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A Critical Analysis of the Sufi Creed of the Elders of Deobandi and Tablighi Jama’ah – Ali Hassan Khan

£8.00 £6.80

This book is a shocking exposition of the Sufi creed of the leaders of the Deobandi movement and their missionary offshoot, the Tablighi Jama‘ah. In this compilation the reader will learn about the deep attachment of the above-mentioned groups to the heretical sufis of old, in particular Ibn ‘Arabi,  al-Hallaj and ar-Roomee, and their influence on the following issues of Aqeedah (creed):
The belief of Wahdatul-Wujood
The exaggeration of the station of the Awliyaa and heretical Sufi leaders
Seeking Tawassul with the dead and absent
The belief of Nur-Muhammadi
and much more!