Não estejas triste-لا تحزن
- Numa altura em que os Muçulmanos estão cercados por testes vindos de todos os lados, chega-nos um livro encorajador baseado nos comandos de Alá, Azzawajall (o Exaltado), na Suna e na excelente orientação e exemplos de Muçulmanos que viveram antes de nós. Não estejas triste é um importante livro para todos. Cheio de conselhos práticos em como repelir o desespero e substitui-lo por uma perspectiva de vida Islamica satisfatória e pragmática. Este livro expõe ao leitor moderno como o Islão nos ensina a lidar com os testes e atribulações deste mundo. Este livro contém versos do Alcorão, dizeres do Profeta Muhammad (bençãos e paz estejam com ele) e dos seus Companheiros assim como de sábios. Mas tambem contém dizeres de pensadores e filosofos do Ocidente e do Oriente, dizeres estes que coincidem com a verdade. Este livro é o culminar de um pensamento profundo e organizado, podendo resumir-se no “Sê feliz, esta em paz e diverte-te; e não estejas triste.”
- This is the French translation of “You Can Be the Happiest Woman in the A Treasure Chest of Reminders”. Ce livre du Dr El-Qarni offre un trésor de joyaux resplendissants destiné à toutes les femmes : il contient en effet le Verset sans équivoque, le hadith véridique, la parole tranchante, l’histoire symbolique, le vers émouvant, l’idée pertinente, l’expérience instructive. Lis bien cet ouvrage afin qu’il terrasse en toi les derniers retranchements du chagrin, les fantômes des soucis, les cauchemars de la peur et du stress. Feuillète ce recueil afin qu’il t’aide à purifier ta mémoire de l’amas des illusions et de l’accumulation des obsessions, et qu’il t’indique les vergers de la quiétude, le jardin du bonheur, les demeures de la Foi, les parcs de la joie et les paradis de la réjouissance – puisse Allah, par Sa générosité, te rendre heureuse ici-bas et dans l’Au-delà, car Il est certes Généreux et Glorieux. C’est un livre qui appelle la femme à vivre épanouie avec sa religion, à être heureuse de la Faveur d’Allah (st) envers elle et à considérer les bienfaits, dont elle est comblée, comme étant de bon augure. La lectrice trouvera dans la nouvelle édition revue et corrigée de Soyez la femme la plus heureuse au monde : Un coffret de précieux rappels, de nombreux conseils pour l’aider à combattre ses faiblesses et renforcer sa foi et sa pratique, puisés dans le Coran et la Sunna du Prophète (sa), et le comportement admirable des premières Musulmanes.
- This is the French translation of “The World of the Jinn and Devils” – Ce livre montre comment le Coran et les hadiths dévoilent les secrets de ce monde invisible, et comment une connaissance suffisante de l’existence des démons et des diables peut nous aider dans notre lutte constante pour résister à leur influence
Ecrire sur les djinns et les démons est d’autant moins un luxe intellectuel que le Coran et la Sunna en ont largement parlé. En effet, loin à la fois de tout charlatanisme et tout agnosticisme, le musulman est appelé à relever quotidiennement les défis de sa «coexistence» avec de telles créatures. Dévoilés par les Textes sacrés, les secrets de ce monde deviennent ainsi – Révélation oblige -vraiment moins mystérieux et d’une lisibilité limpide, procurant assurance, équilibre et sérénité. Ainsi en est-il de leur connaissance primordiale: origine, création, diversité, leur subsistance, leur mariage, leurs habitations, leurs animaux, leurs capacités, leurs attitudes de foi face au Message islamique… Tout comme de leur antagonisme éternel avec les humains: mise en garde d’Allah contre Iblis, l’Ennemi de toujours, ses objectifs articulés autour de l’incitation à la désobéissance de la personne humaine, qui la perdra, ses moyens pour y arriver, ses subterfuges et appâts… Mais aussi des armes – tirées du Coran et de la Sunna – dont doit pouvoir disposer le musulman dans son combat continu contre le démon, jour et nuit, en son fort intérieur, dans l’intimité, avec l’Autre. La sorcellerie, les superstitions et les amulettes ne seront alors, le cas échéant, que souvenirs ne prêtant qu’à amèrement sourire… Donc, une fois la lecture de ce livre terminée, le lecteur sera mieux informé aussi sur les liens étroits de Satan avec les voyants et les médiums, et son rapport exact au Futur. Même l’exorcisme – avec des Textes sacrés – et les soucoupes volantes y ont été passés au crible… Ce livre, Le monde des djinns et des démons à la lumière du Coran et de la Sunna (Série: la Foi Islamique 3/8) aide à voir plus clair sur tous ces points. L’érudition et le statut de son auteur, le Dr Omar al-Achqar, spécialiste de Chari’a et écrivain prolixe, y seront d’un grand concours.
