Islamic Belief in the light of Quran and Sunnah (P/B) – Dr. Hafiz M.S. Usmani

£2.00 £1.70

This book deals with some important questions regarding Islamic teachings, which will be answered in this book by the use of the Quran and the Sunnah.

This book also deals with the issues of Eeman, Shirk and Kufr.

The Beautiful Names And Attributes Of Allah (H/B) – Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen.

£7.50 £6.38

The Beautiful Names and Attributes of ALLAH

The pristine beliefs of the early Muslims are preserved in this vitally important masterpiece written by one of the most outstanding scholars of our time, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen. This new revised edition by Dar-us-Salam has been printed in full colour with hardback bounding for an excellent presentation.

Seven clear principles and their evidences from the Book and the Sunnah guide the reader through the confusion and false claims of the ignorant to the clarity of belief in ALLAH’s Names accomplished by the righteous early scholars of Islam. Principle 6 contains the shaikh’s compilation of the ninety-nine (99) names of Allah. The names have been compiled into 2 categories: first from the Book of Allah & second from the Sunnah of the Prophet صلی الله علیه وآلهِ وسلم. All the names have been printed in Arabic with transliteration and English translation. Each name is printed beautifully in a square box with 6 boxes on a page.

Seven more principles and their evidences follow, giving the reader firm understanding of the correct beliefs about ALLAH’s Attributes. Four more principles outline the correct approach in studying the related proofs and evidences.

All of this leads the reader into an enthralling series of refutations of the false notions of the Ash’aree sect, a text-by-text breakdown of how and why they went wrong in a careful and precise study of fifteen texts from the Book and the Sunnah. The beliefs of the Ash’aree sect are destroyed and the origins of their deviation are exposed for all to see.

‘A magnificent book a clarification of the creed of the righteous Salaf concerning the Names and Attributes great principles and collective benefits concerning the topic’ – Shaykh Ibn Baaz.

What Must be Known about Islam

£9.00 £7.65

What Must be Known about Islam:

This beautiful book goes over the fundamental five pillars of Islam in detail followed by the Tafsir of certain chapters of the Noble Qur’an and a discussion about marriage.

By: Muhammad bin ‘Ali Al-Arfaj

Publisher: Daussalam

Pages: 311 (Hardback)

In Defence of the True Faith (Al Bidayah wan-Nihayah)

£9.95 £8.46

In Defence of the True Faith (Al Bidayah wan-Nihayah) :

Darussalam is proud to present the abridged English translation of the classic work: Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, focusing exclusively on the battles, expeditions and Peace Treaties undertaken in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This volume contains a detailed account of the most momentous events from the Battle of Badr to the Battle of Mu’tah -that occurred to the Muslims under the leadership of the Messenger of Allah. Many of these events have become immortalized by the Noble Qur’an and continue to provide invaluable lessons to humanity, now and forever.

Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End) by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida ‘Imad ad-Deen Isma’eel bin ‘Umar ibn Katheer/Kathir, is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history.
By : Research department of Darussalam
Publisher : Darussalam
Pages :327 (hardback)

The Delight Of Faith (H/B) – Abdullah Bin Jarullah – Darussalam

£5.00 £4.25

The Delight of Faith:

The purpose of this book is to present the most basic knowledge of islamic creed (Aqidah ). This type of knowledge is never optional, because unless your creed is in accordance with the noble quran and the sunnah of prophet muhammad ,your good deeds can be at hazard. Purity of intention, how to believe and what to believe and love of allah-are all matters of belief or creed;whereas the acts of worship like zakat,salat,hajj and fasting are deeds that may be counted positively only if the belief aspect is correct.