج متكامل لتعليم الصغار

مرحلة الروضة 4-5 سنوات

كتاب الطفل

تأليف: د. محمود إسماعيل صالح

ناصف مصطفى عبدالعزيز

د. محتار الطاهر حسين

Arabic For Buds : KG2 Level (4 – 5 Years) for teacher+ activity – العربية للبراعم للمعلم+الطالب


منهج متكامل لتعليم الصغار

مرحلة الروضة 4-5 سنوات

كتاب المعلم + النشاط

تأليف: د. محمود إسماعيل صالح

ناصف مصطفى عبدالعزيز

د. محتار الطاهر حسين

My Picture Dictionary – قاموسي المصور


إعداد: عبدالله بن يوسف أبوقبع

مراجعة وتدقيق: محمد نور يوسف

عدد الصفحات 127 صفحة

الناشر: دار الفرقان

Let’s Read & Write Arabic: Book 2 (New Expanded Edition)

Author: Fadel Abdallah
Publisher: Iqra’ International Educational Foundation
Pages: 70 Binding: Paperback

Description from the publisher: 

Let’s Read and Write Arabic(part I and II ) are part of IQRA’S pioneering educational efforts to prepare a comprehensive and systematic program of Arabic and Quranic Studies. This book brings the young learners a step closer to the reading and writing of the Quranic language. The book present Quranic words, terms, and phrases as the basis for practicing reading and writing Arabic. All of the words which are introduced in this activity book are of high frequency in the Qurans. These two volume serves the purpose: teaching basic Quranic vocabulary, teaching simultaneously Arabic script, teaching important Quranic terms and terminology, teaching basic Quranic concept in English. These books provide sure foundation for further studies of Arabic, Quranic and Islamic studies.

Let’s Read & Write Arabic : Book 1 (New Expanded Edition)

ISBN: 1563160056
Author: Fadel Abdallah
Publisher: Iqra’ International Educational Foundation
Pages: 50 Binding: Paperback

Description from the publisher: 

In this exercise book, Qur’anic terms are used in over 90 lessons that are designed to teach the writing of Arabic words and sentences.

Product Details:

  • Reading level: Lower Elementary
  • Publisher: IQRA’ International Educational Foundation
  • Edition: Paperback 53 pages
  • Language: English/Arabic

Qur’anic Language Made Easy


This book is a response to the demands made by students of Arabic language to transform teaching notes and methodologies into a textbook. The author, Iffath Hasan, is both a hafiza (one who has memorized the entire Qur’an) and an Arabic teacher who is now opening the door of Qur’anic comprehension to eager learners everywhere. IQRA’ hopes beginners will find this book a helpful guide as she aspires to open the door to the message of the Divine revelation. Using only text from the Qur’an, it is doubly beneficial for students to learn not only the Arabic language but facilitate their study, memorization and understanding of the Qur’an. This is a supplementary book for the senior level student, college age or adult. Features:

  1. Arabic with English directions
  2. Qur’anic themes
  3. Modern methodology

Three units include: Unit 1: Nouns, pronouns, prepositions and their characteristics Unit 2: Verbs and their trilateral roots Basic sentence structure Unit 3: Arabic verbs Derive

Workbooks for Islamic Studies: Arabic Grammar – Al-Ajurrumiyya Paperback

  • Paperback: 48 pages
  • Publisher: Darul Imam Muslim (2015)
  • Pages: 68

The WORKBOOKS FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES Series is a collection of important Islamic texts recommended by scholars for aspiring students of knowledge. This volume contains Al-Ajurrumiyya, a classic manual in Arabic grammar. The text is entirely vowelised for ease of memorisation and divided into portions in order to study it in appropriate stages. Ample space is provided on each page for teachers to write lesson plans, notes and ideas, while students can utilise the workbook for making class notes, compiling benefits or even practising grammar exercises. You can find examples of how to use the workbook on Darul Imam Muslim’s website and share your experience too.