This is the French translation of The World of the Jinn and Devils: In the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah (Islamic Creed Series Vol. 3). Some people think that the issue of jinn, demons, and devils is one that should remain on the periphery of knowledge. They believe in going over this topic in the quickest of fashions and not giving it too much thought. They think that the benefits of such a study are very limited, and that being ignorant of this topic is not harmful at all. They say ‘seeing is believing’, but how often do we remind ourselves that what we can’t see still exists? Among Muslims, the important tenet of belief in jinn and devils is often forgotten. However, this is not an irrelevant matter. Humans today spend billions of dollars, with which they could develop countries and end poverty in the farthest reaches of the world, on research to discover whether there is any possibility of life on nearby planets. Scientists spend a great deal of their time and resources on this question. What about living beings that are known to exist right here with us on our earth? They live in our houses and they eat and drink with us. In fact, they affect our thoughts and our hearts and even drive us to destroy our own selves and to spill each other’s blood. No price can be put on the importance of the texts of the Qur’an and authentic hadiths that have reached us, giving us knowledge of this matter. Dr. ‘Umar al-Ashqar shows us how those texts uncover for us the secrets of these fellow-creatures: the world of the jinn. Adequate knowledge about their existence can help in our constant struggle to resist their influence. It will also help us in reaching the ultimate goal of creating the everlasting bond and closeness to Allah, the Beneficent, that we all seek.
Islamic Creed Series (8 Books Set)
Original price was: £110.00.£100.00Current price is: £100.00.The Prophet’s Methods of Correcting People’s Mistakes
Original price was: £11.00.£9.35Current price is: £9.35.Uthman Ibn Affan: His Life and Times
Original price was: £20.00.£17.00Current price is: £17.00.Why Not Cover Your Modesty S/C
Weight | 0.2 kg |
Dimensions | 21 x 15 cm |
Author(s) | Abdul Hameed al Balali |
Binding | Paperback |
Pages | 60 |
Publisher | IIPH |
Shelf | Q5-15 |
The Sunnah and its Role in Islamic Legislation
The Sunnah and its Role in Legislation: Dr. Mustafa as-Siba’ee
The Sunnah and its Role in Islamic Legislation is a groundbreaking effort by Dr. Mustafa as-Siba’ee, for it has a completeness to it in two regards: first, the author manages to cover all topics related to the Sunnah—its status, its legislative force, the stages that led to its recording, just to mention a few—in a comprehensive and organized manner. Second, he presents the views of those that have attacked the Sunnah throughout history, detailing their arguments and then refuting them. Among those groups from the past were the Shi’a and the Mu’tazilah; today, they are mainly the Orientalists and those that are influenced by them.
Shaykh as-Siba’ee takes us through the historical development of the Sunnah, from the early stages of revelation to the recording of the Sunnah during the era of the great Imams of Hadith. Throughout that account, he highlights the contributions of the scholars in preserving the Sunnah and cleansing it from fabrications and lies. Shaykh as-Siba’ee gives a clear account of the revolutionary methods and scholarly principles that were established in order to authenticate historical reports and narrations. The author shows us that the fruits of that endeavor were the preservation of the authentic Sunnah and the birth of the Hadith sciences.
This book has been a perennial source of knowledge for Arabic-speaking students of Islam, for its clarity, readability, and insightful research. New English-speaking students too have available to them this authoritative treatise on the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ) may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
ISBN: 9960850285
Author: Dr. Mustafa as-Siba’ee
Translated By Faisal ibn Muhammad Shafeeq
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House IIPH (2008)
Pages: 570 Binding: Hardcover
The Evolution Of Fiqh (IIPH)
Early sources for Prophet Muhammad’s Biography (H/B) (IIPH)
SKU: 9786035012775
Year of Publication:2016
Size cm: 14×21
Binding: hard cover
Weight: 400.0000 mg
Author: Dr. Muhammad Saeed Mitwally ar-Rahawan
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House
Why Islam? By K. Sherman (PB)
Pages: 137
Publisher: IIPH
Binding: Paperback
Weight: 176 gram
Author: K. Sherman
Shelf: K4-30
The Path to Self-Fulfilment By Sakina Hirschfelder (HB)
Publisher: IIPH
Binding: Hardback
Shelf: Q7-40
Which Way To Paradise by K. Sherman (HB)
Pages: 256
Publisher: IIPH
Binding: Hardback
Shelf: Q5-35
Usool At-Tafseer by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips (HC)
SKU: 9789960953328
Pages: 343
Year of Publication:2005
Size cm: 22x15x2.5
Binding: Hardcover
Weight: 500.0000 mg
Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips
Publisher: IIPH
Funeral Rites In Islam
Funeral Rites In Islam:
This book paints a clear picture of how to deal with dying and death according to the authentic Sunnah. The author clearly seeks to revive the Sunnah by pointing out the many religious innovations that have unfortunately spread across the Muslim world.
