Distinctive Characteristics in the Propagated Sunnah Defining the Aqidah of the Saved & Victorious Sect by Shaykh Hafidh al-Hakami- 2 Volumes


This work (i.e, treatise) is concise, important, beneficial, and enormous in its usefulness. It includes the fundamental principles of the Religion and building blocks of True Islamic Monotheism (i.e., Tawhid). That same Monotheism is what all the Messengers called to, and the same purpose for all the scriptures being revealed. There is no salvation for anyone who practices any religion besides it (i.e, Islãm).


This treatise directs to the clear path and true methodology (i.e, Salafiyyah). I have explained matters and special qualities related to the True Islamic belief, what removes it in totality or what opposes its full level that can be achieved. I mentioned throughout this treatise matters related to Religion and its textual evidence. I have done this to shed light, manifest its true meaning, and make its correct path distinct.


In addition, I limited this treatise to the methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah. Idid not include the false and erroneous statements of the people of desires and innovations, as if those statements were only cited to refute them and cast the arrows of the Sunnah against them. I have arranged this treatise in question to awaken the student and alert him. I followed the question with its answer that illustrates the subject matter clearly and leaves no room for vagueness or doubt. I entitled it, ‘Distinctive Characteristics in the Propagated Sunnah: Defining the Aqidah of the Saved & Victorious Sect.’


I ask Alläh to make this (treatise) sincerely for His Exalted Face. May He benefit us, as a blessing and virtue, by what He taught us and use what we learn from it. Verily, Alläh is All-Powerful and All-Capable of all things (i.e., befitting His Malesty). He is Most Subtle and All-Aware of His servants. To Alläh is the firi return and abode. He is our Master, Guardian, and Protector. What an excellent Protector/Guardian and Keeper.”

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Bengali: Riyadh-Us-Saliheen (2 Vol. Set)


An extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith. Covering every aspect of Islamic belief and moral conduct, it selects approximately 2000 hadith from the six major collections: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, An-Nisai and Ibn Majah. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. Wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals and safeguarding the Quran. Arabic text as well as Bengali translation are presented here in this handsome hardcover two volume set. Riyadh us Salihen comprises of about 2000 ahadiths in 372 Chapters and 19 Sections: The Book of Good Manners – The Book about the Etiquette of Eating – The Book of Dress -The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying and Sitting, etc.- The book of Greetings – The Book of Visiting the Sick – The Book of Etiquette of Traveling – The Book of Virtues – The Book of I’tikaf – The Book of Hajj – The Book of Jihad – The Book of Knowledge – The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah – The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) – The Book of the Remembrance of Allah – The Book of Du’a (Supplications) – The Book of the Prohibited Actions – The Book of Miscellaneous Ahadith of Significant values – and The Book of Forgiveness.

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