sajal alhudur walghiab lajamie almuasasat walhayyat altaelimia – سجل الحضور والغياب لجميع المؤسسات والهيئات التعليمية


سجل  يساعد المدرسين والهيئات التعليمية على حصر وضبط الحضور والغياب

من/ مضصطفى الجندي

الناشر: دار السلف الصالح

عدد الصفحات 47 صفحة

IQRA’ Arabic Reader Textbook+Activitybook: Level 3


IQRA’ Arabic Reader Textbook: Level 3

Author: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah

Publisher: IQRA

Format: Paperback

Ages: Elementary School

Pages: 188

Language: Arabic and English



This fantastic textbook is part of a series of IQRA’ books for young children that have been written especially for the study of life of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him!). Mercy to Mankind: Life in Makkah covers the biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him!) from his birth to the Hijrah. Imparting more information and at a higher level of readability than the lower grade-level textbooks, the Mercy to Mankind series utilizes the knowledge gained in the Our Prophet series of the lower elementary level.

  • Author/Translator/Orator:Dr Abidullah Ghazi & Dr Tasneema Ghazi
  • Publisher:IQRA’ INternational Educaional Foundatio
  • Format:Paper Back
  • Pages: 123

Islamic Tahdhib and Akhlaq

  • Paperback: 222 pages
  • Publisher: IQRA International Educational Foundation (Jan. 1997)
  • Language: English

An Introduction to the principles of fiqh


An outstanding introduction to the principles and methodologies that have been used by Islamic scholars to deduct legal (fiqh) rulings from the ultimate sources of divine law: the Qur’an and Sunnah. The textbook lays the groundwork for those wishing to further their studies in fiqh and the Shari’ah. Ideal for madrasah and high-school students.

Pages: 69


  • Author/Translator/Orator:Dr.Abidullah Ghazi
  • Publisher:IQRA International Educational Foundatio
  • Format:Paper Back
  • Grade Level:For High School
 The first of a series of textbooks introducing the Sihah us-Sittah, the six canonical hadith collections, An Introduction to Sahih al-Bukhari gives students background information into the history and structure of this central text as well as a sampling of hadith from its content.

Your Arabic Friend (Arabic GCSE) (Arabic) Paperback


Your Arabic Friend, Arabic GCSE Based on the requirements of EDEXCEL SPECIFICATION (SYLLABUS), it provides candidates with sound knowledge of the Arabic language while preparing them for the GCSE EXAMINATIONS. Covering the AREAS OF ACTIVITIES of the GCSE Edexcel Arabic syllabus. Usage of all the words of the MINIMUM CORE VOCABULARY list and much more. Extensive TRANSLATION within the text of Arabic words to English. ALL TYPES OF TEACHING METHODS: descriptive texts, dialogues, tables, lists, short stories and plenty of pictures. EXERCISES AND REVISION EXERCISES throughout and EXAMINATION-STYLE TESTS WITH ANSWERS, for the four areas of assessment: reading, listening, conversation and writing. APPENDICES containing examination rubrics, completely translated, common mistakes and innovative and practical application of word derivation in Arabic. AN AUDIO CD SET with recordings of the text of all listening exercises and questions, by NATIVE ARAB SPEAKERS. The INTRODUCTION AND THE WORD DERIVATION ARE ALL WRITTEN IN ENGLISH to ensure immediate and comprehensive understanding by the students. Technical details: 280 pages; format A4 (297 x 210mm); heavy duty paper; full-colour; perfect bound laminated cover

Pages: 278

Children’s Arabic Alphabet Workbook 1


This is the first workbook in the series aimed at helping children to learn the Arabic Alphabet letters in an active and enjoyable way. Each letter is presented individually to encourage recognition. Various letter Dot exercises follow to emphasise recognition. This workbook focuses specifically on the original Alphabet shapes. Each page now includes a box at the bottom for marking the exercise. Marks can then be transferred to the assessment table at the back where teachers can add up all the marks to calculate a final percentage. Notes for teachers are also included.
Paperback: 40 pages
Publisher: Ilm Foundation; 1st edition (2012)