By: Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips
Publisher: IIPH
Pages: 160 (Paperback)
Islamic Creed-5: The Minor Resurrection
The Minor Resurrection (What happens after death) in light of the quran and sunnah :
Islamic Creed Series 5
From the moment an individual is conceived in his mother’s womb, until his death and beyond, angels play a part in human life. Angels bring forth the soul of the dying and they bring comfort or inflict torment in the grave. An angel will sound the Trumpet on the Last Day, and angels will be present on the Day of Judgment until they accompany people to their ultimate destination in Paradise or Hell.
Almost all human cultures, ancient and modern, have some kind of belief about angels. The pre-Islamic Arabs believed them to be daughters of the Almighty. Some philosophers thought that angels were the stars in the sky. In modern times, there has been a resurgence of interest in angels, and they feature prominently in movies and other forms of popular western culture. But these myths have no role to play in the belief of the Muslim.
Our beliefs are based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, which tell us all we need to know about the reality of the unseen, including the world of the angels. In this book, Dr. Umar S. al-Ashqar draws on the sources of Islam to give us a comprehensive picture of which the angels are their role in the universe and their interaction with mankind in this world and the next.
VOL.1- Belief in ALLAH
VOL.2- The World of the Noble Angels
VOL.3- The World of the Jinn and Devils
VOL.4- The Messengers and the Messages
VOL.5- The Minor Resurrection
VOL.6- The Day of Resurrection Dr. Umar S al-Ashqar
VOL.7- Paradise and Hell
VOL.8- Divine Will and Predestination
By : Umar s. alAshqar
Publisher : IIPH
Pages :360 (hardback)
The Fundamentals of Tawheed
£7.65 – £10.20
The Fundamentals of Tawheed :
Tawheed, the belief in the Oneness of ALLAH, is the core of the Islamic faith. Humans, as the designated vicegerents of ALLAH on earth, have been ordered to put this belief into practice in every aspect of life. Without tawheed, our actions and worship would be rendered null and void.
This is an awful truth, but one that we must realize so that we can correct the basis of what we think, say, and do, in order to receive the hoped-for rewards and to avoid a terrible punishment. Dr. Philips gives us the information necessary to recognize the practices that go against tawheed so that we may change any mistaken patterns of thought or behavior and approach ALLAH in the way that He loves and wants from us.
By : Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal philips
Publisher: IIPH
Pages : 248 (Hardback)
ISLAMIC CREED-2: The World Of The Noble Angels
The World of the Noble Angels :
From the moment an individual is conceived in his mother’s womb, until his death and beyond, angels play a part in human life. Angels bring forth the soul of the dying and they bring comfort or inflict torment in the grave. An angel will sound the Trumpet on the Last Day, and angels will be present on the Day of Judgment until they accompany people to their ultimate destination in Paradise or Hell.
Almost all human cultures, ancient and modern, have some kind of belief about angels. The pre-Islamic Arabs believed them to be daughters of the Almighty. Some philosophers thought that angels were the stars in the sky. In modern times, there has been a resurgence of interest in angels, and they feature prominently in movies and other forms of popular western culture. But these myths have no role to play in the belief of the Muslim.
Our beliefs are based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, which tell us all we need to know about the reality of the unseen, including the world of the angels. In this book, Dr. Umar S. al-Ashqar draws on the sources of Islam to give us a comprehensive picture of who the angels are, their role in the universe and their interaction with mankind in this world and the next.
VOL.1- Belief in ALLAH.
VOL.2- The World of the Noble Angels.
VOL.3- The World of the Jinn and Devils.
VOL.4- The Messengers and the Messages.
VOL.5- The Minor Resurrection.
VOL.5- The Minor Resurrection.
VOL.5- The Minor Resurrection.
VOL.6- The Day of Resurrection.
VOL.7- Paradise and Hell.
VOL.8- Divine Will and Predestination.
