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Kitab at-Tauhid (Colourized) – Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab (Darussalam)


Kitab At Tauhid New Study Addition Kitab at Tawheed written by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab. It is an excellent and comprehensive book. It illuminates to the reader the light of tawheed the Oneness of Allah tawheed, the very foundation of this deen, the single most important concept and the purpose behind our creation. In this addition the publisher has highlighted the important issues covered in each chapter and lessons to be taken from it.Kitab At Tauhid New Study Addition Kitab tawheed Colour

The Beautiful Names of Allah – Imam Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Uthaymeen


The Pristine beliefs of the early Muslims are preserved in this vitally important masterpiece written by one of the most outstanding scholars of our time. Seven clear principles and their evidences from the book and the Sunnah guide the reader through the confusion and false claims of the ignorant to the clarity of belief in Allah’s names accomplished by the righteous early scholars of Islam

Though the majority of writings authored by Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen in issues of creed are explanations of the Imaams who passed before him, this book, al-Qawaa’idul-Muthlaa (Exemplary Principles), is an outstanding example of the Shaykh’s original authorship.

The End of The World Signs Of The Hour Major And Minor – Muhammad al-Areefi (H/B) (Darussalam)


In recent times things have become very confusing and we have begun to see in bookstores and on websites speculation about future events, based on verses and hadeeths which refer to these future events concerning the signs of the Hour. Every time a calamity befalls Islam and the Muslims, people begin to look for a way out from them. Sometimes you hear about the appearance of the Mahdi. Sometimes you hear that the time for the final confrontation between good and evil is close at hand, other times you hear about landslides in the East or in the west, and so forth.