Children’s Arabic Alphabet Workbooks) (Arabic)


Thisn is the second in a series of three workbooks desigend to help children in reception or year one (5 – 8 yr olds) to learn the Arabic alphabet. Due to unforseen circumstances the second workbook is available and the first will be published shortly – the third is planned to be published shortly after that. Currently, there are few workbooks available to provide resources to make the learning of the arabic alphabet interesting for children. This series is also focused on providing educational emphasis and is the result of a few years of tried and tested worksheets by a Masjid Ustaadh (teacher) who has upto 20 years experience in teaching children. Wholesale orders welcome – please contact seller.
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Ilm Foundation; 1 edition (2012)
Language: Arabic

rawad almanahil fi alqira’at walkitabat walmuhadatha – رواد المناهل في القراءة والكتابة والمحادثة


الفئة الثانية (4-5) سنوات

تأليف وإعداد: شوقي الموقع

وقف مناهج رياض الأطفال الحديثة


maejim altullab – معجم الطلاب


عربي – فارسي المزدوج فارسي – عربي

إعداد: الدكتور محمد التونجي

منشورات: محمد علي بيضون

الناشر: دار الكتب العالمية

Read and Speak Arabic


start communicating Right Away!


The 100 Word Exercise Book: Arabic – Paperback


NOW ALSO INCLUDES FREE ONLINE ACTIVITES! This great value pack includes the best-selling “100 Word Exercise Book” together with 75 minutes of audio specially designed to help with pronouncing the words and using them in natural phrases and mini-conversations. This book contains: 100 key items of vocabulary covering 8 everyday topics; matching games, memory games, joining exercises, word searches, and more; Round-up section: a final revision of all the 100 words together; 100 tear-out flashcards: help with whole-word recognition. The CD contains: introduction to the language and key pronunciation tips; pronunciation models and practice for all 100 words; audio games to aid memorisation; additional listening and speaking activities using the 100 words in natural phrases and situations.

Arabic For Beginners (Book-2)


Author: Muhammad S. AdlyPublisher: Message of IslamSize

Vol.: A4 (21×29.7 cm – 8.27×11.69 in)

Language : Arabic, English-A4 Size – 30 x 21 x 0.3 CM

Pages: 50

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 6


Description from the publisher :
Professor Abdur Rahim, Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, has authored texts designed to impart a knowledge of classical Arabic through applied grammar. Each lesson, based on a conversation, illustrates distinctive language patterns. These patterns are elucidated by a variety of helpful exercises. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to modern Arabic.

This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.

About the author(s):
Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Professor Abdur Rahim is the Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Pages: 108
Year of Publication: 2013
Size cm: 22×28
Binding: Softback
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 5


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.
A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 108
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: A3
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 4


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.
A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 91
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: A3
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 3


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.
A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 104
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: 21×27
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodword

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 2


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.

A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 87
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: A3
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Madinah Arabic Reader Book 1


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Center of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.
A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.
This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Year of Publication: 2007
Size cm: 21×30
Binding: S/C
Author: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords




Language: English/Arabic
Author: Mohammad Imran Erfani
ISBN: 8178984814
Pages: 64
Binding: Paperback
Year of Publication: 2006
Dimensions: 11.5 X 8.5 X 0.25
Arabic for Beginners is a colorful book with friendly images. It is an ideal introduction to Arabic alphabets with its different shapes. These shapes are shown with the help of very simple and easy words. Besides, a lot of exercises have been given in the book which can certainly help the learners to understand the letters and its shapes.(Publisher’s Description)

