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Guidance To The Uncertain In Reply To The Jews And The Nazarenes


Guidance To The Uncertain In Reply To The Jews And The Nazarenes(HARD BACK):

In his book islam and the west Norman Daniel wrote :

people seem to take it for granted that alien society is dangerous, if not hostile, and the spasmodic outbreak of warfare between Islam and Christendom throughout history has been one manifestation of this apparently, under the pressure of their own sense of danger whether real or not, beliefs take shape in men’s minds bymisapprehension and misrepresentation, a notion of ideas and beliefs of one society can pass into the accepted muth of another society in a from so distorted that its relation to the original facts is sometimes barely discernible.doctrines that are the expression of the spiritual outlook of an enemy are interpreted ungenerously and with prejudice and ever the facts are modified to suit the interpretation.


BY: Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziah

Translator: Abdelhay El-Masri

Publisher: DKIl

Pages : 350