By : Dr . Umar S. al-Ashqar
Publisher : IIPH
Pages : 126 (hardback)
Islamic Creed-8: Divine Will And Predestination-IIPH
Divine Will And Predestination :
From the moment an individual is conceived in his mother’s womb, until his death and beyond, angels play a part in human life. Angels bring forth the soul of the dying and they bring comfort or inflict torment in the grave. An angel will sound the Trumpet on the Last Day, and angels will be present on the Day of Judgment until they accompany people to their ultimate destination in Paradise or Hell.
Almost all human cultures, ancient and modern, have some kind of belief about angels. The pre-Islamic Arabs believed them to be daughters of the Almighty. Some philosophers thought that angels were the stars in the sky. In modern times, there has been a resurgence of interest in angels, and they feature prominently in movies and other forms of popular western culture. But these myths have no role to play in the belief of the Muslim.
Our beliefs are based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, which tell us all we need to know about the reality of the unseen, including the world of the angels. In this book, Dr. Umar S. al-Ashqar draws on the sources of Islam to give us a comprehensive picture of who the angels are, their role in the universe and their interaction with mankind in this world and the next.
VOL.1- Belief in ALLAH
VOL.2- The World of the Noble Angels
VOL.3- The World of the Jinn and Devils
VOL.4- The Messengers and the Messages
VOL.5- The Minor Resurrection
VOL.6- The Day of Resurrection Dr. Umar S al-Ashqar
VOL.7- Paradise and Hell
VOL.8- Divine Will and Predestination
By : Dr. umar S. al-Ashqar
Publisher : IIPH
Pages : 156 (hardback)
PAGES : 212
Hadith Course
Hadith Course
This book is essential reading for all English-speaking students of hadiths, setting forth 50 hadiths in Arabic and English in an easy-to-understand manner. Vocabulary and an explanation of each hadith are given, along with the lessons learned from it. All of the hadiths have been carefully chosen for authenticity, and cover a wide range of topics including belief, jurisprudence, social interaction, business matters and religious practice. Hadith Course is an invaluable work for teachers and students of Islam.
Author: Sameh Strauch
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House
Pages 128 HB
ISBN: 9789960501062
Weight: 320
Medicine and Pharmacy in the Prophetic Traditions 2vol (IIPH)
Medicine and Pharmacy in the Prophetic Traditions 2 volume Set
Medicine and Pharmacy in the Prophetic Traditions 2 volume Set by Muhammad Musharraf Hussain
Medicine and Pharmacy in the prophetic traditions is a symbiotic effort of the author to integrate the science of healing into the religion of Islam. It provides advice and guidance on the protection of health in compliance with the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
It discusses the Quranic verses related to health, sickness and cure in the light of the present state of modern knowledge.
This book is one of the most comprehensive sources of authentic information on the subject of prophetic medicine in this millennium. In this book, the author highlights both the spiritual and physical medicines recommended by the prophet on healing.
In the book the author substantiates the prophetic remedies with available scientific data, clinical experiments and findings of modern research. The discussions in this book will, ALLAH (GOD) willing, not only enlighten the reader about various natural remedies but also stimulate scientific research on prophetic medicinal plants. We hope that this book will serve as an invaluable reference guide for Muslim and Non-Muslims in every home, in every country, and in every age, especially for those involved in health science, pharmacy, alternative medicine and biomedical research.
BY: Dr Muhammad Musharraf Hussain
Publisher: IIPH
Tajweed Rules For Qur’anic Recitation by Hafs Al Gazzi
For every letter of the Qur’an that a Muslim recites, s/he is rewarded ten times over. This immense reward for such a seemingly simple task emphasizes the importance of learning how to recite the Qur’an. Tajweed Rules for Qur’anic Recitation: A Beginner’s Guide aims to give the reader the necessary tools to properly recite the Qur’an according to the manner in which the Prophet Muhammad (sa) recited it.
To set the stage for learning the proper Qur’anic recitation, or tajweed, the history of the Qur’an is briefly discussed from its revelation to its compilation. In addition, the history of the Science of Tajweed is touched upon, in order to move the reader into the rules of Qur’anic recitation. With the beginning learner in mind, the rules are detailed in a simple yet clear manner. Each new rule is elucidated with examples from the Qur’an for learners to apply to their recitation.
Although an audio recording is included to demonstrate the correct pronunciation of these rules, it is highly recommended to use this book in conjunction with a teacher versed in the rules of Qur’anic recitation. Together, the book and the audio recording furnish the reader with the basic knowledge necessary for proper Qur’anic recitation. Tajweed Rules for Qur’anic Recitation: A Beginner’s Guide is an essential learning tool for anyone seeking to gain proficiency in tajweed.