Gateway to Arabic Book 7 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic Book Seven adds to the student’s knowledge of the derived forms of Arabic verbs by teaching Forms Five to Ten inclusive, supported by written exercises. The key theme running through the book is overseas travel, and dialogues include dealing with lost luggage at the airport, calling a taxi, booking a hotel room and exchanging money.
Pages: 68
Binding: paper back
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Gateway to Arabic Book 6 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises.
Book Six concentrates on teaching Form Two, Three and Four Verbs in a comprehensive manner, covering regular and irregular verbs in various moods and tenses. It introduces the subjunctive and jussive moods and the particles that govern them. The key theme running through the book is the weather and seasons and the student will learn to talk about the temperature and climate in various parts of the world at different times of the year. As usual, passages of dialogue and extensive exercises enable the student to put into practice the knowledge he/she has acquired.
Size cm: 22×27
Binding: Paper back
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Gateway to Arabic Book 4 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises.

Gateway to Arabic Book Four focuses on family relationships and life in the home. It builds upon the student’s knowledge of past, present and imperative verbs by introducing some hollow, doubled root letter and ‘hamzated’ verb forms. Each topic is reinforced through the provision of realistic dialogues to enable the student to gain greater confidence and fluency in using Arabic.
Pages: 68
Binding: S/C
Paper back
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Gateway to Arabic Book 3 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises.

Book Three offers a step-by-step approach to learning past and present tense verbs, with plenty of opportunity for practice. Each point of grammar is reinforced through sample conversations that offer the student the chance to use the language in a meaningful context and develop confidence in self-expression.
Pages: 68
Size cm: 17×24
Binding: paperback
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Gateway to Arabic Book 2 – مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises. Gateway to Arabic Book Two builds on the basic reading and writing skills acquired in Book One (Starter Book). With a vocabulary of over 350 words and easy-to-follow explanations, supported by 250 illustrations, Book Two provides learners with a basic knowledge of Arabic grammar, enabling them to take their first steps in understanding and using non-verbal sentences.
Author: Dr. Imran Hamza Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Ltd.
Language : Arabic, English
-Binding: PaperBack
– Pages: 68
– Weight: 190g


Gateway to Arabic Book 1- مفتاح العربية (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners. As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises.

With its wealth of practice materials, Gateway to Arabic Book One teaches the skills necessary for reading and writing the language.

This book covers.
– Recognition of Arabic letters in their isolate form
– Formulation of letters in their written isolate form, with clear arrows to indicate the correct writing direction.
– The three short vowels: fatha, kasra and damma
– The recognition and formulation of letters in their joined forms
– Nunation (al-tanween)
– The three long vowels (al-madd)
– Al-sukun
– Al-shadda
– The sun and moon letters (al-huruf al-shamsiyyah wa’l-qamariyyah), and their associated rules
– Al-alif al-maqsura
– Al-hamza
Pages: 68
Size:22×27 CM
Binding: Paperback
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Arabic without Tears: Bk. 2: A First Book for Younger Learners


Arabic Without Tears: The Second Book for Younger Learners Book-2 Arabic Without Tears is a colorful new series designed to teach Arabic in a lively interactive manner to younger learners. It is intended for use by parents or teachers working closely with their children or pupils. This second volume builds upon the letter recognition skill taught in the first book of the series by introducing the child to the joined forms of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, together with the various vowel signs, in a gradual assimilative manner. The book follows a ‘key words’ approach, whereby the child is progressively introduced to a range of basic Arabic vocabulary. There is a thorough analysis of the phonic components making up each word, opportunity for copying and writing practice, as well as the chance to use each new word in a variety of meaningful contexts through a range of activities. Mini flashcards at the end of the book are provided to help test the child’s recognition and understanding of the key words.


Arabic without Tears: Bk. 1: A First Book for Younger Learners


“Arabic Without Tears” is a colourful new series designed to teach Arabic in a lively interactive manner to younger learners. It is intended for use by parents or teachers working closely with their children or pupils. This first book aims to teach the Arabic alphabet in its basic form through simple written exercises supported by the clear, arrowed diagrams over which the child can trace, thus encouraging him or her to develop confidence and independence in writing the isolate letters. Numerous exercises are included to reinforce letter recognition, alphabetical sequencing and writing practice. In addition, the book aims to teach children the Arabic numbers from one to ten as well as a wide range of colours and other useful vocabulary. Various fun activities are included to enable the child to use the words he or she has learnt in a meaningful context. Mini flashcards at the end of the book are provided to help test the child’s recognition of numbers and colours.


