Affection and Aversion (al-Walaa’ wa al-Baraa’) – Darussalam
The subject of Walaa’ (affection) for believers and Baraa’ (aversion) with disbelievers is one of the most important religious issues which is related to the Articles of Faith. Lack of this matter will certainly lead to coming out of the fold of Islam.
Unfortunately, the majority of Muslims nowadays follow and imitate disbelievers in customs, rituals and traditions which are against the teachings of Islam. It will be useful if they follow them in the field of technology and science.
This book sheds light on this topic to implant the spirit of joining and supporting the believers and warns them against the bad consequences of copying the same style of life of disbelievers.
We hope that Muslims will get benefited from it and adopt the necessary measures to act upon the orders of our religion.
Abdul Malik Mujahid
General Manager, Darussalam
50 Questions & Answers on Islamic Monotheism – Darussalam
50 Questions & Answers on Islamic Monotheism:
Believing in the Oneness of ALLAH is a basic fundamental in Islam. This belief establishes the relationship between human beings and their Rubb (Lord). As a Muslim, we firmly believe that ALLAH is the Creator, Sustainer’s and the true God; only He has the right to be worshipped, there is no partner with Him and only He has created the universe. In this booklet, which is basically meant for the children, we have prepared 50 questions on the belief of Islamic Monotheism and provided short and simple but comprehensive answers to them.
Islam is the religion that ALLAH has chosen for mankind. It is a way of life that affects every aspect of man’s life, the social, the political, the economic, etc. Islam has a solution to every problem regardless of its nature and gravity. It is a Divine message, which ALLAH chose Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم to convey to mankind. Islam considers all forms of life as sacred. In this book we have tried to convey the basic rules and regulations concerning Islam.
By:Hafiz Muhammad tahir
Publisher: Darussalam
Pages : 24 (paperback)
The Authentic Creed (P/B) (Darussalam)
The Authentic Creed :
The most important matter for every Muslim is the correctness of his beliefs. Islam established on the basis of sound creed and it opposes all false superstitions and erroneous systems of belief. Thus, it is essential for every Muslim to make certain that his beliefs are correct and in accordance with the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (S). This small but important book covers all basic information and we hope that readers will recognize the importance of this treaties by Shaikh Ibn Baz.
Belief in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, & in the Divine Destiny, and Invalidators of Islam.
By: Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz
Publisher: Darussalam
Pages: 48 (paperback)