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Compiled by Al-Arabee Ben Razzouq

Publisher: Darussalam


Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir: The Scholars of Kufa Volume (VI)

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The scholars of Kufa

By: Muhammad Ibn Sa’di

Translated by: Aisha Bewley

Publisher: TaHa Publishers

JAWAMI’UL-AKHBAR – جوامع الأخبار

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JAWAMI’UL-AKHBAR: A selection of Hadeeths which Contain the Comprehensive Speech of the Messenger of Allah

By ‘Allamah ‘Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir as-Sa’di

Publisher: Darul Imam Muslim

Translated by: Abu Fatimah A Majothi and Umm ‘Abdillah F Khanom

No. of edition: 2nd edition

A Commentary on the Poem Al-Bayquniyyah – شرح المنظومة البيقونية في علم مصطلح الحديث

£15.00 £12.75

Publisher: Dar Al-arqam

Explation of: Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin

الشارح: الشيخ محمد ابن عثمين

20 HADITH FOR KIDS (Darussalam)

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By: Moulavi Abdul Aziz
Publisher: Darussalaam
Type of Paper: Coloured and Quality

Studies In Hadith Literature With A Complete Hadith Terminology

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A well defined book. Some of the topics in this book are:- Islam, a Religion that promotes knowledge Definition of Hadith The need for Hadeeth The obligation to follow and obey the Sunnah of the Prophet When were Ahadith first written? Who are Ahl ul-Hadith? The crusade against hadith and its causes An Introduction to the science of Hadith.
By Omar Ahmed Kasir

Riyad-us-Saliheen (2 Volumes) (Darussalam)

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ترجمة رياض الصالحين بلإنكليزية
Compiled by: Al-Imam An-Nawawi
Commentary by: Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf
Publisher: Darussalam

Forty Hadiths on Good Moral Values with Short Commentaries

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أربعون حديثا في محاسن الأخلاق
Capt. Yahya M. A. Ondigo
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH)
No. of Volumes: 1
NO. of Pages: 336

Explanation of The introduction to Sahih Muslim

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SKU: 9782987465355
Author: Imam an Nawawi
Publisher: Creed Publishing Company

Child education in Islam

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This state of harmony can only be achieved when matrimonial relations are relatively stable. Care is to be taken in providing young children with all the necessary elements in the fields of ethical, physical and psychological education. This cannot be overemphasized. It is established that the common ailments of human societies, personal as well as social, find their remedy in monotheism and justice. Therefore, emphasis on these two moral principles is essential. Muslim children must develop a clear understanding of the concept of the oneness of Allah, mainly through the performance of devotional acts of worship, to Him, and through developing a sense of justice in all personnel and social dealings.

The author has briefly outlined these glorious concepts in this book. Through his deep understanding of Islam, and his eminent conviction and personal adherence to its glorious principles, he introduces this book to the readers, with all practical instructions, with the intention of helping to build up a Muslim nation, worthily to uphold the honourable tenets of the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah.
Author: Abdullah Nasih Ulwan

Translated by: Dr. M. Mahmoud Ghali, Dr. M. Kamal Abdul-Ghani
Hardback: 421 pages
Publisher: Dar al-Salam (Eqypt)