Goodword Arabic Writing Book 1 – 4


This series is perfect for your children to practice their Arabic writing skills. These books will bring out the latent calligraphers in them.
This is perfect book for children to help them learn to write Arabic. Every letter is shown brightly and on every page children have the opportunity to trace the letter they have just learned.
Pages: 4 Books Set
Size cm: 21×28
Binding: Softback
Author: M Harun Rashid

EASY ARABIC COURSE PART 2 – دروس اللغة العربية


Easy Arabic Course (Durus al-Lughat al-Arabiyah) – For English-Speaking Students. As per the curricula and norms pescribed by the Islamic University of Madinah.
Combines Modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur’an and hadith.

Assists in learning Arabic grammar and essential language skills

Uses a conversational approach to help understand grammatical usages in its perfect form.

Contains Multi-skil exercises to improve vocabulary and language
Cover: Paperback
Author: Professor V Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Islamic Book Service
Pages: 176

EASY ARABIC COURSE PART 1 – دروس اللغة العربية


Easy Arabic Course (Durus al-Lughat al-Arabiyah) – For English-Speaking Students. As per the curricula and norms pescribed by the Islamic University of Madinah.
Combines Modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur’an and hadith.

Assists in learning Arabic grammar and essential language skills

Uses a conversational approach to help understand grammatical usages in its perfect form.

Contains Multi-skil exercises to improve vocabulary and language
Cover: Paperback
Author: Professor V Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Islamic Book Service
Pages: 176


Madinah Arabic Reader Book 7


Professor Abdur Rahim’s eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns. A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic. This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations.

Gateway to Arabic Extension Book1-مفتاح العربية ملحق تطبيقي (Anglo-Arabic Graphics)


Gateway to Arabic Extension Book One addresses the needs of students who have completed Book Two of the Gateway series and wish to have the opportunity to practice further the skills they have acquired. This book aims to engage the student in a variety of language games, exercises and dialogue activities that will serve to reinforce the vocabulary, grammar and skills they have already learned in Book Two. In addition, it introduces additional extensive vocabulary, new sentence structures and conversational skills in a lively, interactive manner, and it is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
This book covers:

Personal details: talking about oneself.
Likes and dislikes.
Moving house: rooms, furniture and household items.
Talking about countries, nationalities and languages.
Everyday activities and hobbies.
Shopping: shops and their merchandise.
Comprehensive colors and their usage.
Animals: pets, zoo and farm animals.
Prepositions: asking and describing where things are.
Introduction to simple forms of past and present verbs.
Extensive classroom language games and activities.
Reference list of nouns and their plural
Pages: 68
Binding: Paperback
Author: Dr Imran H Alawiye
Publisher: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Limited

Madinah Arabic Reader 7 Books Set


Professor Abdul Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

Professor Dr.Abdur Rahim’s texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essential language skills through applied grammar. Each lesson is based on a conversation which illustrates distinctive language patterns.

A variety of exercises helps the student to understand and master each of the patterns occurring in the lesson. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to words and expressions current in modern Arabic.

