An Incisive Challenge to the Evil Magicians
As-Sarimul Battar,
Wahid A Baly
Hardback 190 Pages
Translated By Houssain Zain El-Deen,
Published By Dar MAKKAH Int’l Egypt
This Book Has also been translated as Sword Against Black Magic & Evil Magicians and Published By Al Firdous UK. But the Print Quality of this book is not of the same standard.
Sihr is among the occult sciences, the existence of which cannot be rationally refuted. To deny it is to deny reality and the Shariah’s attestation. The Shriah bears testimony to the real existence of Sihr.
Sihr (witchcraft or magic) is a word referring to something hidden. It is real and there are kinds of witchcraft that may affect people psychologically and physically, so that they become sick and die, or husbands and wives are separated. Its effects happen by the will of Allaah.
You will find in this Book
Detailed discussion of ‘sihr’ in Islam.
- Definition
- Evidence of the existence of sihr
- Categories of sihr
- How a ‘sahir’ brings about a jinn
- Punishment under Islamic law
- How to treat sahir
- Treatment of sahir
- Treatment of al-ayn (the ‘evil eye”)
- And much more.
The Author has relied extensively on Classical Scholars such as Al-Layth, Al-Azhari, Ibn Mandhur, Ibn Faris, Fakhr Ar-Razi, Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdisi,, Ibn Al-Qayyim and Many Others for his references
The Animal its Characteristics and Rights in Islam by Muhammad Az-Zaybaq
Translated and critically edited by Ghassan Abdel Fattah al-Baraqawi and Shariffa A Carlo.
This handy title goes into such topics as animal communities, animals praising Allah, the communication of animals, and more. Includes the rights of animals, kindness towars them, protection of life, prohibitions of over-burdening, proper utilization, respect for feelings, access to water and pasture, protection from torment and abuse, medical treatment and disease prevention, discipline and training, rest and fair treatment, and more.
Author: Muhammad az-Zaybaq.
Publisher: Abul Qasim Publishing House
Pages: Soft Binding
Muslim Teenagers Coping
Size cm: 15×21 Cm
Binding: Soft Cover
Asin: ASIN
Author: Ruqqiyyah Waris Maqsood
Publisher: Ta-Ha Publishers
Product Description
Muslim Teenagers Coping
Being a teenager is not an easy business.You’re told you are “too young” to do half the things you want to do; your mother is always asking you to tidy your room: your father is always reminding you to pray; your younger sister is annoying you when all you want is some PEACE AND QUIET … You are not sure if it’s everyone else that is going mad or you.
Luckily, Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood in on hand. Having a wealth of experience as a teacher and an ‘agony aunt’, she understands the minefields that are the teenage years. This book is a light-hearted, humorous, but above all, sympathetic pointer to coping with teenage life as a Muslim.