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Arabic in Kindergarten Textbook: Level Pre-K 1 (From 3 Years) العربية في الروضة كتاب التلميذ


Author: Dr. Al Habeeb Al Affass

Publisher: JSF Editions (Jeunesse Sans Frontiere)

Format: Paperback

Ages: Pre-K – 2nd Level

Code: 9782355400575

Language: Arabic

This series provides a new, integrated approach for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers and covers these educational levels:

  • Pre-K 1 level, starting from 3 years old
  • Pre-K 2 level for 4-5 year-old
  • and KG 3 level for 5-6 year-old.

This series presents the Arabic language clearly and inclusively to meet the needs of Western learners.

The curriculum sees language as both a general skill and a set of specific actions a child should to learn through communication, discovery, realization, and then application. It takes a systematic, three-part approach. Each part has certain objectives, enabling the learner to generate language accurately in a variety of modern ways.
The system takes into account these three elements:

  • Linguistic competence: this includes the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; and the three elements of language: phonetic sounds, vocabulary and grammatical structures.
  • Communicative competence: the ability to communicate with the people of language and writing words.
  • Cultural competence: looks at patterns of the Arab culture in an engaging and exciting manner for children in this age-level, helping Western children connect with their Arabic speaking peers in other parts of the world.

This series concentrates on classic Arabic, without using spoken dialects. The curriculum uses guided-art methods and techniques (recommended by experts in foreign-language instruction), and takes into account the unique nature of the Arabic language and its distinct characteristics.
Supplemental audio CD is sold separately.

هي سلسلة في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها، وتغطي مستويات الروضة (بداية من 3 الى 5 سنوات). وهي منهج تعليمي متطور، يعرض العربية عرضا تربويا شيقا ويلبي حاجات الأطفال غير الناطقين بالعربية والمقيمين في الغرب. وتتميز بالشمول والتكامل. وهي تنظر الى اللغة على أنها مجموعة من المهارات العامة والأنشطة الخاصة، يسعى المعلم إلى إكسابها الطفل عن طريق التواصل معه، وإشراكه في اكتشافها ثم إدراكها ثم معالجتها وتوظيفها، لا عن طريق فرضها عليه ليتلقّاها بالتلقين
وتهدف السلسلة الى تحقيق تعليم العربية للأطفال بأفضل الوسائل وأحدثها من خلال تمكينهم من الكفايات التالية: الكفاية اللغوية (التي تضم المهارات اللغوية الأربع: الاستماع والكلام والقراءة والكتابة – والعناصر اللغوية الثلاثة: الأصوات والمفردات والتراكيب النحوية) والكفاية الاتصالية (القدرة على الاتصال بأهل اللغة كلاما وكتابة) والكفاية الثقافية (عرض أنماط الثقافة العربية الاسلامية بأسلوب جذاب ومشوق للطفل في هذه السن، وإمداده بألوان من الثقافة العامة المشتركة بين الأطفال في الغرب في هذه المرحلة)
تعتمد السلسلة على اللغة العربية الفصحى، ولا تستخدم أي لهجة من اللهجات العربية العامة ولا تستعين بلغة وسيطة. وتهتدي بأحدث الطرائق والأساليب التي توصل إليها علم تعليم اللغات الأجنبية، مع مراعاة طبيعة اللغة العربية.
القرص الصوتي يباع على حده

I Love The Arabic Language Textbook: Level 1 أحب اللغة العربية كتاب التلميذ


Author: Dr. Al Habeeb Al Affass

Age: Elementary School

ISBN-13: 2355400059

Pages: 64

This series provides a new, integrated approach to teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers and is the first European curriculum to equip students with the skills needed to start speaking Arabic almost immediately. The curriculum uses guide-art methods and techniques recommended by experts in foreign-language instruction and takes into account the unique nature of the Arabic language and its distinct characteristics.


  1. Focuses on the communicative approach
  2. Develops thinking skills
  3. Discusses the culture of the language in an attractive and objective way
  4. Presents real-life situation lessons
  5. Islamic themes

Format: Paperback

Language: Arabic

This series provides a new, integrated approach to teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers and is the first European curriculum to equip students with the skills needed to start speaking Arabic almost immediately. The curriculum uses guide-art methods and techniques recommended by experts in foreign-language instruction and takes into account the unique nature of the Arabic language and its distinct characteristics.


  1. Focuses on the communicative approach
  2. Develops thinking skills
  3. Discusses the culture of the language in an attractive and objective way
  4. Presents real-life situation lessons
  5. Islamic themes

IQRA’ Arabic Reader Text+workbook Level 6

Author: Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah
Publisher: IQRA
Theme: School
Ages: Elementary School
Language: Arabic and English

This Level 6 Book of IQRA’ Arabic Reader graded series is designed to systematically continue teaching Arabic as a second language to English speaking youth who are in their senior years of schooling. This book is suitable for upper senior level students or for those who have completed the study of Level 5 Book of IQRA’ series.