This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCSE O-Level and A-Level examinations.
Pages: 6 Books Set
Size cm: 21×30
Binding: Softback
Author: Dr.V.Abdur Rahim
Publisher: Goodwords

Islamic Studies Level 10 (Weekend Learning)


Islamic Studies Level 10 book contains thought provoking topics such as Analysis of Surah Fatihah, the Bible and the Qur an, Ten Commandments in Islam, Women in the Qur an, Status of Women in Islam, Marrying Four Women, Difficult Questions on Marriage, A Muslim Family, Superstition, Racism and Islam and so forth are covered. Many of these topics provide materials for inter-faith discussion. All topics are sure to provide high-school students sufficient materials for serious, intelligent discussion. As the students are mature, homework becomes more intensive. Students are required to consult a translation of the Qur n to answer some of the homework. Homework is included in the book, thus eliminating the necessity to buy another

Islamic Studies Level 9 (Weekend Learning)


Level 9 Islamic Studies textbook is for 13 to 15 year old students who have completed Level 8 book from Weekend Learning Series or students who have acquired similar Islamic knowledge. Ideally, ninth- or tenth-grade students should use this book.

Students in this age-group are serious readers and they can analyze complex topics. For this reason, in this book, students are now introduced to additional age-appropriate, moral-building topics with greater depth. Thought provoking topics such as Ponder Over the Qur’an, Islam and Violence, Peer Pressure, Alcohol and Gambling, Permitted and Prohibited Food, Food of the People of the Book, Indecency, Family Values and so forth are covered. Many of these topics provide materials for inter-faith discussion. All topics are sure to provide high-school students sufficient materials for serious, intelligent discussion.
Homework becomes more intensive. Students are required to consult a translation of the Quran to answer some of the homework. Homework is included in the book, thus eliminating the necessity to buy another homework book.
Binding: Paperback
Published By: Week End Learning Publishers

Islamic Studies Level 8 – Weekend Learning (Revised & Enlarged Edition)


Homework becomes more intensive. Students are required to consult a translation of the Quran to answer some of the homework. Homework is included in the book, thus eliminating the necessity to buy another homework book.
Binding: Paperback
Published By: Week End Learning Publishers

Islamic Studies Level 7 – Weekend Learning (Revised & Enlarged Edition)


Level 7 book is for 11 to 14 year old children who have completed Level 6 book from Weekend Learning Series or children who have similar Islamic knowledge. Ideally, seventh-grade students should use this book.

As the students progress through Islamic Studies curriculum, students are now introduced to additional new topics with greater depth. For example, Istighfar, Islamic Greetings, Amr Bil Ma’ruf, Guarding our Tongues, Lailatul Qadr, Characters of the Prophets, Permitted and Prohibited and so forth are covered. Additional details from the lives of Adam (A), Ibrahim (A), Lut (A), and Yusuf (A) are covered with special emphasis on the morals from their lives. The stories of the Companions of Cave and Dhul-Qurnain are told in proper light from the Qur’an. Life and activities of Abu Sufyan and Khalid Ibn Walid are covered to show why they opposed Rasullullah (S) and how they accepted Islam later in their lives. Many other lessons cover Islamic values and morals.
Homework becomes more intensive. Students are required to consult a translation of the Quran to answer some of the homework. Homework is included in the book, thus eliminating the necessity to buy another homework book.
Binding: Paperback
Published By: Week End Learning Publishers

Islamic Studies Level 6 (Revised & Enlarged Edition) Weekend Learning


Level 6 Islamic Studies book is for 10-13 year old children who have completed Level 5 book from Weekend Learning Series or children who have acquired similar Islamic knowledge. Ideally, 6th grade students should use this book.

Islamic Studies Level 3 (Revised & Enlarged Edition) Weekend Learning


The Islamic Studies books from WeekendLearning Pulishers are based on a comprehensive 12-year curriculum. The curriculum contains broad aspect of Islam based on the Qur’an and authentic Hadith. The topics in the curriculum are laid out in a systematic manner to suit the teaching needs in a weekend Islamic school. Topics are selected based on age, grade and learning levels of each grade. Some topics covered in multiple grades to add different perspective, details and additional emphasis. The teachers and director of the school will find continuity in the curriculum as it unfolds year to year. Teachers will know how much each student will learn year to year, and how much they will have learned at the end when they graduate out of the school.
Binding: Paperback

Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah: Al-Ushrul Akheer (Last Three Juz DVD & Book)


Al-Ushrul Akheer (Last Three Juz) book with the latest PC DVD software for learning Tajweed using the Noraniah method.