Translator: Dr. Muhsin Khan & Dr. Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali
Pages: 72
Binding: Paperback
Size: 5.5×8″ (14×20 cm)
SKU/ISBN: 9789960892573
Publisher: Dar-us-Salam
Shipping Weight: 0.50 lbs
Juz Amma, Tafseer Ibn Kathir, Part 30 by Sameh Strauch
The 30th part of Tafsir Ibn Kathir is comprehensive in interpretation. The meanings of the Qur’an have been interpreted by the Qur’an itself or by the traditions of the Prophet(S) and are enlightened with the thoughts and perception of the Salaf Saliheen; this is the cause that this renowned commentary is famous and favourite towards understanding the Noble Qur’an
Juz Tabaarak, Tafseer Ibn Katheer Part 29;] by Sameh Strauch
Tafseer Ibn Katheer Part 29;] Juz Tabaarak, Sameh Strauch
[4d3, Abridged HB 150pp IIPH Commentary Juz Tabarak Surah Surah al-Mulk, al-Qalam al-Ma’arij……..]
Tafsir Ibn Katheer
Part 29 , Juz Tabaarak
Translated by Sameh Strauch
Published by International Islamic Publishing House IIPH
Hardback 150 Pages (Good Quality Print and Translation)
Al Mulk
Al Qalam
al Ma’aarij
The Freedom Of Opinion In Islam
Year of Publication:2007
Size cm:15X22
Binding:Soft Cover
Author:Abdus-Salam al-Basuni
In this short but important treatise, Sheikh Abdus-Salam al-Basuni weighs in on the ongoing global discourse about freedom of expression. He reviews the history of freedom of opinion in the West and compares that with how Islam approaches the issue. He examines the arguments in favour of unrestricted freedom of expression in light of some actual consequences.
Sheikh Abdus-Salam al-Basuni demonstrates that the freedom to express one’s opinion is a fundamental right that is respected and protected by Islamic law. He argues that this right is embedded in the laws and principles of Islam, and shows how crucial limitations placed upon freedom of opinion work to protect the rights of individuals, their privacy and their honour, as well as to preserve the sanctity of human life and the security of human societies.
A guide to male female interaction in Islam
Year of Publication:2014
Size cm:18×24
Binding:Hard Cover
Author:Dr.Hatem Al-Haj
shelf number jz-3
Despite the obvious prohibition of ribâ (usury and interest) in the Qur’an, the practice of it has polluted the global economy completely. This booklet explains the awful consequences of dealing in usury and interest in a summarized but convincing manner.
I Want to Repent, But (Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid)
Author: Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House IIPH (2006)
Pages: 69 Binding: Paperback
Praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help. Whomever Allah guides cannot be led astray, and whomever He leaves astray, cannot be guided. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah alone, with no partner or associate, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Allah has commanded all the believers to repent, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “… And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.” [al-Noor 24:31]
People may be divided into two types, those who repent and turn to Allah, and those who do wrong; there is no third category. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “… And whosoever does not repent, then such are indeed zaalimoon (wrong-doers, etc.).” [al-Hujuraat 49:11]. We are living in a time when many people have strayed far from the religion of Allah, and sin and immorality have become so widespread that there is no one who remains free from the taint of evil except for the one who is protected by Allah
However, Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected, thus many people have awoken from the slumber of negligence. They have become aware of their failure to fulfil their duties towards Allah, have regretted their carelessness and sin, and so have started to move towards the beacon of repentance. Others have grown weary of this wretched life of misery, and so they are looking for a way out of darkness and into the Light.
But these people face many obstacles which they think stand between them and repentance, some of which exist within their own selves, and others in the world around them.
For this reason I have written this brief work, hoping to clear up this confusion, dispel doubts, explain wisdom and drive away the Shaytaan.
Following an introduction which discusses the dangers of taking sin lightly, I then explain the conditions of repentance, psychological cures, and fataawa (rulings) based on evidence from the Qur’aan and Sunnah which are addressed to those who repent. This is followed by quotations from some of the scholars’ comments, and my own concluding remarks.
I ask Allah to benefit me and my Muslim brothers through these words. I ask no more from my brothers than that they should pray for me and offer me sincere advice (naseehah). May Allah accept the repentance of us all.
Islam has plenty to say about neighbours. Over time, much may change in the physical surroundings in which we live, but human nature is the same as ever, and we still need guidance on how we should treat one another. Islam shows us how to deal with our fellow human beings—and our own neighbourhood is a good place to start.
Christian Muslim Dialogue
This book outlines a dialogue between a Muslim and a Christian. The Muslim is convincing the Christian to see things differently, to accept that Christianity has been changed and altered. The Muslim is trying to show the Christian the true message of Jesus, the same one that has been taught by all the prophets, including Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).