The Correct Religion Solves All The Problems

Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.20.

The Comprehensive Book On Manners

Original price was: £6.00.Current price is: £5.15.

Advice And Admonitions

Original price was: £6.50.Current price is: £5.50.

How I Was Guided To Tawhid And The Straight Path

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £6.75.

The Virtue of Tawheed (Monotheism) & a Warning Against what Contradicts it – Darussalam

£1.50 £1.28

Virtue of Tawheed and a Warning Against What Contradicts it is a book by Darussalam Research Division. This book defines Tauhid and its fundamentals. Having a strong faith in the oneness of Allah is a basic foundation of the religion of Islam and without it the religion cannot be complete. Therefore, it is very important for all Muslims to be aware of what Tauhid connotes, the definition of its opposite Shirk and its types, and why it is necessary to believe in Islamic monotheism. This book is of 32 pages.

The Explanation Of Sufficiency In Creed

£11.95 £10.16

The Explanation Of Sufficiency In Creed:

In this book, we present the classical treatise on Creed of Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisee, rahimahullaah, known as Lum’at-ul-‘Itiqaad, which is studied all over the Muslim world. Imaam Muhammad bin Saalih Al-‘Uthaimeen, rahimahullaah, has provided an in depth explanation for the points touched on by the author in a clear and simple manner. Furthermore, the narrations mentioned in the book have been verified and lengthy and extensive footnotes have been provided to make this book a valuable source of reference.

Shaikh Muhammad bin Saalih Al-‘Uthaimeen said in his introduction to this book: ‘This is a brief commentary of the book ‘Lum’at-ul-‘Itiqaad”, written by Abu Muhammad ‘Abdullaah bin Ahmad Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisee (rahimahullaah), who was born in Sha’baan in 541H in a village from the districts of Nablis (present-day Palestine) and who died on the day of ‘Eed-ul-Fitr in 620H.

In this book, the author (rahimahullaah) gathered together the main points of the Islaamic Creed (‘Aqeedah). For this reason, the Board of the Educational Institutes assigned this book to be studied and taught during the second semester of the first year of study, so that it may serve as a pillar upon which one can establish his Creed at this stage.

Because I saw the importance of this book in terms of the topics it touches upon, its methodology and the lack of there being any explanation for it, I became determined, while seeking assistance from Allaah and hoping that He grant me correctness in intention and action, to put forth some words on it, in the attempt to clarify its ambiguous parts, explain its meanings and bring to light its main points.’

No doubt this book is of great importance for the Muslim with regard to establishing the correct Creed. This book is deserving of being taught and studied so that it may serve as a foundation for both the students of knowledge and the common Muslims. The topics touched upon by the author relate to the authentic Creed and Methodology, which all Muslims are obligated ot have knowledge of. Consequently, we encourage everyone to purchase a copy of this magnificent book.


By: Imam, Al-Allamah Muhammad Bin Saalih Al-‘Uthaimeen

Publisher: Al- Manhaj Publishing

Pages: 190 (paperback)

Factors For Rectifying Society

£2.75 £2.34


Year of Publication:2013

Size cm: 15×21

Binding: Soft Cover

Asin: ASIN

Author: Abdul Aziz Bin Baz

Publisher: Makkah Publishing

Product Description

Product Description

Society is in dire need of reform, both the Islamic and non-Islamic societies, however, specifically the Islamic society. It needs to follow the way of the best creation, our prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah PBUH. We know that the elements which can improve Islamic and non-Islamic society are the ones which were carried out by the companions.


We also know that the prophet PBUH in Makkah first and then in al-Madeenah. Nothing will improve the Ummah’s modern society apart from what improved the first society of this Ummah, as a number of scholars have stated, such as, Imam malik ibn Anas, who was the Imam of al-madeenah in his time and is one of the four imams.