Al-Qaidah Noraniah Book (A5) CD Pack English, Arabic – القاعدة النورانية


-Ideal for children from the age of four
-Access any lesson or word or letter with ease
-Opportunity to listen to any letter or to any word with spelling (with hija’)
-Ability to design length of daily lesson so that children can repeat it as often as desired.
-Ability to listen to the usual recitation (without time breaks) or to the teacher’s recitation (with time breaks).
-Move from one page to another as the user wishes.
What is Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah?
Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is an authentic method that teaches how to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed in an attractive way especially for children. If your child starts at age 4, by age 5 s/he will be able to read the Holy Quran by Tajweed if s/he practices An-Noraniah for 30 minutes everyday, insha’Allah. Applying Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is good for new Muslims so that they can read with tajweed from the start.
Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is also a great self-paced learning tool for adults to improve their tajweed in the privacy of their homes.
Contents: P/B Book A5 36PP / 1 CD-ROM

Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah (2 Audio CDs) القاعدة النورانية


Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is the only authentic method that teaches how to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed in an attractive way especially for children. If your child starts at age 4, by age 5 you will be able to read the Holy Quran by Tajweed if you practices An-Noraniah for 30 minutes every day, Insha’Allah. Applying Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is good for new Muslims so that they can read with tajweed from the start. Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is also a great self-paced learning tool for adults to improve their tajweed in the privacy of their homes.

القرص الأول يحتوي على الدروس التالية:

الدرس الأول: حروف الهجاء المفردة
الدرس الثاني: حروف الهجاء المركبة
الدرس الثالث: الحروف المقطّعة
الدرس الرابع: الحروف المتحركة
الدرس الخامس: الحروف المنوّنة
الدرس السادس: تدريبات على الحركات والتنوين
الدرس السابع: الألف الصغيرة والياء الصغيرة والواو الصغيرة
الدرس الثامن: حروف المد واللّين
الدرس التاسع: تدريبات على التنوين وأحرف المد الثلاثة وحرفي اللين.
الدرس العاشر: السكون.

القرص الثاني و يحتوي على الدروس التالية:

الدرس الحادي عشر: تدريبات على السكون
الدرس الثاني عشر: الشدّة
الدرس الثالث عشر: تدريبات على الشدّة
الدرس الرابع عشر: تدريبات على الشدّة والسكون
الدرس الخامس عشر: تدريبات على الشدتين في كلمة
الدرس السادس عشر: تدريبات على الشدّة والسكون والمد
الدرس الأخير: تدريبات على ما سبق.

Author: Sheikh Noor Mohammed Haqqani
Publisher: Furqan Center
Voice: Mohammad Farooq Ar-Ra’ee
Theme: School
Ages: Elementary School
Language: Arabic

تعلم العربية – مستوى التمهيدي – كتاب التلميذ والنشاط – Learn The Arabic Language – Preparatory – Student Book & activity


لتحقيق أهداف تعليم اللغة العربية لطلاب هذه المرحلة عملت مناهج العالمية على استخدام أحدث الأساليب العلمية والتربوية في إعداد مناهج متخصصة يمكنها بناء جيل قادر على تعلم لغة القرآن الكريم
تشتمل كتب هذه المرحلة على
كتاب التلميذ مع CD الجزئين الأول والثاني
كتاب النشاط الجزئين الأول والثاني
دليل المعلم الجزئين الأول والثاني
تتألف السلسلة من 6 كتب، وقرصين مدمجين

To achieve the objectives of the Arabic language education for students of this stage worked global curriculum on the use of the latest scientific and educational methods in the preparation of specialized curricula can build a generation capable of learning the language of the Koran
These include books on stage
Student Book with CD Parts I, II
Book Parts I and II activity
The teacher first and second parts guide
Series consists of six books, two CDs